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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. about op question : i do not believe anytime soon also is there any lists of current extended goals after upgrade? We know matchmaking phasing and threat but what else?
  2. make a pumpkin rocket to fly at people like the nyan cat rocket lol
  3. yood is Deceptacon!!! I KNEW IT!!!! but seriously a bigger population is needed so invite your friends and warn them it can be rough for now on matchmaking
  4. chocolate covered coffee beans are yummy I wonder if people would start reporting for those too hyper
  5. Every time i read this I am still wondering where exactly this came from , what you are talking about and ,why this thread is still even a thing to begin with. then i remember......its you. *shrugs*
  6. Fortune Runner


    you were explained to EXTENSIVELY how it does not work and why. when answering you the people on this thread (and other threads) have covered who what when where why and how.. what more is there?? you can stop blaming anyone else now for your shortcomings.
  7. like that doesnt happen anywhere else you go? blame the people doing it and report them.
  8. those games you mention do not have a fossil engine that us horribly spaghetti all over it. and what mess would that be?
  9. Fortune Runner


    no it proves you are a delusional bigot and refuse proper instruction from plenty of people on this thread git gud
  10. you think that's bad they're known for starting Christmas stuff in the stores here next month
  11. Fortune Runner


    this whole time its you who has been trolling. you can stop now. really. stop. You were already answered how you are wrong and why. stop causing drama just because someone didnt agree with you. this thread has been a lot of posts of people trying to explain to you why those are bad ideas. if you want to discuss thne discuss and be willing to listen and respect others who take the time to explain things to you , but if you want to be a bigot then why even bother trying to discuss and just close the thread instead?
  12. I can understand why people use the advanced launcher with how the Engine Upgrade was delayed from bugs needing to be addressed , and how they want to play now. Especially since it was originally expected somewhere around January and April.
  13. all the more reason for your friend to contact support then
  14. There is only one legit source for the APB advanced launcher. https://media.gamersfirst.com/gamersmedia/apb/Advanced_APB_Launcher.zip also your friend will need to contact support on this matter. It can be traced who did this.
  15. Fortune Runner


    i got lag and it erased my post and only posted the last part anyways its never a good idea to do things that didn't work and name and shame only made things worse. many of us do not want this and honestly your petition is a bad idea as well because of it. so no thanks
  16. agreed and agreed I have an idea. probably not a good idea but its an idea have Little Orbit make a new Hawaiian shirt as a reward for who tests each day. figure out how to make them stay to test and not pop in is the problem with that. maybe a custom npc to complete each day.
  17. @Ketog I never had the chance to play riot since no one on Jericho was in there when I had time to play so I want to. but thats just how I am a lot of people refused to help with testing but before that would gripe about wanting to do testing for APB. SKay and Solamente both have valid points about testing but in this case we are talking about APB and how people play in their comfort zone a lot. blind data or not , people need to go in and test regardless and many seemed to gripe on Jericho about wanting missions instead of putting in effort to test.
  18. two different threads on this update I seemed to of confused your post here with the thread over there stating how the first update was not approved and the second one is waiting. this is why extra threads on the same thing is a bad thing. but apparently you didn't read tha thread or you'd know all of this so maybe you should learn to read too ?
  19. Fortune Runner


    People say we need more gm's who can ban. people refuse to spend money on APB to fund new gm's who can ban. then we dont get new gm's who can ban. then people say they want to stop spending until we have new gms who can ban. you are doing a circle that harms - not a good thing. Also do not forget - APB is losing money , it is in the red on spending which means you are pushing us towards failure and not success to have less money to finance APB with.
  20. American football begs to differ. there is overtime regularly in good matchups
  21. Fortune Runner


    we just had people post the past two weeks about bans happening to them. its working but you seem a bit broken
  22. Fortune Runner


    please stop trying to say you speak for me. If i wanted to say something stupid I don't need help on that I do just fine by myself.
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