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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Do you still play? If not come back and go wreck stuff. Its good therapy to cut loose once in a while.
  2. we already have more clowns running around Jericho lately so why not ice cream trucks too so they can make sweet tooth from twisted metal
  3. Once again you are missing my points. Denying parental responsibility is how we got to this point to begin with. To be blunt : stop talking and start reading. I said enough times that I never said not to make proper laws but to also make sure all parts were addressed such as parental responsibility. I don't think anyone said contrary to that. But ScLines implying "loot boxes on APB are evil just because it is elsewhere" is complete bull Why do i think he is implying that? Why else would he be on me thumping so much to conform to him when I never said to not make proper laws. and its possible to do that for free
  4. many people new as well as veteran players over the years have noticed how players are tossed in district , and expects you to know how to even use the tutorial , to be able to use the tutorial to begin with. If some tweaks were made to improve the tutorial mechanics as well as how it functions , like a special tutorial area even if its just a separate instance that starts up the tutorial more clearly , then it could be much more useful. as it is most new players don't notice it and get stuck in action districts not having a clue what to do. don't forget translations for other languages in case that isn't done for it . I don't know if it is or not I'm just saying if its not that is needed too @MattScott this is one of the reasons why I said before to not rule out instances , but if you think of something better by all means go for it. I'm just posting ideas to contribute.
  5. that would be lack of , and the parents denying responsibility. laws don't change anything if you don't hold all parties accountable. and regardless of that , as i already said , I am not about to ban loot boxes or make APB adults only just because of how other games are preadatory and APB is not predatory like other games are and less so thanks to Little Orbit.
  6. It's their responsibility and their credit cards. kinda stops it right there if the credit card isn't handed over for it.
  7. For some reason I thought you were talking where they are now sigh never mind
  8. NO THANK YOU I don't want to be punished for what others cause to me by them dethreating.
  9. I think you missed my point on this. I never said laws aren't in place and/or shouldn't be. Part of the problem is parents not properly parenting. Making more laws while denying parental responsibility does not fix anything. Both have to be addressed or nothing is solved.
  10. They aren't involved until parents give credit cards over...... They arent my kids and their parents need to take responsibility somewhere And regardless of that APB is not predatory like other games and less so thanks to Little Orbit exactly why I said normally. sometimes it just isn't. just trying to clarify for you that im not claiming its always worth it.
  11. As if studies cant be bias? And as if i gamble solely because of loot boxes? No I gamble if I want to gamble and on APB its normally worth it regardless of the outcome. APB isnt predatory like other games and also is even less so thanks to Little Orbit.
  12. there was already two locations for two new contacts made into waterfront long ago remember the two locations at the end of each side of waterfront? most likely those lcoations
  13. Do you have a fan club yet? are you single? The fan club would want to know.....because that was all sorts of awesome. I don't think anyone could of worded that better.
  14. I feel that way but in my case I don't normally go gold in bronze unless carried. I hope we can get phasing and matchmaking soon s that we can get balanced fights.
  15. I knew of one who openly said they only played crim before on Jericho. If they told the truth or not is another matter. oh i chose die for you then or maybe just arrest you sadly i know one who thinks exactly that lol
  16. you were a part of that convo so i included you
  17. I have to disagree enforcers who have sentinel in the fight tend to have an edge in the fight
  18. The people who are saying there are no legit golds in bronze are forgetting that there are dethreaters who do this intentionally. not all golds in bronze are golds , but there are some who intentionally detheat regularly because the enjoy crushing on the players who have no chance. Car bomb + a brick on the gas pedal spammed at you as many times as they can , while they use meta guns that the bronzes and silvers in bronze district just cant compete against..... this is what some are talking about. not every gold in bronze is a real gold , but there are some who go out of their way to be gold there daily who clearly don't belong there, who dethreat daily just to keep doing this. does it really matter if they are a true gold or not? what really matters is a gold in bronze is feeding off of people who stand no chance and detheating to stay there. The threat color doesnt matter but the actions of feeding off of weak ppl and detheating to stay there does.
  19. make sure to select bronze district from the advanced menu so that you play with people of your skill level don't be an patootie to foreigners who don't speak English as their first language
  20. Fortune Runner


    I dont recall anyone saying there were no cheaters. i do recall you demanding you are right on all of this and everyone else is wrong , like any of your other posts.
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