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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. I'm not disagreeing with anyone. I'm only saying reducing rank requirement for 195 mods does not mean much when most bronzes will have no clue how to use them regardless. I hope phasing comes soon.
  2. that got my attention more than anything. i love customization on apb and hope it grows
  3. oh I'm sorry are they supposed to stop work for just you? It has everything to do with the maintenance since is when it begins. The programming doesn't appear on APB to buy G1C without it.
  4. So you expect an update that requires maintenance to happen BEFORE maintenance? Be a little more patient please.
  5. oh god i must be too tired today i just imagined socks car surfing with a dab emote from reading this but yeah something like you suggested sounds good to me
  6. i think the regular vegas is slightly faster. i cant remember though for sure. sounds good to me. hope they can make it to where the slightest bump doesnt flip us too.
  7. Everyone asked for change , but only for things killing them, and for new content that they later complained about. Also because people are being selfish and not properly helping with testing , the Little Orbit staff being trained to know more about gun balance are not learning properly.
  8. i really like those ideas. did you put them in a game suggestion thread yet? if not i think you should.
  9. if its not predatory then it isn't wrong to do. Little Orbit is trying to move away from them regardless which is fine by me.
  10. Little Orbit already did adjust the loot boxes to be reformed and is continuing to do so. you sound like a socialist who only takes away freedom and calls it good to do so.
  11. because spamming guns grenades and car bombs with no repercussions is a horrible idea in a game that needs balance for fun gameplay
  12. I am not so sure about that. I see more of Sentinals than any other enforcer vehicle.
  13. A balance between new content and revamping would be ideal. I'm not all in for one thing or another personally. something that can appease those who have been here and be used to advertise a new small update to make talk outside of APB might work.
  14. APB is not known for making money wit what it currently has. A new car and kits that people would spend money on could help drastically. revamping what we already have only spends money for APB instead of making money to pay the bills
  15. I've heard that before but no one really told me what on 4x4 needs to be nerfed and why.
  16. So in other words....assumptions. Ok that's fine too. But people need to understand that assumptions even if they come true does not equal truth. After all its possible that anything planned can still fail. Life changes whether we want it to or not. As for hope dying last. nah hope doesn't die last we do. We give up at times when its time for us to give up , we stand up when its time to stand. We laugh , we cry , we breathe We exist because We Are. Fallen Earth needs a new engine. As long as there is funding to upgrade , its not over. And even then its possible for either Little Orbit to , or someone else to pick it up and make Fallen Earth 2 : Outlands
  17. Fortune Runner


    Are you seriously acting like a child now? "I'm right and you're wrong" really? We literally spelled it out for you in our posts. too many to quote so go read them again.
  18. That is fine to have your own opinion , however trying to beat people down until they conform to you is wrong. can you stop please? As for my opinion - most of what I said is facts. There is a reason why my opinion will not call everything evil. I try my best to base my opinions on truth. By the way aren't you the guy who did this exact thread a year ago? Because this argument of yours is word for word of that other time.
  19. People who have addiction problems choose it. The only ones who can be helped are the ones who want help. Parents who have a credit card should not give it to their children for loot boxes. The parents are responsible for that. Every time you say "Think of the children" you remind me of the Simpsons. Stop refusing to take responsibility and pushing the blame elsewhere. As for predatory monetization , where in APB is that done to milk us? As an example : To say killing someone is evil so self defense is evil is bull shit. The same goes for loot boxes that are not milking us for predatory monetization on APB which has already been shown its a M rating plus parents are responsible for their own children BY LAW can you just stop now please?
  20. do you really have to make micro print? lol
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