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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. very true. I'm just talking about how its being implied that its a toxic mess I don't recall anyone on mic or typing in chat raging toxic like that.
  2. some players were banned for the spray tags they created at one time g1 said they were ok , but then changed their minds and banned a few people. So no chocolate covered strawberries for the ladies? not as uncommon as you think. multiple friends n family dont like potatoes in general unless they are crunchy
  3. while Fallen Earth is being taken offline , keep in mind it is from instability Also keep in mind the upgrade for fallen Earth will be worked on in the server downtime THE FALLEN WILL RISE AGAIN !!!
  4. Did you make a support ticket and send this to them?
  5. Victorian Simpsons ....... how does that fit with wanting to make APB T rating?
  6. sadly theres a few who did just that. i feel bad for them agreed with all of this
  7. when were you playing? right after maintenance? how was it a cheater? so were they frustrated that a team mate was shooting them? id shoot my team mate over that as well. yes teams can call in backup. its a part of APB were they just good and killing you? yesterday it was announced on other games online that there were DDoS attacks on certain internet providers so youre a sore loser as well as a sore winner? mmkay thanks
  8. op is known for hating apb but never leaving because its their fix when someone goes out of their way to be bitter , one does not have to accept it as well , when accepting it would be allowing it into ones own heart as well.
  9. please dont go off on anymore weird tangents also without drug busts in apb what are you going to do? arrest people for jaywalking?
  10. reminds me of someone playing gta 5 then going on a crime spree because they wanted it in real life tldr they were already nuts
  11. ok I read your posts and i cant help but to ask where did all of this come from with you because you do not make sense and it is more than just me confused.
  12. contact support and let them know. Q&A says it counts if support knows and is talking with you
  13. I'm not about to blame APB for what people individually choose to do. and running with an item is a valid option even if its against me alig exists for a reason if you want a game with no conflict then any type of game with competition will not work....and be super boring
  14. only 11? shouldnt you have more by now? like 100 ?? I mean its what ppl do. its THE THING to do lol ok ok ill stop teasing. I forgot how some ppl were unjustly banned and had to make a 2nd or how others did to test out things on apb.
  15. got any more reasons? (out of curiosity) also unrelated question : would you eat chocolate mashed potato Edit forgot to link recipe pointed out to me i think its weird https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/237495/white-chocolate-vanilla-mashed-potatoes/
  16. ok how the #%@# did you make that happen? I've never seen it bug out like that before wow i am impresed
  17. thank you for letting me know. i appreciate it
  18. it depends entirely on if you enjoy playing apb right now a lot of changes have happened and a global networking is being setup as well which will change things even more so. personally i believe it is worth coming back to play
  19. I don't get that problem. maybe its because I'm not into potato graphics
  20. is he talking about *gasp* sex??? i agree with yood, please explain wow
  21. i do not believe banned names will be released i believe thats the users choice like kempington not sure sorry
  22. for as long as i can remember APB , it has always been said that with the spaghetti coding , you fix one thing you break two. heres to hoping the engine upgrade and this spaghetti mess get cleaned up soon
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