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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. that still does not answer what i asked so that op can read it.
  2. but still how to not ban a gaming mouse but ban a macro script user OP needs to know.
  3. Good. Now for someone to answer ; how to not ban a gaming mouse but ban a macro script user ? OP said they aren't being banned so that's why I asked these two questions so that OP can see what and why things happen the way they do easier.
  4. Okay I am curious too , but for a different reason. I want to find out if they did that tradition to save the wedding cake top to eat a year later like some do , and if it was nasty tasting or not if they did. Cause a 1 year old cake top isn't going to taste good normally...
  5. source? That would be Gamersfirst not Little Orbit not doing their job.
  6. How to tel the difference between a gaming mouse and a macro script
  7. Skitty answered one of the things I was thinking. If one seeks knowledge one has to ask. Also who says a riot shield can stop 100% damage ? It has yet to be made and determined....
  8. because of preference ? I'm just asking opinions to figure out if its a good idea or not.
  9. are you factoring in health and grenades ? if done properly it can change the game without breaking it and add a new strategy style instead. Edit : assuming that some day they can organize our gear to be easier to find by sorting and/or favorites , it would be easy to switch to percs to annoy those riot shield holders then.
  10. if a riot shield was added it would have to take place of the primary since only a secondary could be used with it. we already have tanky vehicles but a riot shield tank would make a good counter to a corner shotgun fanatic.
  11. thats what happened last time too. but seriously....what doe sop want to buy?
  12. that would be a riot shield not a deployable shield then. similar but diffrent
  13. no. they would stumble their coding over each other doing the same thing. unproductive and waste of money and time. You do know Little Orbit has only been here a little over a year now and clearly didn't neglect the game to this state right?
  14. title : Two-factor authentication recovery. content : How to restore two-factor authentication. my answer : I do not know either. I'm sorry. But I translated so others can help you. google translate
  15. My only complaint is i want to test but no one is in there. Edit : perhaps we should arrange a day and time for those of us who want to test to meet up in there?
  16. Some people are toxic to begin with however others are reacting to how you act as well. It is a common denominator in society and how people functions. With that said can you tone it down please? sure some people upset you but it is coming off as you taking it out on the rest of us. Yes there are some cheaters. Ctadel has more than Jericho for some reason. and there will always be cheaters since no anti cheat is 100% effective. also keep in mind APB has a uniqueness to it and even if you are excellent at other games it is easy to get completely defeated here because of its own game mechanics. Not everyone is cheating. Some guns shoot more accurate than others , and some are made for close range only. knowing what gun to use in what situation helps. Little Orbit is a small company that has to fix APB as a whole. The game engine has not been updated to even unreal engine's 3.5 version yet so that they can update to the unreal 4.0+ engine (the most updated current one) Wit that said , all funding is currently going to fixing core mechanics of the game that must be done first. They can not afford to moderate chat when that funding is desperately needed to fix the foundation of APB so that other things like encryption and other such means of stopping cheaters can be done I'm not sure if they plan to encrypt it is just an example. Currently the SPCT team made of players who knows APB mechanics is testing the 3.5 engine Upgrade. with out the 3.5 Engine Upgrade done nothing else can move forward. with that said , if someone is being toxicly offensive use /report and their name in game and report them under griefing for the chat. keep in mind if you are being offensive too it can affect you as well. with all of that said : welcome to APB and the forums. nice to see new faces.
  17. SPCT are still testing. confirmed by MattScott and multiple SPCT on numerous occasions including I believe 2 days ago by a couple SPCT talking in threads that there is still testing.
  18. and its not. why are you saying otherwise is beyond me.
  19. APB is a free to play game. if it switched to a subscription we would lose roughly 90% of our player base immediately from that. If this is correct then no thank you.
  20. Darkzero3802 the phasing does not match you against just one district. It matches you against all instances of that district. You are trying to talk about what you do know about today saying that tomorrow is the same when phasing is different than what currently is done. Little Orbit themselves have said on multiple occasions they are going to rework phasing , matchmaking , and the threat system to fix many problems it gives us. Why you repeatedly choose to ignore that is beyond me.
  21. a lot of time has not passed it has been since Wednesday , and they found some bugs from it that need to be addressed to fix APB. Its affecting all of us please let them do their jobs.
  22. well since I am also the one who said Little Orbit had to right to unban when they did , I'd say yeah you're wrong about me. not to mention this is possibly the first we have talked before so yeah shush
  23. not only are the test districts empty to where i cant help test but quite a few dethreated golds are feeding off of others in bronze with those guns now
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