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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. There is a trash talking meant to tease and jest and then there is a trash talking meant to inflict pain hurt and sorrow to enjoy others suffering. I personally am unaware of which he did in APB I have only witnessed his griefing which was very bad at times. anyways to be clear to everyone , I am neutral on this topic. I am not talking sides and I am only here to discuss.
  2. to be fair it is also possible to blur the line on those two in the opposite fashion as well.
  3. chicken parmesan please pretty much this. it has to take into account who is available and with phasing it should take in everybody in all similar districts available for a more fair matchmaking hopefully that phasing can also link us across the pond to those who have good enough connection as well for a even larger matchmaking pool.
  4. if you have a credit card history you can then prove you bought it. right now you are the only one who can prove anything. also there is a thread that show customer support wait times that is updated each month. while customer support is not as fast as other places , it is getting faster and this thread will show what the average wait time is
  5. I would NEVER delete the noob rank I would however rework it to apply better for the noobs so that they get fair matches telling a noob he has to be a higher rank than what he truly is , is what caused this mess on APB as much as anything else so no thank you. popcorn for when it happens please Merged. I've seen a few 266s bronzes in bronze (one in particular is 255 from throwing missions intentionally while being non afk) The ones I am referring to cant hit the ops unless they get lucky , and a few suggested 20 fps or less. in this case the 255 really does not indicate skill. thats why I am hoping for phasing to come soon so that people get matched up better to equal opponents
  6. Ok I just wasn't sure of your own words on this matter. carry on. just to clarify , I was not commenting because of bans mentioned by other people. To be honest , you did do the dump truck blocking and major mission interference often within the past couple months ago until recently. It is most likely that a stack of reports built up from that so they banned you because of it. This may be a permanent ban , however Little Orbit does reverse bans for those who want to reintegrate into society in a productive and non destructive manner. It's up to you if you want to be a better person or not. knocking on someone for working? What do you thin pays for APB?
  7. Little Orbit has plans for reworking phasing and matchmaking to where people get paired with those of the same skills phasing is scheduled to happen after the Engine upgrade , which is getting closer to public testing
  8. the work is already in progress its not like it can be done overnight
  9. I believe MattScott posted that on the old forums before they were nuked. but yes that is how I remember it being said as well.
  10. Because people got older , grew up got married jobs etc and stopped staying up all night to play. But yes there's less players at the moment , but we do see new people on Jericho regularly lately. A few of us took the time to not play to train new people coming into APB on Jericho. After the Engine Upgrade is finished and then phasing/matchmaking as well as gun balancing and other fixes it would be easier to keep new players and for APB to grow more easily. Until then I would suggest inviting your friends to come play with you at the same time you are on.
  11. Technically he did not answer in his own words other people did. I am merely seeking his own answer in his own words.
  12. yeah thats what i meant by mailbox error. sorry i should of been more thorough in what i was saying
  13. I guess you don't understand that blocking contacts to chase people off of APB loses out on more money potential than anything he spent as well as kills off APB as a whole. I'll assume it has to do with your name
  14. He did it a lot more than 2 times
  15. who are you pissing off to be griefed like that? I rarely come across large amount of griefers the way you are describing , and as for LilWonka he went out of his way to regularly. honest question : Why are you still here on the forums if you don't care and you are leaving regardless of banned or not? Why not just leave and be done with it?
  16. the merger was because it was a server that was not G1 but privately run and Little Orbit took in those orphans. it was an honorable thing to do. From what Little Orbit has said as well as SPCT the Engine Upgrade is coming along and they are getting close to us being able to test it as well you sound racist
  17. I like your ideas. True but I also hope after critical updates needed for APB like phasing , matchmaking and other things , that a physics overhaul is made for hair and clothing I do not believe the current engine can , but the Engine Upgrade should be able to as long as the physics engine is updated to be able to. no you have to share and let others have it too. but yes I second this - it would most likely be a popular addition with how a touch chick would fit APB perfectly
  18. talk to any Japanese guy and they'll disagree Is it possible that it is just a mail error? it happened with other migrations from G1 in the past.
  19. Hey CookiePuss since you know enough people with good rigs can you get some people together to make a few builds setups of what you guys have in a tutorial thread? I'm asking because this topic seems to come up every couple of weeks and especially since the market changed so many do not know what to buy or to upgrade anymore.
  20. 1 that video made you come off as a possible creeper 2. if you majorly grief people multiple times especially if you block contacts then it interferes with the APB district as a whole. 3. possible other infractions could affect their decisions as well including this thread on if you can return via "Little Orbits appeals court"
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