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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. well at least its moving forward even if it is wobbly like too much ale
  2. programming is not that simple nor are the servers. they are still setting servers up. you cant have separate threat without servers for said threat. thats what is going on currently.
  3. no change in matchmaking will benefit us without people for matchmaking to begin with , and we lost people because of no engine upgrade. even now we have forum lurkers waiting for the upgrade before they come back and play SPCT and Little Orbit said they were still testing from new bugs found, so it will be ready when it is ready and when the upgrade is put to live districts , people will once again play and expect it all fixed just like they expected that as soon as Little Orbit bought APB its going to be bumpy for a while but once the upgrade happens and then the plans for matchmaking and threat are done , we should see an improvement in gameplay , however much or little that may be
  4. SPCT team is testing the engine still so there are players who are witnesses that yes little Orbit is trying so maybe have a change of heart and come play?
  5. pretty much this. maybe someone go in to socialize in testing districts or to *GASP* play a normal mission on a normal account. the community loves stuff like that and would go in there for it.
  6. Fortune Runner

    An Error

    wow how old is your card? I have never seen that before
  7. if any of you use any launcher that is not from Little Orbit then you risk being banned. if any of you get any launcher from a 3rd party site then it is not a legit launcher. if any of you use any 3rd party bot of any kind then you can be banned you need to contact support .
  8. technically that's a month ago , and also hes not trolling hes the CEO .... wow how did you miss that ? lol did you check your ticket? he gave a perfectly reasonable response. I have to agree its very surprising to me as well that the highest person in the company has personally offered his assistance and rudeness was given in reply. the report system was flooded before with fake reports and it used to take over 3 months due to that sabotage. now the support system is very much faster , however simply reporting someone does not mean there is enough evidence and it does not mean they are guilty , or deserving a either.
  9. yesterday , me being silver , still would take 5 to 10 minutes to get a match at times. its a mess right now. i feel bad for the golds forced to sit around. some waited longer than 30 yesterday and were just socializing in between matches. dont forget the engine upgrade will not fix anything directly , but will give us the means to have a foundation to finally fix things , and of course new content like you mentioned
  10. some did. you scare me unfortunately we cant please everyone , especially those who like feeding off of bronzes when they are gold
  11. some of us are "ocd" about buying everything even though we aren't ocd ... its that completionist thing like on final fantasy games. either way yes i agree with you. and yes the ones like that behavior do come off as entitled to some of us as well. its not just you who wonder why they do that. not everyone has money thats fine. but for me in particular i wish i owned EVERYTHING. too bad we dont have a storage as well as a way to organize or storage for that.
  12. @Sakebee I want to know too it helps me figure out what recipes people may like when i share them
  13. that gets posted as soon as there is time. flights , meetings , and other such things make it hard to get posted. with that said
  14. FTFY Collectors do...... its a thing even here on APB With that said I hope we can do something about storage so we can have them all plus organize them
  15. star is a very decent gun and its the starter gun. tap firing the star instead of just holding down the fire button will make it function better as well
  16. APB - isn't everything tradable ( including market ) or did i miss something ? Non APB - boyfriends n girlfriends
  17. yep i missed it thanks i had seen the post before and seen the post after weird
  18. lets not sink a company on a rework that was unplanned when other projects were already in the works. spreading too thin would only be harmful. I'm not saying blind trust , but I am saying there's a lot more than just us going on so we need to be reasonable
  19. did anyone have any ideas for new lovegun skins? or only just the guns? both might be nice.
  20. ........... what did i just read nevermind I don't want to know
  21. dump truck wars..... now hat would be a fun mission to do Edit : posts were changed about how getting districts up wouldn't bring in new players or old ones , so my post wouldn't make much sense. whomever put the confused , thanks or i wouldnt of known. witchqueen did a dump truck war on one of the videos on youtube it looked fun
  22. or they could , you know, just finish on the networking ?
  23. I dont care where it is currently hosted since the fact is Little Orbit is working on the networking that they discussed with the community for a year or so now and its finally happening. If we can get a build for the Engine Upgrade as well that we can go live with , without bugs and with SPCT stamp of approval , then that should be even better for all of this.
  24. l lol I don't mind something added for aesthetic value since it makes APB more desirable for bringing new players in but that is not aesthetic like bimbos getting their lips mega swollen huge ugh no thanks hopefully engine testing is moving forward. I'm not sure if a bug made things stuck again.
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