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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. engine upgrade , then phasing matchmaking and threat reworked , and maybe we can get a good spike in population or even better for them to stay. and of course new content would be needed , which is why i try to encourage the community to come up with stuff so that its funner for all of us. really like the idea of dump truck wars lol
  2. a lot more people talk about joker tickets for flare guns. I see people use them more often now.
  3. some of that is bias opinion. in some cases it prolongs but in some cases it makes the difference ( some golds on this thread even said so ) enforcer can arrest then kill the detainee to lose n 5
  4. bbqs are better when with more people so of course i would wouldnt be the first time. dump truck duels..... car shows..... races ( until we ever get a track ) ...... so yes. apb news remember? thats witchqueen
  5. if you want yard work done it helps to get others involved then have a bbq after. so working together for new events helps. witchqueen already does that , and what witchquuen did works. if the community ( us ) make a moody salty forums then we have to stop doing that and poof its a better forums. just do our part is all i ask. I wish I want car kits and I could get them then. I get scolded by them too much so I doubt theyd ever want to. I mean its me so ......
  6. i keep hearing that from friends too apparently its pretty fun for them so make it more fun ?
  7. not a complete waste. being able to think and act under that kind of pressure is important as well like knowing your surroundings and being able to work with it and also to keep moving and work with those areas as you go as well. thinking on your feet is just as important - its how the military function and succeeds.
  8. yes yes and yes. I used to die almost immediately from a bounty from that pressure but now i can last a couple minutes under that pressure. I have never made it to 5 minutes though especially when getting swarmed. but that conditioning for the pressure of it has helped immensely for the rest of APB as well so I don't choke up as much from that pressure like other non gold people do no pain no gain mentality
  9. if you mean me in particular , ive said it would be nice if it didn't interfere with missions but that i understood why those in bronze wanted it still. with phasing and matchmaking coming soon ( hopefully ) the old bounty system just isnt good to keep. middle ground is needed not the way it is now and certainly not like we had before. ram raiding. then i wait for the fun of being swarmed ( or even provoke people ) i miss that open conflict we had
  10. you do get extra cash payouts as well as an ego boost if you do well. but yeah some of you just like it easier and put people down for not thinking the same. and yes i do enjoy getting a bounty on me during mission so i have more to shoot at some of us liked the chaos open conflict district we had where everyone was red on the opposite faction and theres a thread on it from back when we had it.
  11. Bounty's exist on other games , however those other games do not let bounty's interfere with missions , but instead activate them out of missions. As for some golds saying bounty's not fun .... a bounty is the best way apb currently has for a survival mission. certain golds on this thread saying its too hard when they slaughter everyone else makes it seem like they just want it easier for them. ( especially golds in bronze ) but like I have been saying , it would be nice if bounty's were able to be caught after missions , and that they do not interfere with missions it would also be nice if there was more things to do out of missions , though i am unsure what exactly
  12. congratulations you can now relate to how bronzes and silvers feel when golds dethreat. ( slightly different of course ) that @#%% was always here , it didn't magically appear from Little Orbit. Other than punctuation here and there , I did not see anything wrong with this post. You have my banana stamp of approval. nom nom away. ( I had a banana with a sticker in front of me shush )
  13. 3 days is not that late to me since some people have work projects they leave town and travel for like construction jobs do. and yes some middle ground on bountys would be nice because right now it mostly does nothing but gives a little extra cash and those of us who took pride in bounty hunting are high and dry
  14. you can search with google as well as an old thread on here from a year or so ago no one said anything about violating the eula. it was mentioned over news articles where people won from being wronged over ip they bought on games. two very different things
  15. if you can sue over ugly children you can sue for anything else
  16. its been in the news for years Edit : I need to add this doesn't mean its a slam dunk case that is easy to win of course. news goes both ways but any lawsuit is bad for a company in general is my main point.
  17. laws says otherwise for ip bought in a game. court cases already happened and won in the past for things like this happening
  18. prove that I would know they cheat otherwise I would sue for defamation of character and destruction of my property I paid for
  19. your mentality is disturbingly like the ones who justify themselves cheating and saying its anyone else's fault for their actions. a decent computer and a decent internet connection are required for most games. how you think a cheat is needed for gold is beyond me
  20. the community also asked for patch notes like this so that we would be more aware.
  21. real friends suffer blood sweat and tears together to make things better as a team. get to work lol
  22. lets not forget peoples memory's can play tricks on them and it may not in fact be as fun.
  23. when you stop causing the servers to lag ? Edit : oh cmon it was a joke even bungo got it and said its impossible which is why i put the laughing icon on his post you guys need to loosen up lol
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