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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. there's some on here who did complain exactly as KnifuWaifu jested. they complained saying it was unplayable when segregation was broken and now they are complaining now as well. I dont know if there's anything that can please those people in particular. a little off topic but relevant : I hope this means we can get an upgrade soon , then phasing can be worked on and other stuff that goes along with this thread , and we can move forward finally.
  2. we have had 3 plus social before the segregation broke. chop chop get to work
  3. why didnt you go in a new district and get more in there? it picks up when people come on and see more opened up and occupied
  4. ok ty. i wonder if it might be tangled up in a coded mess like some of it was.
  5. then you haven't been on at the right times. I've played in waterfront any time I felt like it this past week. did you do a bug report yet? they may not know yet.
  6. I agree I also would like to suggest that there have been enough weapon trials for people to know (mostly) what they want and should just buy one. most of us are not new here at all , and clearly know what is good , hence my suggestion.
  7. absolutly true. as for foreign languages i couldn't care less what they speak because just like anyone else , ill shoot at them regardless when they are ops
  8. I do not recall anyone saying phasing will "solve" the matchmaking issues , but I do know it has been said it will give a larger opposition pool to select from which would make it easier many modern games already do similar tactics Little Orbit originally thought the Engine Upgrade would be much easier , since g1 did not tell them the truth on how bad it was. The upgrade being setback from new issues discovered is why we do not have phasing yet since the upgrade is needed to be able to handle it properly that is why after phasing matchmaking and threat are reworked , that we need some means of getting players to come to APB other than inviting friends and posting elsewhere to come play APB I do not really know what to do about it
  9. its an elder scrolls joke.... oblivion , skyrim etc it means theres a bucket on your head and you cant see and people snuck right by you
  10. russians have played APB for years..... please take the bucket off of your head lol
  11. I do not recall Little Orbit ever doing a poll. there are plenty of player polls , but I do not recall any from Little Orbit might of been 2014. hard to remember since it has been so long , but either way pretty much this ^^^^^^
  12. until there is a phasing matchmaking and threat rework there must be segregation , or those people who could not play this past month would stop playing permanently. 1 most of the players do not post on the forums , and we lost half our players during the no segregation this past month. 2 it was a lot more than 5 people on the forums saying they hated no segregation , and more than one thread Little Orbit has always announced that a rework including phasing was planned. please stop acting like they did not.
  13. couldnt agree more I mean why arent they now then ?
  14. look at these people on this thread who ignore that a month ago there was a thread on no segregation and how many would not play from not wanting to stomp bronzes , as well as bronzes who simply got tired of being stomped. not like we didnt just barely get segregation back or anything for them to come back and play again.
  15. a good amount of g1's openness was actually intentional lies. Little Orbit to me has done more work on this Engine Upgrade than g1 did. SPCT and continuous work is evidence of that.
  16. I buy because i like , and I grind with what I like whether I buy or not is irrelevant to grind. that does not make me botter to buy. you smell bad. take a bath. nice long soak.
  17. youre that slow ??? it will be ready when it is ready. Little Orbit has been very open about how much of a spaghetti coding mes APB is , in more detail than most companies do. changing the coding too much now means rebuilding the testing build all over again and that can impact bug solving drastically. in the past G1 was not attempting to do so and only made more bugs instead.
  18. well of course I have to ask you since you said to remove it all. If its ever getting reworked then I do not think they would remove anything.
  19. sadly any type of alig / shaw gun seems to be under used to kill cars with. people became stuck on the meta for killing their ops and ignored killing vehicles medusa is a decent weapon but it mainly depends on your handling of it and your playstyle that goes with the handling. i would do a boot camp training practice with shaws and aligs first to get used to them for training so that you are ready for any medusa or euryale you choose later.
  20. by any chance you wouldn't be on medicine for Narcissism would you? either way its a rhetorical question. i dont want to know. try to chill you've been riding people a bit strong on this thread. in bronze district it has always been used to counter against the golds. they have a right to play and level contacts. they have every right to be upset over todays golds stopping them from having a chance themselves to play. as for the change it would only interfere in matches once phasing , threat , and matchmaking are finally done. i just hope it happens soon somehow.
  21. oh you mean when you had a bias opinion against those in bronze district and basically told them they are wrong and you are right on what they go through with bounty's even though its them and not you? oh and sorry unlike you i was busy getting work done because i have a life lol smh cant even go 24 hours without posting just for you huh? lol whatever and yes you really should take your own advice so go re read the thread. guess i never posted that on this thread...
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