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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. move pig to cop rank 15 ( gives time to adjust alter when there's time ) if there isn't one then make a secondary close to how pig functions ( but so it sucks even after pig is adjusted ) less whining moaning and groaning this way might actually stop this argument from happening anymore * and no I don't want pig to have 11 or 12 shots omg no that was only a joke on that other thread *
  2. @MattScott @Sakebee with how support is a week delay I'll call attention for you. This should ping their notifications and call for them to make them aware you need them.
  3. I am north America. I should of said that earlier as well. I hope this get solved for you soon. good luck.
  4. * looks at posts above and thinks wth rofl * guys don't forget to not just wash your hands , but doorknobs , sinks and faucets , showers and counters anywhere you touch can/will be infected. getting the high traffic parts of your home will help as well as yourself. heres what is being reported that kills coronavirus https://www.consumerreports.org/cleaning/common-household-products-that-can-destroy-novel-coronavirus/
  5. i just checked and they were up. hmm this one is puzzling. if you couldn't run APB at all id say verify files. you could always try that just in case . back when this comp was new mcafee was on it (wasn't time to change that garbage yet) it blocked me from connecting even though it ran APB . let us know if/when you solve it and how. we need this logged for the future.
  6. what type of anti virus do you use? some mess with games and if yours updated and does that like mcafee then it could of tampered with its own settings to block apb
  7. which would be another reason why i don't know Little Orbits stance on it. but as for the confederate flag , its always been flown there.
  8. they have to try balancing to fix broken guns and mechanics so we can move forward. APB will not survive staying the same in todays market. its a 10+ year old game no opinion on n tec.
  9. https://www.dictionary.com/e/politics/confederate-flag/ The Confederate flag is a flag that was used by the seceded Southern states, or the Confederacy, during the Civil War. While the Confederacy used three different flags, the flag most commonly called the Confederate flag was its battle flag. While for some the Confederate flag is a statement of Southern pride, over the years it has come to be viewed by many as an offensive and racist symbol. I am uncertain on Little Orbits stance on the confederate flag since the white supremacist group that was started by the democrats use it as a hate symbol even though its meaning is for the south and southern pride and misused by the white supremacist group for hate.
  10. lol are you going to post that vid any time i I wish they would add a mod so we could use our themes on rockets
  11. yes i did search but didn't find anything definite for his timeline. when in doubt ask. thank you.
  12. actually it was : I've already talked about the new joker box , but I guess you didn't bother to read that even though you keep quoting me. *shrugs* as for the gun on a different thread i posted how i wish they made a video of it. months ago i posted the same as how i feel about the boxes (like when i said multiple threads , it applies to both of those) btw I prefer dogs , but cats are ok too. just no birds please. too noisy. I have enough of them outside. nice t hear them but not all the time. no thanks.
  13. it seems more to me but I can not tell for certain if there is a noticeable impact on more JT
  14. The thread started was on the gun RHD LS1 "Corsair" and the joker box. so yes talking about joker boxes and/or the gun is relevant to the thread. Maybe not to you , but it is.
  15. when was the timeline for when Little Orbit added clothes? I forget if they added any while OP was gone.
  16. posting information , to make sure people know important information , is posting for other people. its a forum thread. you drowning it out with odd ramblings didn't help matters so i posted it for their sake not yours. there's people who even now still don't know that. as for joker boxes i have explained on multiple threads how i don't really care for the joker boxes but how they have to make their money somehow and hope they do away with them soon as planned. its not the first time you said they are evil , you've done that on multiple threads too so yes i have explained multiple times. nice of you to assume I'm only talking about joker tickets which i got from the boxes before in the past when G1 was here back then. perhaps calming down might help you. and like I've also said i get that you don't like joker boxes but the odd ramblings you did really did make you come off as a weird cat lady. if that is considered abusive and aggressive towards you for simply talking , then i would suggest stepping away from the computer because i am far from attempting to be aggressive towards you. I'm simply talking and not even attempting to intentionally offend anyone. New Yorkers and Australian people talk much worse on a regular basis and even then its not that offensive compared to someone intentionally trying to be offensive and hurtful towards anyone. I get along with them fine so I suppose its because of how I'm just used to them. but since you're offended ill be polite and apologize because it was not an intent to offend , just a statement how you came off odd to me. as for tossing in a discord comment out of the blue , that's odd to toss in here as well (not to mention an attempt to attack and offend which it fails to bother me much since I have thicker skin) , assuming it is the same discord that Matt Scott himself said he didn't want to go back to for how abusive they were. that doesn't really mean much to me then if it is the same discord considering what type of people would upset him that much when he is such a nice person who he and Little Orbit staff try so hard for us. that means how they tried for Fallen Earth too by the way , but that programming was a worse state than APB and hopefully it can someday be fixed to start up again. fun times. tl:dr thats nice.
  17. I think so too. annoyed at you though now i want cake lol
  18. op was talking about how he wants more JT , similar to how a month or two ago they said the same to et more free stuff back then it was crying over wanting even more for free in the same threads as how we get JT on missions now and this time it seems similar to that.
  19. that doesn't work out too well unless you sneak around a corner to get them. most missions do not seem to give that opportunity often. now if you mean only when used properly then yes assuming there isnt lag and the person can aim. but as a whole , it doesnt go so well.
  20. new bugs were found and worked on so not yet but many fixed that would of been a disaster otherwise. some balancing has happened possibly more on the way.... but funny? a nyan rocket would be funny to me. no game can possibly do that but there has been less blatant cheaters. engine is taking priority along with holiday events when they get in the way,
  21. grenades were definitely being abused and should of been fixed ages ago. I still see it you are beyond bias just stop please. many of us noticed this not just SPCT relying on abused grenade spam is noobish so yes well deserved to call someone a noob then for it.
  22. good thing : blow the world up and don't get arrested for it (most enf don't use LTL with how hard it is to arrest ) stay safe people.
  23. I wont ask for it to be even easier otherwise who pays for items and funds APB when they can get it for free ? Little Orbit made it easier to get free stuff . That's good enough for me.
  24. did not expect Little Obit to take this strong of a stance. I expected playing it safe , and somewhat expected it to be posted by somebody about wash your hands and avoiding gatherings etc , but not the premium to help comfort us on our end as well. thank you.
  25. not hard to figure out that anyone on here talks to multiple people It is an an online forums weird cat lady if you cook anywhere near like you complain (tossing a bunch of complaints together in a rant) then expect it to be good for everyone , then i hope you have good insurance
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