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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. quite seriously....what? I want a jellybean threat. because "wth color is that" might get people to realize more colors wont do what they think since ppl will be good regardless and that might be hysterical when they get killed randomly from it - imagine a streamer doing a wth face then dying lol
  2. from those whom I've talked to in game , many bronzes do not have a graphics card other than built in which isn't really good
  3. wait are you talking about the old engine or the new one. because the new engine should let us do foundation repair. we are probably overthinking this and should just wait and see. too many what ifs. a decade ago they tried lot of weird stuff in any topic. look at some of the "gourmet food" they come up with. or the clothes no one wore. seriously got weird even for weird back then.
  4. like i said. pretty much this. but also redesigning a house doesnt mean you rip out the house and foundation either. theres no easy answer to this and only time can truly tell.
  5. pretty much this . but it should also help go towards more fair and be better than today at least. for it to truly become more fair we would need more players for an even better pooling.
  6. illgot everything i said already happened. and you still have nothing against that happening that denies that. Instead you're saying it already happens by detheating so lets make it worse. Little Oribt announced phasing to prevent this so e can have even better matchmaking yet you want it even more so only to satisfy yourself even though it would only get worse and kill APB. There's a reason why we lost half our population in December but you conveniently ignore that out of selfishness. I will never intentionally support anything that is unfair to players and/or makes APB worse and this one is already proven to do so by December's history.
  7. never fails. every month you post the same thing even though its already been seen what happened in December. you mention opinions as facts however i mentioned what results already happened. you really do push to be able to farm people way too much. this is why i hope the engine upgrade and phasing happens soon. less whining from people about matches that they arent getting because they should be allowed to farm bronzes easier smh
  8. not the same thing and you know it and it also didn't change what i said which did in fact happen.
  9. not true. a thread on this was complaining by all threat levels and it was pretty popular at the time. as for bronzes not knowing fake golds from real golds , either way they shouldn't be paired against bronzes no matter the gold level. your point is irrelevant. no it was bronzes vs golds. the old thread from around December states this from multiple people even from golds commenting on it happening at the time.
  10. wow i cant imagine spamming that long. normally it takes a min or two for me yes nevermind that the newbies were crushed and that golds were bored when segregation was broken chasing people off , which was by far worse than today's amount of people.
  11. all i can suggest * is to invite friends and other people to come play apb * not guaranteed to work since they would have to stay
  12. if the new engine upgrade allows event districts to be randomized easier then it would not be an issue.
  13. Everything in the universe is either a potato, or not a potato. aren't french fries both? I thought this might get delayed further , or even not at all from budgeting. nice surprise.
  14. jump on top. you will need the car surfer mod to be able to ride on top as it moves. social district and your contacts has those mods. if you have joker tickets you can get car surfer for a few days from social district , or if you have it unlocked then contacts will have a permanent car surfer mod to buy.
  15. I spoke from personal experience of going through that and you say its irrelevant? Were you even here for that bug when it happened ? There are others on the forums who remembered that bug when this was brought up , however I do not know yet if its on the new forums or the old forums. Either way , what you are saying does not work in the benefit for crims anywhere near productively as you wish it did. btw how many people actually are a crim and own a nano that you say is a necessity for what you want ? Be a little more realistic please. Why would crims need that nightmare again , and this time for a paid for gun , that would clearly leave Little Orbit at fault for guaranteeing that crims lose , just as in the past when the bug happened? Others pointed out that there are guns that can stun all over the forums (and some sarcasm on this thread) that are not LTL. Do you play that way with those ? Most players don't try to stun the way you are talking because it literally takes too long to kill and the various other reasons already mentioned. Anyways I lived through that , and I will never say to do the same thing again that clearly does not work ,and even more so in a way that legally could/would put Little Orbit at fault for. No thank you.
  16. its already said MattScott's beard is magical but I haven't heard about his hands
  17. speaking of tails do they have bodysuits? so many bunny girls with no proper outfit for them. that would probably be popular with a bunny tails well.
  18. I have to disagree because detheating would cause those not meant to go up in color to do so , then they get abused no different than when we did not have segregation. It basically is another way of the same problem we have now , dethreating to get easier ops then watch the ops get destroyed. Sorry no thank you. Merged. Cheating does exist but not as blatant as before but no anti cheat can block 100% either. As for cheating in general , yes I noticed a blatant one this pat month , however I have not seen that player name ever since so they may of been banned . I do not know. The ones who claim dethreqating is not a problem seem to be the ones who do so However some of the ones complaining have openly admitted they do so as well yet they are the pot calling the kettle black Matchmaking is broken due to a low population and how points work etc. MattScott mentioned a rework is needed but I do not recall details anymore on what was planned.
  19. it would be stiff as a board until physics and bones were added to the tail. most likely people would love it regardless
  20. Ive seen a few players who love doing lovers suicides when that happens. car bombs grenades on cars etc. other crims are merciful and kill other crims before arrest for a quick respawn. and thats if the enf team members don't kill the stunned crim before they can be arrested they might just do it for you.
  21. in game a few people said that they liked it. I'm curious since its a new gun plus a few mentioned it suits them.
  22. are you capable of making a video of corsair gameplay for people so that they can see? some of us are wondering who can.
  23. there are plenty of reasons why and they are all relevant to each other. the crims have zero arresting feature , if they did it could work , but they don't and that is a known fact by most if not all of APB already the bug in the past gave crims guns and the crim loss was guaranteed until two things happened 1 crims stopped using LTL and 2 that bug was fixed so crims couldn't have it. I already posted how taking twice as long to kill (if you could) would mean that wither a 2nd enf would kill you or the first one would get up and kill you , because thats what happened. others may or may not remember how when crims had the LTL from a bug that very thing happened. not an opinion - it happened - a fact. you might as well say to give enf an unfair health buff if you cant arrest or kill them and get the job done because that's pretty much what that LTL bug did. my previous posts say enough details why it wouldn't work. I never said I wouldn't wait it but I did say if crims could arrest as well then it would work. we don't need an LTL crim bug #2 of the exact same scenario happening when the first time was bad enough to know better.
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