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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. well the community did gripe wanting more updates *shrugs*
  2. why yes lets make an outdated engine and game running on it even more outdated. that should solve things . sure . WHAT ????
  3. people are still saying to remove using abandon mission when we have the threat segregation back so the abandon mission chaos isn't happening now griping just to gripe about something that already stopped lower threat players go back to bronze higher threat players go back to silver and go play. no reason even for a temp fix on abandon mission since threat districts are back
  4. they played music in the past or just chit chat. its sociable in social
  5. my posts were meant to be one post. Ive said before how it would be nice if it didn't interfere with missions.
  6. do not forget it was also stated it was still being worked on. which means they wanted community input on if more should be done or not which is why i said : which would give us all a better balance without interfering with missions - and yes it does interfere with missions , although i personally didn't mind having a survival mission go off.
  7. its not good enough. if the mission is over and they still have a bounty it should be up for grabs by anyone.
  8. oh wow a joke. just like you. go figure. I'm guessing insanity from expecting a different result from the same thing being asked over and over again when we already know the plans from each months update , and it clearly didn't say " It's time"
  9. no deal. Invite your friends to have more population to fix the population problem.
  10. you've said that for at least a year now but you're beginning?
  11. assuming the ideas of what phasing is supposed to do by what Little Orbit said in the past has not changed , then phasing will match against same skilled players , and open up the world networking to do so. I was going to sleep and didn't clarify because I passed out sorry that's what I was referring to but I apparently didn't finish from exhaustion. so no I disagree that Jericho got the same thing as phasing since , assuming phasing has not changed , we would get a global networking available for phasing so long as ping allows it. I mean it is possible since Australians are known for getting lower ping than some of us American players , and we live a lot closer to the servers... but like I said I am assuming that phasing did not change on Little Orbits plans.
  12. learn to swim in the pond and you'll find more
  13. phasing and matchmaking i suppose. hope it happens soon
  14. locked for 15 minutes is because you disconnected and the server takes up to 15 minutes to unlock that character. its working as intended , though i forget the details why it does that.
  15. If the community has ideas for new events and how to go about it then I'm listening Otherwise I'm grateful for whatever I get
  16. Would you prefer golds stomping bronzes in EVERY single match and chasing them off of APB to lower population even more so like it just did this past month or so but only permanently ?
  17. they are working on the bounty system to tweak it like they discussed for over a year now
  18. where have you been when we discussed this on the main thread for this ?
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