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Everything posted by Salvick

  1. Oh right, I forgot this. Thanks for the reminder.
  2. ^ Exactly. What you have to do is clicking "Whisper" in the scoreboard and then you just edit the text erasing the /w to replace it for a /report. That's how you report someone when you are not sure about special symbols or fonts on their names.
  3. I don't know but I'm gonna play it now, thanks! And Charge Cisco is actually useful there, yay!! Jokes aside, honestly that isn't even a "game" made by any company or game design studio, to me it looks like an experiment made by someone who is learning or putting on practice his skills with Unity and such. In example, if you browse the Google Store there's plenty of android games that just port other games such as old versions of GTA and convert them to something else while there are also clear copies from well developed games that seems to be stolen between game studios. I don't think this particular case where they took a few cars without body kits for a ugly experimental game would be any kind of a big deal tbh.
  4. Any chances we could return the gun till the changes goes live? I doubt is possible but is kinda disappointing and a bit scary to have a gun that its functionality is being modified while some people was convinced that it could be a good choice as it was before. Edit for dummies: So the weapon is still under development or is at least about to get nerfed/modified? If so then it is, one more time, the same frustrating experience of acquiring a gun because you like how it works to then get it buried in your locker since you don't like it anymore because it works different from what you expected. I'm afraid of getting any guns because I never know what's going to happen later tbh.
  5. T/new characters should be locked to T districts for a while as it used to be originally. Match-making should take rank into consideration, at least as a low priority factor that just enters into consideration if it is needed after the rest of the match-making process is done and there's still space left to handle it. Open Conflict could work better as a dynamic event that gets enabled in action districts every one or two hours or so. Separated threat for each character since it doesn't makes sense to fight against full geared teams and explosive weapons when you only have a Machina Calabria and a STAR unlocked. Once you hit Gold threat it should stay like that forever, if your performance decrease or other players improves match-making could have an invisible factor (as it used to be and it allegedly still is) to consider your current threat in relation with the rest of the players. That's what I think without getting too deep into it. [edit] Also:
  6. Yeah, indeed I remember someone who had the permanent premium enabled during his time serving as forum mod and then losing it once he ended the assignment.
  7. Oh I see, thanks for clarifying it then. But didn't volunteer forum mods had it too? I'm convinced that's what I recall but since its been a while...
  8. I believe you're referring to SPCT and probably volunteer GMs since back in the days the forum Mods and I'm not sure if also the SPCT members had that perk enabled for their contribution with the community.
  9. Hola, aprovecho para tratar de ayudar un poco ya que ambos hablamos español, en realidad el EAC está activado y funciona, o al menos eso queremos creer. Que hay métodos para usar cheats de todas formas los hay, que hay mucho menos cheaters que antes, también es cierto. Pero yendo al punto de tu planteo que es sobre los gold de rango bajo te doy un ejemplo sencillo, tengo en mi cuenta unos 4 pj al máximo, otros 3 que andan arriba de R100 y como 4 que nunca utilicé con los que a veces juego y son -R50, todos son gold ya que el threat level es global como dijo el moderador. Lo único que puedo recomendarte es que si jugas contra golds de rango bajo pienses en ellos como jugadores veteranos que sabrán todas las mañas del juego y trates de enfrentarlos sin confiarte de su rango. Sobre los cheaters, si ves algo concreto que puedas reportar lo detallas en el reporte para que los GM sepan qué es lo que deben observar. Saludos! Translation:
  10. I'm not completely sure but I think it might be because something he said regarding the former hosting provider contract ending so to avoid having to hire their services for another year or something like that...let me suggest you to use the admin tracker in case you find it useful to get up to date with everything MattScott have been announcing in these regards.
  11. I believe there might be something related with the routing from different locations/ISPs, because bunch of people are getting different issues with their latency, some are further from the server and been saying they get more stable latency than other people closer to the servers. But is just a though I have so idk.
  12. Plnaetside 2 or even Frontlines Fuel of War which had an awesome and unique gameplay by capturing points in the front line of battle, providing a push back and forth dynamic making team cohesion mandatory. Going on topic, I believe there are more technical elements to compare than what could be considered a subjective opinion although some points might be valid where many others might need a more detailed treatment.
  13. There's a lot of expectations in South America, I assume you have the numbers but just based in my past experience when the game was at its peaks, there were a couple hundred of players, if not a few thousands, from the whole Hispanic South American region and I mean the other countries besides Brazil that are down below past Central America. A few dozen of them/us are still around. I recall when there were a bunch of SA clans plenty of people too, so quite sure it would be a great motivation to return for a lot of people from this area if we ever get a server with anything below 200ms/150ms. I'm not sure if it was Björn or someone from the former staff that replied me something about Google and Amazon data centers located in Chile in Brazil that were able to host APB. The problem here in South America is that we get horrible backbone routing between countries, many ISPs are providing good services but since many of these companies are from Europe or they simply are different companies, their routing to the US varies drastically as you can see in the tracer tests from different players all around. In example, connecting Argentina with Brazil might go by a direct path through Arg/Br nodes, while connecting to Chile, depending on each country's hosting provider, could route the connection through Costa Rica as it happened with some games in the past. I think Rio sounds like a neat option that would cover the whole South American region pretty well imo. Thanks, Sal.
  14. For what you say I think is time for you to suffer a bit and lose a bunch till you learn some other weapons. Neither am I an expert with every gun so I usually stick to the ones I know to use better, but it still annoys me badly the lot of meta this game has when you try to use a different gun that is not too popular and only thing you face are Ntecs, lol. Also, the game is in a point where learning the use of different guns requires a lot of patience since you'll pretty much face players already experienced with all sort of weapons. Just have patience and make a decision to avoid using the JG for a while till you get results with other weapons you like. He is not a mod but a SPCT, (Testers for patches and updates) but it is true that there are a bunch of players using weird configs that are even featured in the official LO stream while we also have volunteer GMs that are actual players so I don't know how reliable they are and since their real identity is hidden (although their closer friends already know they are GMs) we can't discuss with them about what we see when we think someone might be cheating while they could argue exactly the same about how reliable our reports or suspicions are.
  15. I honestly barely face these guns, there are a bunch of users, but never had the feeling it was a problem to counter them. Indeed as someone else said I think is more about adapting to different situations than sticking to one gameplay style and expect anything else that doesn't fit to get vanished from the game. 4 threads? That's a lot! (just joking, but yet some people didn't post more than once a day or even a week. I think nothing stops you from trying the same loadout you are complaining about. If you believe something is too powerful why not trying it yourself? There are chances that a player is very good at some specific combination of guns and gear as same as you feel confident that you are good with your own, and it might happen that one of these can't beat the other. Just saying.
  16. Don't you have anything better to post? Go find other forums to read different stuff if you don't like to read APB forums! (just joking, indeed it feels weird to have to clarify I'm joking, lol)
  17. Wait, I thought having a mental breakdown was a pre-requisite to play APB indeed...or is a feature? APB next esport 2020 confirmed, period.
  18. Personally I was aware this will eventually happen as it was announced. I'd just like to clarify for anyone who read my comment here that it was just a little joke, not blaming anyone. Thanks, Sal. : )
  19. Is like, this is peak hour for the north american side of APB, so no one cares about it at all...they taking care of eu APB this way, since they are the ones keeping the game alive tbh...
  20. Is your friend banned too? Can you ask him to return all your weapons and open a support ticket to help you clarify this? Did he even return your weapons before you got banned? A lot of us if not almost everyone have been sharing/borrowing guns plenty of times, I've did this a lot of times even now in LO era, so there are 0 chances that this is the reason why they spotted your account involved in illegal activities. Just realize that the game logs a lot of info, your IP, your hardware ID and more so just logging in into your account or anyone else's account that lately gets involved in something suspicious will get you flagged and investigated. Just as a little example, let's say your "friend" is just an alternative account used to sell the weapons for real money attempting to avoid leaving any traces to a main account, then that'd be easily tracked. Even if your "friend" did a real money trade with any item you gave to him without your acknowledge that could be linked to you, specially if your friend barely plays the game or such. I'm not saying this is the case but just trying to give you a picture of how easily could be for support to associate your account with any sort of suspicious behaviors. As someone else said too, try to avoid being emotional and refrain from sending too many tickets but instead show your commitment to provide all the possible info they could require from you to prove the account ownership, be honest with the customer support staff about any other accounts you may have and other alternative locations/IP addresses your accounts might logged into the game from. Good luck.
  21. meh...guys, just blame Tiggs already...done.
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