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Everything posted by Salvick

  1. The only problem I see here is to think that a woman (or a man) that chooses or feels there's no other option than selling their body for money deserves no respect as I feel it is the OP's vision of wh*res. Now if the term itself is used in a bad way I agree it is wrong to use it but putas themselves are the only ones allowed to call themselves putas and they do that indeed so let anyone who wants to use that title have it. Now talking about cursing like a sailor, let me share this here, it really fits:
  2. This assuming you win every single match you play? I agree that car surfer should be accessible for lower ranks because its been always a silly and funny mod that every new player wants to try and makes them feel locked behind a rank wall when facing every other veterans. About cutting in half these I'd rather double the premium standing buff instead, that way it would add more value to it while keeping freebies in the grinding. Because premium right now only gives some significant advantage for ingame money as if ingame money were significant at all you know. If leveling up new characters could be boosted a bit more instead it would remove the grind feeling it gives at high ranks right now besides premium or not.
  3. Imagine trying to explain all this to G1 since 2012/2013, but idk, maybe they are scared of people stealing their server code in a corrupt country, although there actually are Google and Amazon data centers in the area... ...what I'm annoyed about it is that if it gets plenty of players returning we'll be like "I told you" but if it fails it is going to be also terrible, it is a +10 years old game though.
  4. This could end up killing more than half of APB population though...oh wait.
  5. Nothing new, even people claiming that there are barely any cheaters and thinking they convinced the game management that they are the most legit and savvy players around while indeed the company knows everything they do but still need to let them go away with their stuff because they need to populate the game and pay some bills is still the same...
  6. Says the guy with a green threat on a max rank character...if there's something broken is people complaining and requesting silly changes like the one of the ammo boxes, specially if that was the argument. Consumable ammo boxes have been always limited to a couple of refills and never were infinite.
  7. They screwed these, yeah. Not useful at all for anything anymore.
  8. Welcome to the game, glad to see someone new interested in the game and even joining the forums. The G1C or ARMAS items are locked as paid content only, the ingame marketplace only allows items that are obtainable by any player from the NPCS and, as an exception, the Legendary Weapons that you get by opening Joker Mystery Boxes (JMB). The idea is that if a player wants to pay for Premium in order to unlock the full customization features of the game and even buy some car bodykits then they can provide other players with these by direct trade or listing up these items in the marketplace for direct purchase or auctioning. Very convenient also for players that doesn't feel like composing their own designs either because they doesn't handle it or they just like what other players made and also useful when you start a new character and still need to unlock items from the NPCs but you can get them earlier from other fellow players. You are able to buy clothes, cars, songs/themes and symbols from other players but not guns. Also there are mods and equipment that you can unlock only by specializing in certain weapons classes or completing each particular mission tasks and it is very common that most of the people will aim to buy these from experimented players that already unlocked these since it could take longer than the NPC progression. The legendary weapons instead are permanent and tradeable, prices goes from something around $1million up to $6m average depending on rarity and demand of said guns. Then you have the choice to gather enough Joker Tickets via mission random rewards or Fight Club special tasks and get a "JT" version of a weapon permanently for your inventory. The rest of the stuff, such as permanent weapons, special gear, car parts and some special cars are exclusively paid content and usually not tradeable ingame. Hope it helps, cheers. If anything, the other veteran players around will correct me if I'm wrong or add anything relevant that I might be missing here.
  9. Yet this has not been heard as something "commonly requested by the community" while something that has been brought up a dozen of times indeed was...
  10. Yeah well, is true that a bunch always asked for lethal variants of LTL and a couple wanted the LTL guns available on ARMAS, so probably I should've put it in a different way since what I wonder is why this is something implemented as "commonly requested" while there are other things I think have been requested more often for longer and seemed probably more important than this. But I could understand if this is something that, as Matt said in the blogpost, was easier to accomplish without using resources put in the Engine Upgrade. ...I guess the Engine Upgrade is where everything is aiming at and all the good things coming will probably be delivered with it.
  11. Hold on, what? When and where anyone asked for a slug shotgun or a new JMB? Was it on the "unofficial" Discord where the staff hangs out with a selected group of players? I'd appreciate some reference links if anyone can provide any, but don't bring me a 4 replies thread or some nekro post from 2018 please. Anyways, even if the case is that this is something the community commonly requested then it would be fair to expect that a bunch of other things that are being requested louder and often starts to be implemented in some way...but at this point I'm not holding any hopes anymore, the direction the game has taken is the one of the like of a group of players that I don't feel represented by them at all tbh. I have nothing against said players though, and I respect LO if any clarification is needed, but the game itself its been going in a straight line to the trash bin since a while already...and no, I don't feel anyone from LO is actually listening and giving any attention to what we the players really need.
  12. I remember back in 2003/2005 there was this third person shooter where they had a server made to "test" cheats, it allowed and encouraged the use of the only cheat that was available for that game so I eventually decided to try it out and once I downloaded it I attempted to use it in any other servers to check if these other servers where actually secure enough against cheats, then I figured there were other cheaters using it in the legit servers so I decided to have it there to toggle it on and off whenever I suspected someone. This way I've been reporting a bunch that got banned by the admins, rolling on alternative accounts when it came to track and confirm if someone was cheating and trying to stay clean in my main character, but after years doing it I got caught using it and got banned on an alt. After that I went to their forums as my main character and created a beautiful post narrating this story about how they could verify that all the IPs I've been playing from coincidentally matched the one of a cheater, it was indeed because I was running a small cyber-coffee shop and it was true that multiple IPs in the same range were logging in in their servers with plenty of different characters. Well, they decided to unban me due to my "reputation" and the clear explanation I brought that they were indeed able to confirm...after that I kept using the cheat to "hunt down cheaters" and finally got an IP range ban in all my 16 computers, lol. The game was C&C Renegade and the cheat tool was called RGH. That's a story of how anyone could be cheating for years in any game and even getting involved with the game staff without them noticing it at all for years. Yes I lasted years in a ranked server and making friends with the admins and mods, toggling on and off between matches, re-rolling alts and closeting by applying all sort of techniques such as tapping the aimbot key bind, avoiding the top rank in many matches, letting experimented players kill me as in normal situations would happen and spotting admins in the server in order to toggle off when reported. I'll let you guys keep going with your thread now. Bye.
  13. Good luck with that, you know they wont listen. They think South America is like a jungle with some villages with wooden houses spread around and that they get internet only when a boat or a plane passes by reflecting some wifi towards them. Anyways, why did you get 190ms back in 2011/2012? I used to get 140ms in the early days and lately an average of 150ms to 160ms until DDoS mitigation started to be a thing back in the G1 era.
  14. I don't want to judge but gonna drop an idea of something else that could've had happen, someone gets banned for cheating or something like that and once this person realizes that he'll never get back his account, and just because he feel he had some sort of "reputation" among the rest of the players, he decides to clean up his trails so makes a post stating that the reason for his ban was anything else but cheating. Also to make it look better this fictional player I'm just imagining creates his post as a warning to other players of what could happen if they are just as legit and clean as he used to be but finally ended up falling on a trap from a weird bad crazy person out there who targeted him who know for what reason. I don't know, there might be some crazy people doing weird things as the described in the main post of this thread, but there are way, way more people that I know they are capable of doing anything to avoid being spotted cheating or such. As someone said Anyways I think if they ban you they are honestly doing you a huge favor, they gave you a chance to recover your life now, lol. I hope you recover your account if you're being honest, good luck.
  15. Word. Imagine having thousands and thousands of members on any random social network you want to name but for a game with less than 800 or 600 active players and half of them totally not joining these.... ...even worst, imagine having the new management of said game with their staff joining any of these random social networks and giving attention to these players who made them believe they handle a community of thousands and thousands of actual players... ...imagine then giving to some of these players access to administrative tools and some background information of other players...rip.
  16. I think also the main feature of the .45 is its quick time to equip, making it specially useful in some specific combinations of weapons. But correct me if I'm wrong.
  17. Well that's actually something I could totally agree then. Wasn't my intention to look like an absolutist pessimist either way but I had some difficulties to put it with the right words when it came to express my opinion about it, I find it really ugly and a bit annoying while also had some laughs at some of the stuff. Wish they could completely remove it so we all forget it happened, lol.
  18. When I say that the "only thing it did was breaking the game immersion" I'm saying it in regards that the effect of it didn't contributed at anything at all. I know what it is though. Everything related to RedHill is plain awful, specially each one of the things you're mentioning. The billboards...well I could live ignoring these as any random billboard, the treasure hunt / riddle hints and clues thingy was like a player made Discord thing that not only was absolutely unprofessionally implemented but also boring and detached from the actual community that is not part of the unofficial community social networks. The stuff at Social oh lord, please remove all that garbage for good already, even the ugly colors they choose looks like something that some random player could've made more than something coming from actual game developers, that character ffs, even G1 made a contest that, besides imo it could be totally rigged, allowed plenty of players to show off their creations in an attempt to pick a properly designed character or gather ideas along with some background stories, and then the backstory of this RIOT guy is plain garb if you want to ice the bullcake. Everything related to RIOT makes the game feel like the less creative and dumb players are in control of the game content additions, that splash screen with a 90s ugly graffiti style logo, the way they tried to implement this new game mode failure to generate some hype that lasted less than the game mode itself. EVERYTHING RELATED TO RIOT IS UGLY. I really doubt it was LO and their staff the ones who came up with this idea, I honestly think there has to be something else and someone else who convinced them this could work, it was such a waste. Now, if it really was LO with their actual staff who made it, props to them for trying something in a game they were barely learning about, but even then if I think of it in this way it makes no sense that they would come up with these ideas just out of the blue because they thought implementing a new game mode in a 7-8 years old game that they just acquired a couple of months ago would worth at all. Now, either if you are just defending RIOT stuff because you like it or because you or someone you know was part of the making off of that bad nightmare that everyone wants to forget, is still your personal opinion too as same as what I've said is mine. I respect your replies and willingness to debate thought, I just do not agree. Here he made it very clear, I couldn't say it better and that Kewlin's post he is referring to also explained what I'm trying to point out here. Personally I just dislike the aesthetics, the design choices and the backstory of it along with the way they implemented it without involving the community at least to provide some feedback if not a full official design contest to produce the new content, but even if they'd choose to do that with the currently low population it would turn any community participation sort of unreliable. To be honest probably if the game mode would've been presented in a different way and lasted a bit more I might be playing it indeed, but even Anarchy mode which some could say it was probably one of the best attempts to add a new game mode lasted very shortly after its release, so this makes me guess that APB is what APB is and perhaps there isn't much space for new game modes.
  19. What the legit f is "RedHill" ffs? Thought we'd get rid completely of that player-made content failure that only thing it did was breaking the lore immersion of APB.
  20. Well, is not actually as easy as it might seems to be. To meet the standards of sampling/sound recording first of all you need equipment that is not usually found at a video game development studio, then you should also apply not only the proper recording techniques but also know everything about multi-layer sampling and sound wave modeling in order to create samples that actually doesn't sound like these Brittany guitar reefs. Then there are the limitations inherent to a given project, in this case the music editor, which would require these samples to have certain sample-rate quality and file duration if that's the case which could bring all sort of limitations. Let's assume none of the mentioned factors is a limitation then the art of sampling musical instruments still demands a depth understanding of both, sound recording / sampling methods and specific instrument's play techniques. I'd go for modding these files since is something that could give interesting results, specially if these players that do enjoy creating themes and songs in the ingame music editor wants to give it a try to a different set of sound libraries and they settle some standards and start sharing the same libraries as part of this. Yet, as we've been already saying, these sounds will be heard only for the ones owning these custom libraries, rendering any themes made for these specific libraries totally senseless for the rest of the players.
  21. Yeah I know, that's why in the first reply I posted I came out with the idea of some sort of player made custom sound banks we could share if anyone ever dares to create one for this purpose. It could be interesting. : )
  22. Yeah, I remember now, I even had these saved along other sound libraries I have in my drive. You can change these sounds to enhance quality of your bought themes indeed. Is possible and it is easy to do, but it is just time consuming and if anyone willing to do it is also a perfectionist it will take longer. Personally I don't think it even worth the time unless someone wants to try it as a hobby to get some practice learning about sound banks.
  23. I lol'd at this. It doesn't if you just replace these with a better version, although almost every theme could need some tweaks since it will improve. Regarding the actual bitrate of these sounds I don't know where you guys get that info, but that's interesting to know. Also remember that many or mostly every "high quality" themes out there have been injected in the files from external sources.
  24. I was expecting this to be a thread asking for LatAm region servers. That's what will really bring a lot of new and old players back while the Engine Upgrades is still under development. I don't know what's the deal with U.S. video game companies forgetting this huge region plenty of gamers that many of them are indeed sort of new in the world of online gaming microtransactions and are spending money in any random silly game including and mainly mobile games. Makes me wonder if hosting these servers is actually that expensive that it doesn't worth the investment, but I can tell that a bunch of players will gladly start to make some purchases to support the game as long as we have an actual game where to have fun with these.
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