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Everything posted by Goldtiger

  1. Yeah, it really is some twisted logic. Not many golds will understand where you're coming from since they don't know what it feels like to get rolled every game. Being an empath, I get where you're coming from, and although it's not good to throw matches like that, you're definitely justified in doing so. I feel like the best course of action for you would be to just not play the game at all until matchmaking gets better. You could honestly be having fun in other games rather than "playing-but-not-actually-playing" this game. TLDR (even tho not long); the game is in a shit state, leave for now and come back in the future when things are better.
  2. Yeah, no shit they're putting a lot of work into the engine upgrade. That does not mean people can't criticize or complain about the time it is taking for it to release. IK LO wasn't here back in 2014, but just in case you forgot, people have been waiting for the engine upgrade since that long ago. You've clearly been here a while so I would expect you out of anyone else to understand why people want constant updates and reassurance. Where I stand right now, I'm happy that LO is making progress with the engine upgrade, but very skeptical that the game will be alive long enough for it to even be released, cause where it's looking right now, as stated above, it looks like... I took this at first as a joke but considering past events (even though the game is under a new company now) I wouldn't doubt the accuracy of this.
  3. I don't really think rushing out the engine upgrade is a good idea.. If you're going to release something important you might as well get release it when it is 100% complete. You don't want people to come in, have a bad first impression, and then leave for an indefinite amount of time. I hate that they're taking this long to get this out (especially knowing that G1 allegedly made a lot of progress on the engine upgrade pre-LO) but I also don't want it to be rushed out. All we can really do right now is hope that the engine upgrade isn't given the Soon™ treatment and that it is completed before the game dies due to lack of content/improvement..
  4. IK I'm late to this, but IR is a mod that needs immediate change since it almost literally has no downside, and is powerful considering the meta rn in mission districts is to sit far away with snipers/rifles/ntecs from the objective; and since shotguns benefit off of it disgustingly well. But if we were to remove IR from this list, they definitely need to update Supressors. They are basically useless and keep you from using god-tier mods such as CJ and IR. Not only that but they decrease your hard damage, and in some cases even mag size. Overall, a trash mod, but I love the look of supressors so I use it anyways. I feel like the first thing they should do to it is remove any negatives to suppressors and add back tracers with the engine upgrade.
  5. They should release the things like the CAP40 and VBR Temptress, especially since they came from the failure known as the "refer-your-self" system. Basically the people who complain about it needing to stay exclusive are the people who don't realize they basically got them for free lol. It only makes sense to allow people to buy them. And either way, the JMB variants are legendary only for their modification, not the gun itself. As said above, If you've played back then you'd know the many problems of exclusive weapons; the nano's initial release, for example, was a very bad one for the game imo since it was only a legendary item and it was insanely overpowered due to its sniper-like abilities and versatility. Since then, they've nerfed its range significantly and added a f2p option for getting the nano (though rare still).... Basically, weapons shouldn't be exclusive. I do think that The FAR Charger and Vangaurd should be buyable via the Joker Store (either one or both) and that the AMG Stheno should be sold on the Armas and buyable via the joker store. The Vanguard are Charge permanent option should be joker-store exclusive and leasable option should be event-exclusive imo. Still gives F2P options and since the guns are, itself, F2P weapons, they should be kept off of the ARMAS Marketplace. As for the remaining guns, I see no reason not to add them to the ARMAS. Maybe they should consider, though, adding an LCR JT2 option to the Joker Store for permanent unlock. IDK just an idea.
  6. yikes your graphics look like play dough wtf
  7. I like RIOT; it could be something good for the game. Where it stands right now, though, it is not. I don't think it should be any one of their priorities for the moment, but it should definitely get minor improvements as time goes on... and once the engine upgrade is released and mission districts are improved, they should start considering focusing on RIOT
  8. With some of these screenshots, I can't tell if the people who took them have bad settings on/low resolution, or if the engine upgrade is supposed to look the same but brighter than live? EDIT: Don't get me wrong though, some of these screenshots (i.e. social and asylum) look great! Just the mission districts look plain still.
  9. I was definitely really bummed out by RIOT. I got pretty hyped up for it but... it was just a failure. I feel like it was partly because of the delay, but honestly I think the broken game is the reason. There's definitely that lack of balance in the gunplay in both the base game and RIOT, and there's also those stupid issues in RIOT such as spawning in the contaminated area with literally no time to get out. All that testing put into it, all that time spent on it, and as a result something with that much issues is released? The main thing I think they need to focus on is the engine upgrade, not new content. At the end of the day, nobody will want to come back to the game if the game remains unbalanced and buggy. I feel like I'd be more excited to play the game if stuff like matchmaking recieves a rework, or carspawners are changed entirely, or spawns are fixed entirely, or a reliable cheat system is actually put in place. But of course, not much of this will happen without the engine upgrade. I've seen the very vocal CookiePuss give his input, and oddly enough this is the one time I'm having trouble agreeing with him. This type of post is common, yes, but quite frankly all these points in this post are very true. LO should not be putting new content into the game right now and should purely be focusing on fixing what's wrong with it. Anything not put into fixes and reworks are simply a waste of time. Sorry if you don't agree, but I really think that's the case with how the game is doing right now! Quite frankly there's nothing wrong with wanting change. There are so many people who sit back in this community and say "be patient and wait, they're still working on it". And all I have to say in response to that is, that's what everyone said when G1 was claiming to work on the engine upgrade, but we never got that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so don't get angry at people for getting upset or worried about the lack of updates regarding the engine upgrade. We haven't seen much from it and it's been a year and 4 days since they announced their road map. Like the people making these types of posts are completely justified, as they are not blind to the history that is more than capable of repeating itself. I trust LO to make this game better than what it was, as I wouldn't be in this community right now if they didn't take over, but that does not mean that I think that their priorities are not set straight. Rather than be a dickhead and complain about how someone made, , we should rather encourage the discussion of the issues in the game right now. After all, we are the ones playing the game, so you would think that we collectively have a good sense as for what should be prioritized, right? Anyways that's all I have to say, probably won't check for replies since I don't come on these forums as much anymore but that's my 2 cents.
  10. Blatant cheaters were unbanned with the falsely banned players b/c there was no way to distinguish between the two. It as assumed that BattlEye would ban the blatant cheaters again and do a better job at handing out bans than fairfight. Obviously, that was a fail, but the only success was that false bans were brought to, essentially, 0. I haven't hopped on APB since RIOTs release due to disappointment by RIOT but I do know that Citadel has always been more cancerous than Jericho; both in playerbase and hacker-base, lol. I hope LO has some ideas to tweak the anticheat. Terrible idea for many reasons. Although I hate playing against cheaters, I don't want to worry about getting false banned again. Before I was banned by Fairfight while G1 was running the game, I was cynical about Fairfight's accuracy when it comes to banning actual cheaters, and people would tell me in response to my concerns that I should trust in FF, and that if I'm not cheating I won't ever have to worry about getting "false-banned". Obviously, that turned out to be wrong and I did get false banned. This is further backed up by Matt Scott literally saying that FF did make unjust bans and that he doesn't want LO to hold onto that burden. Though yes, FF banned actual cheaters, but it also banned legitimate players. Sorry if I upset anyone, but it is really annoying to me that people think that bringing FF back is a valid option; that ontop of broadcasting banned players' names -- which is an entirely different matter that it not really necessary to talk about in this conversation. ~~ apologies for the essay lmao
  11. I'm really glad someone is bringing this up. Though, most of the apb forum community will probably call you stupid and say that it's not that high of a priority. This is an actual issue. How do you expect the population to increase if new players are getting bullied out of playing the game? Like the community's toxicity won't ever be completely cleared out, but it can be made MUCH better than what is it now. Undermining this issue is foolish for so many reasons. I hope this is a joke. How do you expect someone to want to get better at something if they're being consistently brought down by players who have years of experience with the game? ~~ LO really needs to do better at moderation, cause even I stopped playing the game partly for the toxic people spamming something such as "gg ez" or "ROLLED AND SMOKED BOYS" or "GG IZIPIZI" or "GG trash OP"... And those people (with huge egos) who ragewhisper you for killing them in any way. I doubt people who treat this game like their religion will agree with me on this, but I'm sure a lot of the people who play this game like the average person will agree, at the very least to an extent.
  12. This forum post is so off topic now i don't even know why it's not closed. To add to this though, people wonder why there's a lot of the community that doesn't post on forums/discord. It's because of people being annoying, unhelpful, or smartasses on the forums. No mature person has time for that lol.
  13. Free premium and 60% sales is not a good enough reason to play the game before the "big update" comes out. Sorry this is actually a bad thread
  14. ...and probably won't write about us again rip
  15. This But NOT this Becoming Gold is way too easy. We've already had a period of time in APB where Golds were strictly segregated to their own districts, and things were CHAOTIC. I remember not playing the game at all while that was change was active. We do not want to repeat the same mistakes. The problem itself is both the matchmaking and the threat system. In reality, there are 3 types of Golds: The Highly Skilled, the Average, and the 'Fake' Golds. I feel like the threat system does an awful job at separating the 3 from each other. I feel like things would be better if greens/bronzes were "merged" together as similar "skill level" into the Green Threat, Silvers were put at Bronze Threat, 'fake golds' were put at the Silver Threat, and the Average players were put at Gold. As for the "Highly Skilled", I think a threat above Gold (maybe Diamond Threat), should be added for them. This WOULD NOT fix all the problems that are currently set in stone, and would probably divide the community even more, but it would definitely classify the skill levels of players more accurately. Cause' as it stands, Green is a useless threat that dethreaters only really use (honestly), and Gold is way too normal for all sorts of players. In hindsight, the best way to clear any issues to do some sort of server-wide matchmaking (as Matt Scott described a while ago), and tweaking the algorithms to search for, as close to, an 100% fair pairing. The fix isn't as simple as you think, but there are MANY fixes that they can try that for some reason all the veterans of the game are too afraid to try. I don't think they should go by the "TRY ANYTHING" mentality, but they should be trying out some things that will make things better than what they are right now. As for pleasing the Gold population, I am right here with you on that. There are some diehard golds that make it clear that they will NEVER leave the game. Though I don't fall in that category necessarily, I will always end up coming back to it... I'm pretty sure a lot of Gold Vets are like that. So they need to stop focusing on pleasing us and focus on pleasing the new players so that this game can grow again. They need to start asking what new players don't like about the game or wish was different about the game. Though veteran players will say they'd be speaking ignorantly, finding out why people aren't wanting to continue playing the game is the only way you can revive the game. Don't keep trying to fix what isn't broken. The Gold population will be here, it is the others that you need to be trying to convince. ~~ You're on a damn forum, why the hell wouldn't you. It bugs me that so many people are able to post things that do not at all contribute to the discussion. (not trying to throw shade on the moderation) This is very true, but you do not need to be gold to give a valuable opinion on the state of the game and on what needs to change. This is true, however the difference is that APB is definitely more lenient about threat level than R6/CSGO, and R6/CSGO has a much bigger population. Additionally, the matchmaking in APB can be rather inconsistent, as you can still go up in threat if you lose and can still go down in threat if you win. This entire post is completely toxic, I don't even think I need to explain why
  16. How about not replying at all? Lol. He doesn't have to give an answer but since this is the discussion forum, maybe he could discuss how he feels about the lack of updates over the past couple of weeks. Like I don't get your point at all. And yeah, it's being "worked on", but we don't know what exactly is left, what things are getting postponed to, etc. All valuable information to know. Maybe OP wanted some form of public response from the Devs, idk. Either way, replying with a 1 word, and rather vague, response is pointless lol
  17. I'm wondering the same thing. I want to play the game again but there's simply nothing interesting about it right now. I try to play it but I get bored fighting the same people using the same weapons, so I go play other games. I'm really just waiting for RIOT so that I have something new to experience. But with no info or updates coming out regarding that (same with the engine upgrade), I'm just kinda drifting away from the game. I get they're probably working hard behind the scenes but I know I can't be the only one like this; the longer they take, the more the population will decline (at least in the US). While I know there are some diehard fans who will always play the game and wait for any changes super patiently, most casual players (such as me) will find interest in other games and eventually forget about the game in time. Any form of updates on the progress over new content will keep the game on my mind. Also, why the fuck the people always post non-constructive things like this. I can't with some of the people in this community sometimes >.<
  18. That's because a good majority of us were unjustly banned before LO took over. Fuck off with your one dimensional thinking. And a good majority of the accounts that I've seen cheating nowadays are accounts that people have made just to cheat for that day (throwaway accounts). The problem that's going on is that BattlEye is not working well, but at least false bans are not happening like it did with fairfight.
  19. What you should've done was go to social and ask someone to help you farm the daily. It's not bannable lol, farming is normal in games. Either way that's a big L
  20. I still haven't gotten it. I was honestly gonna use this free premium as an excuse to buy armas items to make use of the discount, but ig not anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. I definitely would like them to do this, but because of that make it so that you can't do their daily activities unless you're in their district. I feel like they need a reason to be in different districts, so daily activities could be that reason. Otherwise, the whole pledge mechanic as it is right now is what is deciding whether or not I play the game that day or not (since I'm in NA and can only play in either waterfront or financial depending on what people are playing in).
  22. After playing RIOT for the first time, I found the game mode to be very fun! My only issues with it are the fact that the respawns are utterly garbage... I found myself spawning right infront of enemies and getting gunned down almost immediately.. it really took away from the experience. Also, the spectator mode is kinda boring, I feel like more information could be displayed on it, and you should be able to open menus (such as inventory and character info for contact view/role view) while spectating. I'm hoping it won't be in beta for too much longer cause I'm very eager to play it live.
  23. how can people be saying the showstopper is "op" when the fang exists? lol LO is doing a good job though. This next year we'll definitely be seeing a lot more exciting things. Consider this the prep phase.
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