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Everything posted by Flaws

  1. No reskins exist of the STAR. Similar are N-TEC and FAR.
  2. We've asked for this many times. I've even asked for this as far back as 2014 during old G1/RP. LO said they were going to do a wipe on names that have been inactive for some years but they eventually scrapped the idea because of people who would hoard names for themselves which in their eyes kills the whole point of this (which isn't really true as no one can hoard THAT many names as they would've released and most of those names are just a handful of edgy, dictionary names). Instead, they now speak of changing the naming system all together at some point after the engine upgrade. Just another thing that got tossed in the after the engine upgrade pile. Until then, we're stuck with practically everything even remotely nice being taken as character and clan names. Honestly, sure, go for the new naming system. But that's going to take another few years before its realized, if ever. They should name wipe for the time being anyway and players who return down the line will be able to get their names back and if they can't - tough luck, they've been away for so many years and never cared about it to begin with. And they'd definitely be able to get it back with the new naming system, assuming that its what most people suspect, which is names with # numbers to them like Discord and some other services. Just because the engine upgrade is coming at some point in time doesn't mean that the game should be left as is for the time being (and this goes for many things, not just names).
  3. Removed - no. Nerfed/reworked - absolutely. It cannot remain the way it is right now. You basically have 2x the amount of health + decent grenade resistance when used with Flak Jacket. Its absolutely ridiculous and needs to go away ASAP.
  4. You can transfer APB$ between characters on the same server if you have a friend that you trust whom you can trade the money to and then they trade it back to your new character. Customizable items that are F2P (not purchased from Armas/Joker Store) can be sent to other characters but not customized on other characters than the one that created them. Mod slots do not unlock automatically. You need to own open-slotted weapons account wide for them to be available on your new characters. I believe you should be able to do that since if I recall correctly the 2 slot Growl is a F2P car that costs 400k and is available to everyone. Yes, it will always be customizable to the original creator regardless of the amount of refurbishing. However, some items cost a lot to refurbish, such as 4-slot cars.
  5. Flaws

    Remove OPGL from FC

    Why not? Just curious.
  6. Definitely need to use corners to your advantage as much as possible. Pan your camera as much as possible around corners and corridors so you can see as much as possible before showing yourself. You must always be moving around using WASD in a circle motion when fighting which will throw off the enemy's aim, even when you are aiming down the sights. Movement is just as important as your own aim. The only times you shouldn't do that is with sniper rifles for example since those require perfect accuracy. Footsteps aren't really a thing in APB. You need to listen for doors, ladders, fences, weapon/shoulder switching sounds for the most part. Also, graphics configs in general will boost your FPS which will in turn make you aim better. If your fps is dropping you will have a much harder time to aim. Especially considering that APB's sensitivity is tied to FPS so your sensitivity feels slower and weirder when your fps drops. I would recommend using the always sprint config. It will take some time to get used to it for sure, but once you get used to it, its too good to go back. I don't play APB without that.
  7. APB only uses one hitbox so it doesn't matter where you hit, it always deals the same damage. Your crosshair blooms out as you shoot, so you need to make sure that as much of it as possible is within the enemy's hitbox, which maximizes your chances of the shots hitting the enemy. More bloom means less accuracy which means that your shots will go flying in a bigger radius as it increases. This also means that you need to control your firerate, which depends on the weapon. With an N-TEC or Carbine for example, you need to control it depending on the range so it doesn't bloom out too much. With an OCA/PMG, you simply spray full-auto as it has a consistent bloom but its only good at close range. If you see the entirety of the hitbox - always go for the torso/center of the player model. As a rule of thumb - always go for the center of what you can see of the player model. Also, the hitboxes in APB are all the same for all characters, and they are huge, which means that you can get shots on even outside of their player model. Red crosshair = its within their hitbox. This is what allows you to hit shots when people are behind cover but a fraction of their hitbox is visible above the cover, you must abuse that whenever you can. The COBR-A is a decent AR but its for a different type of gameplay than the N-TEC. Think of COBR-A as a full-auto carbine more than an AR like N-TEC/FAR/STAR. It really depends on how serious you are about improving your aim in shooters in general. If you want to practice your overall raw aim for all games, you can start aim practicing with games like KovaaK 2.0 (~$10) or Aimlabs/Aimtastic (Free) on Steam. You can practice anywhere between 20min up to a few hours a day and also use it as a warm up before playing any actual shooters. If you only really care about APB then playing a lot of Fight Club helps. As you practice more and more you will develop certain aiming habits which will make aiming less of a chore and more of a subconcious automated process that you don't think about. There is also the matter of mouse sensitivity/DPI. You need to figure out what speed is most comfortable for you and that differs from person to person. For example, I use 12 and 0.8 in-game @ 400DPI but that might be too slow/too fast for some people. Once you find a good sensitivity, you need to stick to it and practice it. Getting a big mouse pad and a decent mouse is key for really good aim so don't overlook that. There is a lot that goes into this, some people go as far as to alter their diet and other real life things in order to maximize their aim ability.
  8. Bronze districts still show threat level on them. As you can see, both his and mine have it set to "All Rulesets" and "All Districts". In all 3 screenshots, some districts are missing and there is something abnormal going on. In his screenshot, there are only gold districts and Social is missing. In my first screenshot, everything is missing other than Social and there is even a third social district open. In my second screenshot, everything is missing aside from a Financial and a Waterfront district without threat segregation, which aren't even Fin-1 and WF-1 but just random Fin-2 and WF-3. All three screenshots are in some way related to server issues.
  9. Colby .45 AP / Obeya FBW / Fr0g + good firerate + good aim
  10. We used to say that we're okay with ragehackers because they got caught relatively quickly but now it seems that even they can get away with anything as long as they don't stream and their injection doesn't get detected by the anti-cheat. APB is lucky to still have any players at all in the past few years and rampant cheaters among the last few players that play is only making matters tenfold worse. If they can't catch a ragehacker then they'll never be able to catch a semi-experienced closet of any description. This is unacceptable.
  11. Most players have one of each faction and play both, depending on district population or if they want to level up said character. Most of us have main characters which can be of either faction. I main enforcer but I consider my criminal to be my secondary main. Most of the things I do on my main I try to also do on my secondary main. It is true that most often new players pick criminal because "crime is more fun" but generally the root of this issue comes from the matchmaking (regarding missions). There are strong players who play on each faction on different days so we can't really pin the skill gap on faction alone. The game's population is the lowest its ever been and as such almost every match is imbalanced. The larger pool of players to pick for the matchmaker the better the matchmaking will be. On top of this, keep in mind that unlike most other games nowadays, APB's MM is limited to the confines of the district you're in. That is one of the worst parts about it. Instead of picking out of the entire world server, it only picks from the small 40v40 pool of players which also introduces other issues such as slow MM. Regarding Fight Club, there is no MM there, its completely free for all so it entirely depends on which faction a stronger player will pick to play on that day. I've seen enforcers dominate FC just as much as I've seen criminals dominate it. FC can't really be helped due to the way its designed currently. Instead of matchmaking X amount of players in a fair match, its just chaos and its better that way for the time being as there are not enough players playing the game. Thus, most players don't and shouldn't really take FC seriously. It doesn't affect your threat level or anything else in any way. You just go there to shoot stuff and thats the end of it.
  12. Multiple private/paid cheats exist made by different cheat devs. Some are kept tight, others are being sold/distributed more broadly from what I'm hearing. There was a cracked one recently as well which was free for all. Point is - Battleye isn't any good in APB, especially not on its own. Situation is completely out of hand. Just don't play until they do something about it.
  13. Everything is wrong with 60 fps in 2021. 144hz.
  14. This perfectly sums up the whole situation. This has been going on for 6+ years now non-stop.
  15. Just gotta point out that IP and HWID banning is completely useless as those things can easily be changed/spoofed and the system sees you as a clean slate. Every semi-experienced cheater has tools to work around those bans and APB is F2P so that makes it even worse.
  16. The cheater situation has definitely gone out of hand. I'm talking about the Silver districts on Citadel as well as Fight Club. I don't know about NA so don't come after me if NA is all peaceful. We're one foot back into the FFbans era and some of us saw that coming a mile away the moment we saw that we're going back to Battleye. There are multiple cheats that are being created and maintained for APB, both private and some on the expensive monthly payment side. What is even worse is that bans don't seem to be issued to cheaters who bypass BE successfully unless they are ragehacking. (I was going to elaborate on how and why but I figured that it might get deleted by a forum mod as it would be considered helping people cheat without getting caught so I snipped it.) Basically, if you're closet cheating and you're not a brainless monkey with ragehack settings, you probably won't get banned anytime soon if ever at this rate. I mean, heck, people are actively streaming APB on twitch with smoothed aimbots, macros and triggerbots for the past year now and nothing has happened to them so, what are we even talking about? Its gotten to the point where no one I know wants to even touch the game and I have had enough of it once again and I do not want to stream it or even play it save for the occassional hour of Fight Club. Also, I do not think that cheaters are being protected or whatever but rather GMs don't have the tools at their disposal to conclusively tell whether someone is cheating or not. Also Name and Shame is bannable both in-game and on the forums so thats something you want to avoid on any official APB platforms/chats otherwise you'll get punished yourself.
  17. Thank you. I couldn't have said that better myself.
  18. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PKh5cP_wsPzutmhApq1oZLzpjHGXWTAehAEMCtPky-U/edit?usp=sharing I wrote something about almost every weapon, pointed out weaknesses and reasons why they are underused. I also wrote a paragraph under some categories with more detailed thoughts. Generally, I'd also like a revert back to pre-LO stats save for things like the Yukon and maybe COBR-A and then buff some things using ARs like the N-TEC and FAR as base. I think the meta was in a good spot back then, you had a wider choice of viable guns for high tier play and the game was more dynamic, more fun and it lived up to being an arcade shooter which it always has been. Jumpshooting should be back, more accurate full auto should be back, higher mobility across the board should be back. Less bloom, RNG and weird out of place mechanics and other things that force you to stay glued to the ground, exactly where you stand to have any feasible chance to hit. It was more satisfying and you felt like you are in control and if you mess up it was mostly your fault. Nowadays everything feels like an underwhelming casino where the game does a lot of the work through abysmal bloom and leaves you in the hands of RNGesus. Its just not fun, not satisfying, not rewarding, everything feels like its out of your control and no one likes that. I also had a thing to say about grenades in APB in general.
  19. We had a period without threat segragation due to server issues and the game was even less playable across the board because golds would get noobs/new players even more often and would get bored and quit. Meanwhile new players would get stomped 10x times more by said golds and would also quit. I want 50vs50 back but there needs to be some kind of ranking/threat segragation because the lack of a reliable system has played a huge part in APB's downfall over the years. The fact that new players are in no way protected from veterans is what chases said new players away. Taking the little they have already away will utterly devastate lesser players' will to even launch APB. Its no fun for anyone however you look at it. And at least on Citadel we're not that low on population where you absolutely need all players in order to fill a single district. I suppose they could do that for Jericho, but not for Citadel. Not yet anyway.
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