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Everything posted by Mitne

  1. Now there shouldn't be SINGLE moan about legendaries. Haha... wishful thinking... Freaking silvers :<
  2. Decade of APB behind us. And to think that ten years ago, this game might've been permanently dead if nobody would buy it from RTW.
  3. N-TEC is still top of the game...
  4. Cody "The Shadow" Blackburn Much of Cody previous life is buried in mystery, he himself is individual which isn't very talkactive and keeps to himself. There is no previous record on Cody - he never needed to be in rehab center, never needed any grant from goverment and paid his taxes. One thing from his past is known to everyone... civil war in San Paro changed his life. Cody seems of righteous type at first glance - he didn't joined criminals nor enforcers seeing them as just bad piece to each puzzle... but then one might ask question after that - why did he join Joker, company known mainly for it's guns and ammo distribution? But Cody never answered that, like always keeping everything to himself. But this time there are records on his activities as Joker employee - at begin, he started his career as salesman for company and took unique approach to promoting Joker products - by using them himself in fights - there are always unliked enforcers or criminals on rooster of most wanted which would nobody really care if they would disappear. His unique approach was obviously noticed by higher ups in Joker. They decided that Cody would be very relatable salesman at Joker Distribution for both criminals and enforcers. And here he is, from your average doors-to-doors, company-to-company salesman, up into one of prestigeous salesmans of Breakwater Marina. I tried to both keep him simple and wanted to make him look fine. Also as probably some noticed I had problems with em... clothing limit. Hope you guys like him.
  5. I love how he puts category of "the worst looking/best looking" when all weapons are basically copies of irl. ones.
  6. 2011 - we had 6 servers, two EU, two NA, one asian and one australian. Obeya alone had 10k players online on average. Change in threat system. G1 didn't insert their slick fingers in... yet. 2014 - population starts to dwindle, cheaters start to show up and it is harder to avoid them, G1 makes dumb decisions, low population problems starts to show up. I think 2011-2012 was golden era of APB, then it just went downhill.
  7. Oh really? OH REALLY? You two might know it but what about rest of playerbase? Last thing we need is newbies giving negative press. Of course via Youtube videos, Reddit threads, Twitter shitposts and review bombing.
  8. You read notes for Tracking the Engine Update? Because I do, bah I follow them. It's not ready and you won't be happy along with others.
  9. Seriously? Gungame goes for hour max and only on gold and bronze district.
  10. From what I observed this can happen no matter what in districts bigger than 2 enforcers - 2 criminals, if you two are the only one looking for mission at the moment (it's not that rare as you think, taking 40 - 40 max size on district). I also don't like 1v1 matches as missions are greatly imbalanced on defensive side then (defender death basically means easy way to complete objective for attacker).
  11. Chat filters are cancer overall. Especially in adult targeted game. Like what the hell, I can violently with cold blood murderer people (even if soldiers) but saying bad word is greater evil? Nice morality. This would only make sense if... I dunno Disney released E-rated MMO. Otherwise it's nonsense, we all are adults and know all swear words.
  12. I assume she will be that character which will give us back for APB$ ARMAs purchased weapons. That's my guess.
  13. What? I don't think you got concept of how it gonna work. Same goes for some of my ARMAs weapons. Even if it would be exchange for JTs I would get something better (no, I'm not joking. Interested in that Joker Distribution OCA with silencer exclusive).
  14. Will that feature in Joker Distribution about rebuying weapon extend to ARMAs weapons?
  15. Gotta love all this G1 cocksuckers. Even though company was horrible all the time and every their action I meet with dread.
  16. Mitne

    Bandaid for dethreaters

    1 and 2 - simply treat it like mission never happened. 3 - gold and silver are already seperated by 1-10 subranks. 4 - it should count as demerit and it shouldn't count as kill. 5 - will cause ruin, we got this in past (with G1) and lost half of active playerbase from that move alone - players also were overall not happy with it and it helped dethreaters a lot as they weren't challenged in silver/bronze against players of their own skill.
  17. Too bad they stopped posting patch notes for weapon changes but I understand why, since every time they did, they got backlash about nerfs. Too bad they don't keep history of changes at APB:DB, could be easy to check it for nerfs/buffs.
  18. From what I know, they didn't. Although it's of questionable morality... the best you could do back then was to invest every penny in every FFA on market. Too bad I had not enough to purchase even one but if I would had as much as now... damn... I would easily multiply my fortune by 5 times (buying them for 2-3 millions on marketplace alone, then when it calms down months later, selling them for 15-16 millions). At least I earned a lot on Corsair boom.
  19. Taking their absolute no stance about it, other than shoving codes everytime I'm offline (at least in old thread), I assume, they not gonna put it anyway. But still new confused players shows up unaware that there even was giveaway. So they should finally decide what the fuck they gonna do about this mask so it won't be minority special thing nobody knew was given away.
  20. Because as I said old forums are gone. LO get rid of them as promised in past.
  21. I didn't said anything about threat lock if you would notice, which happened earlier. I talked about rewards reductions for being on wrong threat servers - something which in my opinion was proper way to punish dethreaters. If that was reason for them leaving permantely, then they wouldn't hang around for long either. Rank segmentation. Also we see rank segmentation in all kind of shooters and in many of them it's succesful. Only this game got pathology that high rank gold can dethreat into green to stomp newbies and game sees it as alright.
  22. Mitne

    Bandaid for dethreaters

    First we need to see EU until that we are bleeding players badly. All I have in mind is relief for all this newbies.
  23. I remember that crying. "WHY WE HAVE TO PLAY GOLDS VS GOLDS" "WHAT IF I HAVE FRIENDS IN DIFFERENT THREAT" In the end, this all was excuses. Excuses to abuse system. If you really care about your friend you would play despite losses. Hell, you would even play in gold (punishment for playing in higher threat was though smart bad (this censorship works bad) - despite being symbolical). But they played because it was easy grind and G1 spotted that.
  24. I would say to wait for EU where if phasing will kick in, issue hopefully will be limited... still as it is right now, we are bleeding new players. So temporary bandaid in my opinion should be applied. What I propose? Well... - Gold team or teams with golds will NEVER find opposition in mission on bronze district or lower. Silver team or teams with silvers will never find opposition in mission on green district and lower. - 2 demerits or more AUTOMATICALLY disable threat adjustment. - Team votekick don't need demerit (at least until EU) - so players playing normal will have tools to combat dethreaters in their teams who also harm their gameplay, would largely get rid of solo dethreaters. - Additional demerit for avoiding objectives. All changes within reach and non-radical. Should give some relief to overhelmed players in bronze (been there, situation is awful). Bandaid to ever open wound, hopefully to stop bleeding until EU comes.
  25. What I found with Aces SMG is that if you don't litteraly shove it in mouth of someone, you are guaranteed that first mag will not kill opponent. I guess that's why Aces users are always camping corners.
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