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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. You'd be better off getting the Key to the City Pack, so that you get those unlocked on every character you ever create. Also pretty much the best value purchase on ARMAS in general.
  2. Yes, please do. I'll enjoy getting easy kills on you in most fights. Incoming downvotes from people who can't aim.
  3. They clearly aren't going to be removed, so the best we can hope for is improvements to the odds in the consumer's favor. Suggesting it be tied to the featured list rotation is the highest potential to see it actually be a thing, although I'd be legitimately surprised if they actually did make it a thing. A company that's willing to maintain gacha boxes isn't a company that cares about their customers.
  4. Any VIP mission, for extremely obvious reasons. Could be easily fixed by giving both teams a VIP and team lives, so that every kill/death on any player matters for both teams. Fast and the Incarcerated, due to the hold item for the final stage being a vehicle. This forces running, which is almost universally hated. Any of the several missions that involve heavy items, be it for normal stages or the final hold. It's not so much the heavy items causing the issue here, they'd be fine if the objectives involved with them were forced into locations that weren't an absolute nightmare to deal with. Great example of what I mean is to simply look at the particular missions where the heavy item drop can be done while in a vehicle, to the large vehicle drop circle location. That feels great to drop at, both as the team doing the drop and the team that has to defend it. The first several stages of Eyewitness Testimony, as they are literally impossible to win as Enforcer. Those few missions with Vandalize stages, as they are literally impossible to defend. This could be fixed by simply changing Vandalize into an interaction target. Those few missions with weak vehicles, as it's nearly impossible to win if the enemy team picks up an ALIG. Those few missions where the vehicle stages don't have target vehicle tracking. This feels like a bug, though. Pretty much all vehicle missions can be substantially improved by simply disabling the vehicle tracking if the vehicle is in resting state. This would prevent the defending team from carsurfing around and "prepping" the vehicle after each destruction, making it substantially easier for them to destroy when picked up by the attacking team. I could go on. There's so many problems with the current mission system design in this game, it'd honestly at this point be better to just do a complete rebuild from scratch.
  5. Nobody liked that meta, and it was complained about with multiple threads daily.
  6. There's a very, very good reason for the low resolutions on customizations. That being said, it's something that could be easily fixed with some devwork on the underlying/background systems involved. Wouldn't be an overnight project, but definitely something that they should be keeping in mind with UE4. It's very correct. Vectoring allows for nearly infinite scaling with no loss of quality, while having an essentially insignificant performance impact. No idea if the current systems in this game could be adapted to use it though, it's a whole other beast of a thing.
  7. Obviously, they don't get price reductions like the weapons. However, it does make me curious if they're temporarily boosting the legendary rates while on there... and if not, why not? Would be a great way to nudge those on the fence about dropping some dosh on 'em.
  8. Considering the work they've already done that we actually have our hands on, it would actually be more surprising if they didn't finish the UE3.5 upgrade. UE4 is still up in the air, but they've done enough to prove themselves at least invested in actually accomplishing it... whether or not they manage to successfully do so.
  9. Ignoring behavioral issues within a game's playerbase has a very real price... ignoring it doesn't make it go away, and the damage isn't temporary.
  10. Hexerin


    Currently, Field Supplier is widely used and the overwhelming majority of people run Mobile Spawn Point. So no, nothing like now.
  11. We already know the exact time frame on that. It won't be happening until after Unification is complete.
  12. Hexerin


    It would shift mod usage quite a bit for those who play seriously. Field Supplier would be rendered unusable, necessitating the use of Resupply Box (Large)/(Medium) and/or Mobile Supply Unit. Most would swap over to Blowtorch, some would swap to Remote Detonator, and the small remainder would swap to Spotter.
  13. The standing bonus should also be added to the cash bonus once you're max rating, since you can no longer make use of it.
  14. Back in Gamersfirst/Reloaded days, Premium was shown to be something Tiggs and the other GMs/devs can easily manipulate on demand. There's no reason the new team can't also do so, which would make it a trivial matter for one of the support agents to simply remove it from your one account and add equivalent amount to the other. Whether they'll actually do so, is another matter entirely. It's a good chance for Little Orbit to build a little good PR though...
  15. Every weapon, vehicle, and vehicle kit. This includes Tactical CR-5 (and associated Veteran skin) and Paramillitary N-TEC 5 (and associated Gobi skin).
  16. That's an unfortunate side effect of the hackjob of a Frankenstein's monster that Realtime Worlds smashed together from UE3 (which IIRC wasn't even the release version, but rather a release candidate beta) that we're currently playing on. Once we upgrade to UE4, that issue won't even be a thing anymore.
  17. Join the modern age of gaming and remove the inventory limits, which is something they'll only be able to do after UE4... although we could probably see increases to the current limits with UE3.5.
  18. It's just a difference of model, like the myriad of other weapon variants that also do this. Fun fact since you brought up the SWARMs. The Killer Bee and Locust both initially recoil to the left, while the Yellow Jacket initially recoils to the right. That's the only difference, but it's a fun little sub variation within the gimmick of the weapon line (initially greatly increased horizontal recoil, that reduces until there's basically none).
  19. Such low resolutions haven't been a thing in over a decade. You could buy a computer capable of running this game at modern resolutions for a hundred bucks at your local computer shop.
  20. Ah, that's a bundle I've been intending to purchase. That'll be a pass for now then.
  21. Most of the bundles don't actually list the clothing items that come in them, and ARMAS preview pictures are worthless in general. Considering buying this item because it's a nice and simple top, but don't want to drop the money if I'd just end up getting it in a bundle down the road. For reference, it's on the featured list currently: https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=61&subcatID=152&productId=6101
  22. So very much this. There's people who literally can't spend more on ARMAS simply because they're at the inventory cap and would have to delete existing ARMAS items to make space for new stuff. Obviously, this isn't something they're going to do, as there's no way to get the items they deleted back (even account bound stuff). I'm almost there myself with weapons, and hit that point long ago with vehicles (although vehicles aren't as big a deal because you can always rebuy later... but you'd lose all your customizations which makes it a huge loss regardless).
  23. Because there's no reason to reduce its range even further. The gun is supposed to compete with the assault rifles (STAR, NTEC, etc). Please stop crying for things you don't like to be deleted from the game.
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