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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. "This weapon that is designed to be effective at 20m-30m killed me at 20m-30m, therefore it is overpowered and needs to be nerfed."
  2. Which is underage for gambling in the US, in the few locations that gambling is even legal at all. As the game's Jericho servers are hosted in a location where gambling is illegal in the US, JMBs would become illegal to sell to Jericho players if the loophole in gambling law were ever fixed. I'm not familiar with EU law, so can't speak to this on the EU servers.
  3. The FFA 5.56 R&D III only exists in two Joker Mystery Boxes: Power Joker Mystery Box 9 Tiggs Power Joker Mystery Box Considering the Tiggs box was removed from the store (along with the rest of the previous staff's boxes), it's safe to assume it's not going to be an option in the future. That leaves the standard Power JMB 9 as the only way to potentially obtain the gun, and that box only appears as a reward for events or as a bonus during JMB promotions. That isn't enough of a reason to justify maintaining the arbitrary perceived rarity of the weapon by refusing to allow other methods of obtainment. Especially since the loyalty reward would lack one significant and key feature the legendary would still have, the ability to be sold on market or traded in the upcoming trade system.
  4. That is perfectly fine, and entirely expected. The key point is that they are no longer limited by a finite quantity of consumable items, which makes them freely usable whenever you want to use them. I lost count years ago how many times I've been on a mission and thought to myself "Man, I really wish I could use X consumable right here and now... but the situation isn't quite desperate enough to justify the use of a finite resource."
  5. Here's hoping other nations follow suit, and end this cancer for good.
  6. If balance is a concern, then as has been said simply make any new weapons reskins of existing ones. There's plenty of guns that have received little or no love in the reskin department, this would be a great opportunity to rectify that.
  7. No, just no. The NL9 has nearly pixel perfect accuracy while hipfired on the move, and basically no recoil, despite being a marksman rifle. Course, that's mostly because Gamersfirst/Reloaded decided it would be a good idea to change it from a shotgun to a marksman rifle without changing any of its stats. It takes three shots to stun though, which is a very bad thing due to its exceptionally slow fire interval. If you can track your targets well, it's still undoubtedly better than the CCG. Which brings us to the CCG. It has significant recoil (more than the assault rifles, but less than something like the tommygun or Manic), and also moderate bloom (think along the lines of the STAR's bloom). It's highly accurate if tapped or bursted, but full auto is very bad outside 10m-15m. It also has fairly poor hipfire, but that's mostly because it takes eight shots to stun so the RNG hurts that much more. I personally prefer the CCG, but active target tracking is also one of my weak points. It's why I'm so much better at longer ranges, especially with a sniper rifle. Hostage taking, makes perfect sense. Makes it harder to saturate the area with explosives, while also reducing the Enforcer team's threat level for a time. It'd definitely be a fun expansion to our loadout customization, I'm also hopeful it'll be a reality someday.
  8. It's all good, don't worry about it. LTL weapon's base stats are complete trash compared to any equivalent lethal weapon, giving them open slots won't change this. As an Enforcer main who also mains LTL, I'm a firm supporter of Criminals getting a role that mimics LTL, getting Criminal-themed reskins of the Enforcer LTL weapons. There's certainly multiple precedent examples, so adding more would be totally legit. These don't exist due to engine limitations. Maybe with UE4... but they'd need mod limitations so they don't get silly overpowered. There's plenty of examples of that already (eg Fang).
  9. How would everyone's opinion change on green mod balance if consumables were changed to be yellow mods? Currently, most players try to use their consumables sparingly (especially free players, as consumables don't drop nearly as much for them), this change would encourage them to be used freely throughout every mission. God, Flak would be amazing...
  10. Well, good to know that submitting a post edit also resubmits quote/mention notifications. Wasn't going to comment, but eh, might as well if you're gonna poke me. As someone who owns both existing packs (Juggernaut and Revelations), I would happily purchase more (assuming they gave similar value in the form of multiple guns, a car, clothing, etc). You could make them all reskins of existing weapons/cars, and I'd be just as satisfied with my purchase though. I would also greatly appreciate more loyalty reward tiers, as I've spent more than enough to get at least the next few tiers retroactively. How about slapping that FFA 5.56 R&D III in loyalty rewards, since you can't get it via JMBs anymore? I ask this as someone who already owns the tradeable JMB version, so I have very little to gain from it. To add to the idea pool of ways to generate income with existing assets, how about adding the variant role unlocks to ARMAS? Stuff like N-TEC Stock, JG Tactical, etc. The only reason I haven't purchased the N-TEC account bound yet is because I can't purchase the Stock variant. Easy money for the effort of an intern's lunch break. We still don't have a three slot Scoped N-TEC available, and there's no longer an excuse to not add it as the VAS Scepter exists. Another instant purchase. Slap a scope on the CR-5 and I'd buy that one as well. I like the aesthetic of N-TEC for my Criminal and CR-5 for my Enforcer. Fite me. Could also add O-PGL and OSMAW on there, since ARMAS long ago dropped any pretense of not having purchasable explosive weapons. If you're feeling extra saucy, how about adding the lineup of Less than Lethal weapons, with the three primaries having open slots? I'd buy all five account bound, without hesitation.
  11. The last thing new Misery needs is buffs. It's in an insane state right now.
  12. Normally, I'd say a sale would be nice... but I've made several recent purchases at their full price on the basis of understanding that Little Orbit would hold true to their word and not release another sale until ARMAS has gotten its complete overhaul after Unification is complete. So I will have to stand in opposition to any sales, purely out of the selfish reason that I don't want to have to make a ticket asking for price adjustments on all this stuff.
  13. These two things have nothing to do with each other. Are you even aware of how LTL works?
  14. Not really an excuse considering we also serve the Asian/Australian timezones as well. Face facts, the game is right back to being dead like before Little Orbit entered the picture.
  15. My personal feelings on each green mod are as follows. Clotting Agent I is fine at 25% / 25% Clotting Agent II is fine at 50% / 50% Clotting Agent III should be adjusted to 75% / 75% or 100% / 100% (use the A/B testing to see which is more balanced) Kevlar should be reworked. The upside is too wildly inconsistent in usefulness, while the downside is universally crippling. Flak Jacket should be increased to something like 66% or 75% so it can actually be competitive. Downside is perfect though. Fragile is neat, but the health reduction breaks far too many weapon's balance. The upside would either need a substantial increase (which cascades into other, more serious problems), or you'd need to balance every weapon in the game around Fragile's existence. The mod just needs to be reworked into something else.
  16. Considering I rarely get newbie/bronze opp, and even when I do I'm usually in the lower half the scoreboard anyways, it's unlikely that they're suffering for it. Meanwhile, there's plenty of blatant dethreaters in both factions who make no effort whatsoever to hide their intentions of outright farming lower skill opposition. Sadly, nothing will ever be done about them, as MattScott has already proven publicly.
  17. 8 years and stopped caring about playing seriously half that ago. I still pop into silver occasionally when the mood takes me, but ultimately it just isn't fun playing against tryhards all the time.
  18. It went to the normal STAR instead. Thing's fire rate is through the roof, it's kinda stupid. It now makes sense why the trainees have been an actual threat lately.
  19. Have you guys considered what others have brought up about breathing new life into the game under a fresh moniker?
  20. Agreed with Kevkof, 25 is too low. Setting it to 50 would be fair though.
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