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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. I'm sure they do, but it doesn't take a PhD in psychology to understand such basic concepts. The overwhelming majority of people who left due to Gamersfirst/Reloaded being garbage won't return, specifically because they associate the name with said garbage. Words are exceptionally cheap, and words are what you need to carry weight if you want people to return.
  2. @MattScott has already directly stated they won't be changing branding... even though this decision will severely harm the future of these games (APB, Descent, Fallen Earth) regardless of how good they make them. It's a real shame.
  3. The age of willful ignorance, where nobody's willing to take a moment to do simple research. I blame my generation, not actually raising their kids but instead just feeding them smartphones and tablets to keep them quiet.
  4. Now that this has become a major issue across the first world (including in the US, finally), it's only a matter of time.
  5. Except it wasn't. Go back, reread what I explained to you, and then actually comprehend it. Bought it day one and became my secondary of choice when using a mid/long range weapon. Have used it extensively, and can easily tell that your clip of shots would only kill your target if they were already heavily damage or you got perfect lottery win on the spread RNG. Neither of these things are the case.
  6. Blood splatter is client side and doesn't check with the server. The hitmarker would trigger even if only one pellet landed, and is thus effectively useless for shotguns. That you don't know this by now despite being around for years is just... wow.
  7. You weren't even aiming at your target for the latter three shots, so you would've maybe clipped them with a couple of the edge pellets at most. The first shot was from too far away to get any consistency in the spread, you probably just rolled low on the inner pellets. The second and third shots were probably fine though. So yea, no bugginess here. Just user failure.
  8. He can try to kid himself and everyone else as much as he likes, but the mode is a blatant hop on the Battle Royale bandwagon. I wouldn't care so much, but it's so fucking overdone at this point. Pretty much every game ever now has a Battle Royale mode, with endless more on the way. It's a complete waste of dev resources to cater to a fickle group of players that will do nothing but make the current rampant toxicity in this game's community even worse... and then they'll all hop ship the moment the next fad pops up which leaves yet another dead mode on the pile. Since I apparently need to just outright spell it out for you, this mode is going to effectively be a direct design rip of Fortnite's 50v50 mode. That's likely where MattScott got the idea for it, since it so cleanly and easily can be fit into APB... whereas putting in a proper Battle Royale FFA mode would require a complete revamp of basically the game's entire code.
  9. Those leaked screenshots of the work in progress were confirmed, officially, to be part of the new mode that MattScott's so amped about. Featuring open conflict in the district, with an ever shrinking playable area. In other words, a Battle Royale mode for APB. "Battle Royale" isn't just FFA anymore, and hasn't been for a long time. The modern giants of the genre saw to that.
  10. It's already confirmed we're getting it, and that won't change because MattScott's all in on it.
  11. Why do demerits even give negative score? It literally does nothing but make them useful for dethreating.
  12. Ah, that explains why I haven't seen it. I haven't been on in a bit due to the tier drop in XIV.
  13. It's more likely we won't see that until the ARMAS redesign.
  14. Color me confused. Never seen any issues with this mod, on either side. Good, this was necessary.
  15. Remember when Tiggs and... that one guy who's name completely escapes me due to him only posting a few times "joined" the team? Handful of months of constant meaningful activity, then utter silence followed by Tiggs becoming active again but only for meaningless posts to give the illusion of relevance. Noticing a recurrence here. Moderation staff is now completely absent since at least a week ago, with MattScott/Lixil/etc having a declining presence other than mechanical posts (maint threads, etc).
  16. The 45 is perfect as is, pretty much the ideal balance point for a secondary weapon. RFP's range needs to have the previous buff reverted for sure though, back down to the original 30m from the current 40m.
  17. All these people that have no clue what "pay to win" actually means...
  18. Of course we're a minority in the playerbase, but that wasn't the question being asked. We exist, is the point.
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