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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. All these people that have no clue what "pay to win" actually means...
  2. Of course we're a minority in the playerbase, but that wasn't the question being asked. We exist, is the point.
  3. There's two possible reasons they haven't implemented it: They're too lazy / simply don't care about the problem. The servers are so pathetically weak, that they can't handle it. I'm more inclined to say it's the former, as modern server architecture is strong and relatively cheap.
  4. Yes, because there's plenty of people that actually enjoy that district. I'm one of them.
  5. North American player here, fully support this. Get the South Americas their own server, and then transfer them all over so that Jericho might see a chance to regain population.
  6. The thing that boggles my mind is that speedhacking is still possible, despite the fact that it could be outright stopped on the system level if the devs cared to invest any time whatsoever into implementing it.
  7. Reminds me of that theory that was circulating for a while about how completing both tier 4, both tier 5, and the tier 6 activities would give a boost to the chance of getting the Nano activity from one of them the next day. Obviously a load of bollocks, but it was amusing nonetheless.
  8. @MattScott Restocking ammo is not a fun or engaging gameplay mechanic. It is needless and tedious busywork. On top of that, you still purchase and resupply from any ammo supplier (vending, spawners, boxes, etc) so there's no real excuse to not also do so from death on respawn. That tiny and vocal minority that wants to waste their time buying ammo after every mission can still do so, but don't foist that garbage on those of us that value our time and energy.
  9. If you're going to get a SWARM, get the open slot one. Like seriously, both of the premod versions are horrifically terribad.
  10. Joker Tickets don't give any sort of advantage, so that's not a valid argument.
  11. Still waiting on that promised report system... the complete lack of even the slightest mention about it in any recent blog post or other official comment makes one question whether it'll ever actually be a thing. Although one questions if it even matters, since Little Orbit seems incapable of even the slightest caring about obvious toxicity in the community.
  12. To my knowledge, this can't be intentionally reproduced. It is, however, exceptionally annoying when it happens. It usually fixes itself after next death, so I usually just toss a couple nades at my feet when it happens.
  13. Minimum is not base. Minimum is the theoretical worst state the accuracy can be in, whereas base is the resting accuracy when unaffected by any factors (movement, jumping, firing, etc).
  14. Literally not how the mod works, and it'd be nice if you people stopped spreading that misinformation.
  15. Now I want an LMG variant of the SLR line...
  16. Have you taken a moment to consider that your issues might be on your end? There's hundreds of other people playing every day without issues.
  17. Broadside is the only correct answer.
  18. You wait for the 3-6 months it takes for support to respond.
  19. You don't remove a good feature because of a bug, you fix the bug to polish the feature.
  20. The automatic resupply on respawn was not an intentional feature, hence why it's always been bugged to where it doesn't deduct the APB$ the ammo it resupplies costs. This was confirmed multiple times over the years by the old team. That being said, they never "fixed" it because it's an obviously good feature to have... which is why it boggles my mind that Little Orbit decided it would be a good idea to fuck over the entire playerbase by removing it entirely instead of taking the logical course of fixing the APB$ deduction bug.
  21. Good to know. Maybe I'll finally start actually taking advantage of the feature, since there's nothing left in the game for me to save APB$ for. Kevin Sorbo! <3
  22. You could always extend leases, this isn't a new feature. It's limited by the daily purchase limit of a given weapon category (can't purchase a lease if you have none available, obviously), as well as by an upper limit on the total lease duration (IIRC it's two months).
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