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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. They completely dumpstered the Strife, which was the only shotgun that was actually fun to use.
  2. You do realize you can't just pull a reversion of that size like it's a simple matter of flipping a switch, right? The financial hit they'd take would tank what little value the company's stock has, and any investors they have would immediately pull out. It would likely just outright kill the company.
  3. Jericho's running just fine. Battle Royale can also be team based. It's very obvious that "Riot" is a mode cashing in on the Battle Royale hype, just as Fight Club was created to draw in Call of Duty / Battlefield players for the sake of boosting population numbers.
  4. Populate this ghost town.
  5. They're still hiring, but it takes time because you still have to perform training and the slog of HR intake paperwork. Also, there's just the simple fact that they're getting hammered with an excessively high amount of ticket volume due to picking up a completely dumpstered game. Tons of players returning and having to go through support to get their accounts straightened out after the old staff fucked with everything on the way out.
  6. Half of these are reporting racist/pornographic symbology. None have been responded to or dealt with.
  7. By the way you're stating this ("not working exactly the same way"), would I be correct in taking that as you're still pushing them live rather than just reverting entirely?
  8. Changes, or a reversion? This patch was to include the hitreg fixes that were on the OTW, and I was kinda looking forward to them considering it's not entirely fun when you empty an entire 50 round M-1922 magazine into an unmoving target and they completely ignore it. Yes, that actually happened to me. Would've just asked in the quoted thread, but you locked it.
  9. You're looking at 2-3 months until you'll hear back. However, once your ticket is in a rep's hands, your responses are handled as priority by that rep (usually getting a response within an hour or two). This is also just a temporary issue, probably. In theory, tickets will be handled much faster in the future. Here's some context as to why:
  10. One would hope not, considering the servers have been outright killing themselves the past few days.
  11. I have no problems paying for microtransaction content, as my Euryale attests (I'd also have the following few tiers of loyalty rewards as well, if they existed). I have a problem with releasing gambling features in video games, which is a viewpoint shared by anyone with half a functioning brain cell as it's obvious how damaging such features are to the industry as a whole.
  12. The stats are literally irrelevant. It's the principle of the matter.
  13. You were doing so well too... Just when I thought you might be different to every other dev in the industry, you go and continue contributing to this absolute cancer. Heavy loss of respect for your company.
  14. It's beyond obvious to everyone that the Improved Rifling changes are not even remotely ready to be pushed live. There is no reality where it makes even the slightest sense to do so, instead the only thing that makes any sense whatsoever would be to simply delay the Improved Rifling changes until the next weapon balance pass.
  15. I predict via an event for two of them, and the third being ARMAS. I highly doubt JMB, as MattScott has implied on multiple occasions that he doesn't like them.
  16. There's at least some variety currently, even if it's just the other currently top tier weapons (OCA, HVR, etc). After these changes go live though...
  17. Waits patiently for you to finish adding loadout options.
  18. Going to be great fun seeing nothing but NTECs on both teams.
  19. Looks like they're content with the currently broken state Improved Rifling is in. That's unfortunate.
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