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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Inconsistently every minute or three, server grinds to a halt for an instant or short time. Results in the good old warping off rooftops or losing control of your vehicles that we're so used to. @MattScott @Majiik
  2. Gamersfirst/Reloaded policy was one refund for the lifetime of the account. You could refund up to three items within that single refund, which was nice if you happened to have multiple items you wanted to refund... but if you only refunded (for example) one item, the other two were forfeit because no further refunds would be processed on that account. No idea if Little Orbit plans to change this policy.
  3. That's stating they won't refund G1C back to cash (your PayPal, bank, whatever).
  4. That's when you realize that Flak Jacket is better than all three of the Clotting Agents.
  5. Doesn't take a degree in rocket science to understand the basics of networking.
  6. Might be time to invest in some real servers... these constant issues are bleeding the playerbase dry, killing the momentum you built up off the initial hype.
  7. I mean, they're two completely different issues, and this one (the subforum blocking people) has nothing to do with servers.
  8. You aren't alone with that bug. I've contacted @Selali about it, here's hoping they fix it soon. Different issue. He's referencing a bug that's blocking people from accessing the Server Status subforum.
  9. Looks like they're slowly spinning back up again. Nevermind, they're just immediately dying when people join them. @Majiik Any word from the team about what's causing this, and what is being done to fix it? It isn't DDoS, that much is clear. There was no network issue prior to the servers going down. Whatever is causing this is a fault with the servers themselves.
  10. That's Cooling Jacket's downside, and would make very little sense on Improved Rifling besides.
  11. Why would you buy it at full price... and as PrincessLuna stated, you can't get the money back. They'll simply remove the gun and then put the G1C back on your account.
  12. Unless Little Orbit plans to do it differently, you only get one refund per account. I'd highly suggest not wasting it on this.
  13. So, you're going to nerf the NTEC right? Because if you don't, there's going to be no reason to use any other weapon with the Improved Rifling changes.
  14. The ignore list automatically updates with name changes, so that reason has no basis.
  15. Word of advice: Don't use it if you have other options (even if those other options cost you more). Stripe mines your information without obtaining your permission first, and it's an absolute nightmare to detach yourself from their services once you're in their system.
  16. Changes to fundamental functionality is not the same as balance/stat changes, and necessitates compensation if you want to maintain a positive relationship with your consumers.
  17. That's pretty cool, and it's also got me excited that my Old Glory is getting buffed. However... what do you plan to do to compensate all the other preset weapons that players own? To use myself as an example, my TAS20 Stock and Temptress are going to be kneecapped to uselessness because of the Improved Rifling change... and that's not okay. Buffs/nerfs are fine, but completely altering how something functions without compensation is not.
  18. Considering they just copy/pasted the existing filter, and then intentionally removed several terms from it, it's pretty obvious that they don't take issue with us using them. That being said, abusing them as is being done in recent posts here will likely see them filtered again...
  19. They're "legendary" because they're legendary-tier loot. Have you never played an MMO before?
  20. That's not how DDoS works. The issue is something else, most likely packet loss.
  21. Fun fact: The only reason we don't have moddable secondaries is simply because the UI can't support it. Something to look forward to after UE3.5/UE4, perhaps.
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