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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. This is one of those niche edge cases, not the norm. The armored truck mission is just poorly designed in general, the addition of the new mods make it even worse. It's one of those very few missions that should just be removed, because there's not really any way to make it "good".
  2. The only balance change needed for grenades is Low-Yield Fragmentation Grenade held count 3 -> 2. Grenades are in a perfectly balanced state beyond that. As far as deployables/consumables go, there's a whole slew of adjustments needed across the board (especially to Remote Detonator).
  3. Last thing we need is the few unique weapons the game has "balanced" (read: homogenized) just because the "top skill" players don't have a clue how they work and refuse to learn.
  4. @MattScott @Majiik On the topic of the weapon balance pass, could you potentially look into including a quick bugfix to a couple long-standing (albeit very minor / annoyance level) bugs? Specifically, the ATAC 424 NFCP3 and Colby M-1922 Mk3 'Typewriter' weapons both using the SMG idle (one-handed, pointed toward the sky). Both of these weapons should be using the assault rifle idle variant that puts the forward hand on the foregrip. As this content already exists, it shouldn't be too hard a thing to fix.
  5. Currently, if you enable notifications (which appear on the globe icon in upper right corner), the forum will also send an email to your account's registered email... for every single notification. The only way to stop the emails, also disables notifications completely. Please separate these options.
  6. Mirroring this sentiment. It's an extremely cheap marketing trick, and anti-consumer. Would like to add my support for this. One of the key reasons my friend doesn't play very much (and outright refuses to play his Criminal entirely), is because there's no option to upgrade his Enforcer's character-bound customization items (vehicles, clothing, etc) to account-bound (which would allow him to access these things on his Criminal). Understandably, these things are more complicated than just flipping a switch like with weapons. Faction restrictions, character sex, etc. However, it's something that the team should really look into implementing at some point.
  7. Mirroring what many others have already stated, there is no reason whatsoever to remove items from ARMAS. That serves no purpose other than to further limit your potential profits, when you're already in a position that profit is questionable.
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