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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Didn't want to have to do this, but it's been over an hour and the server hasn't be restarted to fix the now unplayable levels of this. @MattScott @Lixil @Selali @Majiik @Androvald @Aphadon
  2. Really need to have someone assigned to constantly monitoring the districts (as in actually logging in and entering them, and then running around for a bit), so that this stuff can be taken care of without me having to bring it up every night.
  3. Can only remember the BOGO and "pulling a legendary gives two instead" ones offhand, although I feel like there was another type as well.
  4. To be fair, it shows up as HS1 when you look at JMB11's details page. It correctly showed the icon for 3PDS once upon a time, but then G1 broke it and never fixed it as they do.
  5. Literally the same gun. There goes any credibility you had left in that post.
  6. Have you ever tried purchasing the premium currency with direct credit? I've done so a few times in the past on alt accounts, and have never sustained any sort of secondary fees or charges.
  7. PayPal is a US company, so it's not surprising that you'd be subject to some form of international processing fee.
  8. Piercing mod in general is really lackluster. In addition to suffering a significant damage reduction on the second target (basically doing nothing to the third, where it stops), the things it pierces through are inconsistent. Not to mention that if it's piercing through something you're hiding behind, you're being treated as the second target and are thus getting hit with the gimped damage. Them adding it to the Ursus would be a bit silly at this point, but it wouldn't really change much in how the weapon functions. The situations where it would actually take advantage of the mod are very few and far between. There's a reason it was created for an SMG (the Sergeant, specifically), because the mod is at its best in tight spaces where the enemy will often stack as they fight.
  9. It keeps the open mod slot too, so you can keep the Improved Rifling 3 in it.
  10. I live in California, and can confirm there's no taxes for Paypal usage. Must be a thing for those outside the US.
  11. If Fairfight actually works as they claim, then it would be no problem whatsoever to snare most macro users.
  12. This is an ongoing problem, and destroys this vehicle that would otherwise be highly competitive. Not going to let this slide off into the depths of the forum.
  13. Just needs slightly lower range potential. It's supposed to be a CQC hipfire burst rifle, not that plus a slightly weaker OBIR.
  14. Rather than discontinue gameplay streams entirely, I would suggest something else. Create a special district type that you can spin up on command, that must be manually selected from the existing advanced district selection menu. This special district would exist specifically for Little Orbit staff to enter into and play against the normal populace using the standard action district rules. No special treatment for anyone, etc. The staff member wouldn't be allowed to directly group with anyone, but would still be able to get teammates from the matchmaking as per the usual. Normal players would be able to join this district while it's active, and would have the possibility of being matched with/against the staff member(s) while in it. As they would have to intentionally join this district, there is no basis for any complaints like we've seen around this incident.
  15. There's also different noises for different footwear. Some are quieter than others, while others make a different type of sound entirely. It's one of my lesser spoken of frustrations with this game, your customizations shouldn't have any gameplay effect whatsoever (aside from things like making yourself bright pink with glowing clothing making it easy as hell to see you, of course).
  16. @MattScott @Lixil @Selali @Majiik @Androvald @Aphadon
  17. Which is a horrendously terrible idea. "Gamersfirst" is synonymous with all the bad shit we've been dealing with for over a decade, not to mention is the direct legacy of K2 Networks.
  18. They were also very, very broken on multiple levels. Low High TTK district was just player health increased, with no accompanying weapon rebalances, which obviously resulted in a pointless shitshow that G1 used as an excuse to say "see, nobody likes it!" Let's also not forget about the SHAW's bullets causing OPGL detonations on impact (which was absolutely hilarious while it lasted).
  19. Restarting the servers temporarily fixes the server-based lag problem. I believe it was mentioned somewhere that it's a memory leak issue they're having trouble isolating for a fix.
  20. How is the RFP not CQC viable? It has better accuracy than the 45 while taking two less shots to kill and much higher overdamage. There's a reason it's so widespread used, it's easier and safer than the 45.
  21. Shouldn't need to edit a file for something that is industry standard (in good games, anyways) nowadays.
  22. So nice to see that nothing is being done about it, and that the dethreater's taunts that Little Orbit won't do anything were well founded. Every day, all the same blatant dethreaters still playing without a care in the world. Mission after mission, steamrolling the bronze and silver players that are just trying to have a little fun in a video game. Yes, I'm falling on my sword for this, because this is the most damaging problem this game has (and has had for years). Dethreating is actively killing the game, and needs to be prioritized to be dealt with. Publicly, not behind the scenes. You need to make examples, so that all the rest understand that this shit isn't acceptable. @MattScott
  23. What if the HVR was just given reverse damage scaling, like what the Volcano has? Does irrelevant damage up close (like 2% inside 10m) that scales up to the current full 85% outside 60-70m. No need for accuracy scaling or other similarly convoluted gimmicks (that never work, as has been proven the past several times)... just straight up solution to the core problem.
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