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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Why is there even discussion about how to fix the current overtuning of the shotguns? The solution is extremely simple. Reduce the effective range on the traditional shotguns (JG, CSG, Strife, NFAS, True Ogre) to 5m, with the dropoff bottoming out at 15m with a 0% minimum damage percentage (in other words, they can't do damage past 15m). This allows the current changes to keep them completely consistent within their intended use case (point blank CQC and corner popping), while also fixing the current range problem. Everything is solved, with no downside.
  2. Reiterating for the umpteenth time, these HVR changes do literally nothing to correct the actual issues the weapon brings to the game.
  3. Take a moment to realize what /dnd does, and then understand why it isn't a valid workaround to specifically denying trade requests.
  4. You don't actually believe that's an acceptable workaround, right?
  5. The last thing we need is yet another JMB in the list. Being the first real content in years, it should be a completely free addition (event unlock maybe?) for everyone to enjoy.
  6. It's a separate installation via a separate launcher, it shouldn't have any interaction.
  7. Gamerfirst/Reloaded continuously degraded the game's performance over the eight years they had the game, never bothering to even attempt to push fixes or attempts at improvement. It's unsurprising that you're seeing increased performance on an updated client, Little Orbit has shown (through action, repeatedly) that they're actually stripping all that broken garbage back out and replacing it with stable goodness. Just look at the server performance issues, there hasn't been latency issues in over a week, game's been completely stable after they pushed their fixes... albeit with the hitreg issue sneaking in.
  8. All I'm reading is that I'll be able to enjoy a solid 60 FPS again after ~6-7 years... at least until a smoke particle appears and the game shits itself because Unreal Engine.
  9. As someone who has had to deal with someone stalking me across multiple social outlet platforms, I thank you greatly for ensuring all the bases are covered with updating the friend list to modern standards.
  10. Further clarification needed: If you remove someone from your friends list, does it also now remove you from theirs as well? Cause that's another glaring issue with the current system.
  11. No, because there's no forum moderation to lock it.
  12. Anyone with a functional slab of meat between their ears knows those reports collected dust in a folder, completely ignored by the old team.
  13. It's not an assumption. The devs confirmed it publicly as a bug, but just never fixed it because it makes them too much money on JMB sales.
  14. I can guarantee you it wasn't a thing then. I was still playing back then, and we most definitely were still using center dot and circle design.
  15. The more I think about it and discuss it, the more I continue to feel that the proposed shotgun change needs to be put on hold. We've had consistent shotguns in the past, and the result of that was that shotguns pushed all other weapons out of viability because nothing could compete with a consistent two-shot with a high rate of fire (aka the CSG). Most of the objective locations in Financial are indoors or in enclosed spaces, which perfectly cater to the CQC nature of shotguns. Waterfront has more open locations, but most of them cater to "drive up and hop out" as well. I would say to put the shotgun change on hold, wait until after the currently known and being worked on hitreg issues have been fixed. Once people have shaken out the state of shotguns from that, then you can reexamine the necessity of the proposed shotgun change. I can almost guarantee you that you'll find the change isn't actually needed.
  16. Was definitely one of the best cheats in the older GTA games, would love to see something like that here. It would need to be an event or something though, not the normal behaviour.
  17. It's a fairly common issue with gamepad peripherals on PC. The higher quality gamepads usually don't suffer it as much, and Logitech is one of the top tier.
  18. Dunno what to tell you. I run with HS3, IR3, and Tagger, and never really have any problems controlling it (unless panic'd, like getting caught out at a corner or something). It's definitely not a primary you run as a main weapon (it's closer to the reactionary nature of the ALIG, than it is to the active nature of the NSSW), but within its niche I see great results from the few people who use it.
  19. Except that it follows a pattern, which means there's no prediction involved and thus it can be controlled.
  20. Six shots to kill like NSSW, while retaining most of the anti-vehicle capability the ALIG has. Once you take the time to learn how to control the recoil, the gun is damn good.
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