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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. All of my yes. This needs to be fixed, it's so stupid.
  2. Specifically talking about movement on foot, not while in vehicles. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to shoot someone, only for them to teleport around because the server is simply accepting their obviously corrupted movement data. Whether it be them having a bad connection to the server, intentional lagswitching, or just outright speedhacking, the problem is the same.
  3. Instead of reducing the fire rate reduction, what if they increased the range bonus? It's always been something that bothered me, that it's not a divisible of five. So what if it was: +5m/+10m/+15m range -5%/-15%/-25% fire rate
  4. That's a huge difference in this game, especially in CQC.
  5. You want to talk about a weapon that should get scrutiny, and [extremely carefully] adjusted... Meanwhile I'm over here with my beloved duo of R-2 'Harbinger' and FR0G 'Thumbnail', just absolutely loving life.
  6. Stats changing I'm perfectly fine with, balance is an ever-changing and ongoing process that by its nature can never be completed. Changing the way something functions on the fundamental level, to the point of literally removing viability (full stop), is an entirely different story.
  7. The RFP used to not be able to hipfire, the base accuracy would bloom out if you moved while not in marksmanship mode (like any other marksmanship mode weapon). It felt horrible on a secondary, and was reflected by the weapon being completely absent from gameplay except for the extremely rare freshspawn scrub. Slower burst, which increases the chances of the second and/or third bullet missing. In the three shots to kill, you need to land 8 of the 9 bullets, so those misses add up real quick.
  8. His argument makes perfect sense, and if these changes go through he won't be the only one pissed off. I own the TAS20 Stock (account bound), which has Improved Rifling 3 and Tagger, and use it often. This change outright destroys that gun, makes it unusable in actual gameplay. I'm already debating putting in a support ticket for a refund or variant exchange. This gets even worse if they choose to not limit the effect to shotguns, because then it would kill another gun I own, the Temptress. That one I can't even request a refund for, because it was obtained via non-paid methods, nor can I request a variant exchange, because it has no variants that would be valid to exchange. The gun would just be a hunk of wood and metal in my gun locker, forever.
  9. The Improved Rifling nerf will also indirectly nerf the Fang, which is the main variant of the RFP that's currently causing the biggest problems. While I'm sure many of us would love to see the previous RFP buff (effective range increase 30m->40m) reverted, it's unlikely that it will.
  10. Reflex Sight has never changed, people like you just simply don't understand how it actually works.
  11. Honestly, it needs to be slightly reworked. Increase percentage on tier 1/2/3 from current 13%/26%/39% to new 20%/40%/60% Scale percentage down based on weapon's mobility stat (heavies like HVR or OSMAW get reduced effect) Have the percentage apply to switching away from the weapon as well. Consider how the sling works in reality to understand why. Due to the sling being extra equipment you have to carry, introduce the downside of reduced reserve ammo. 10/20/30% would probably work.
  12. Probably the worst part about this is that even if they start actually taking action against it, the legitimate playerbase still loses because all those weapons they were holding are lost along with them... and while most would (eventually) be replaced from people buying JMBs, some are just gone forever (like the FFA 5.56 R&D III, for example).
  13. The sub tokens effectively killed the gold selling market, they just can't compete to a degree that makes it worth their time. Really wish other games would follow suit.
  14. Even more so since nothing is being done about it.
  15. The point of ARMAS weapons is to skip the role grind, which means that if your suggestion were to go through, all ARMAS weapons would have the fourth slot unlocked by default. This would also be retroactively applied to all existing player-owned weapons.
  16. Neither of those weapons bloom, the fuck would you put Heavy Barrel on them for...
  17. The negatives are there to counter-balance the positives. Without negatives, you'd see some severe balance problems with certain weapon and mod combinations.
  18. Let's not. It's bad enough that moddable weapons are locked behind a massive grind (or a paywall), the last thing we need is to extend that even further.
  19. - Conceptual mod icon. Visualizes the idea of aiming without a scope. Substantially improves benefit of marksmanship mode -15 degrees zoom level Substantially decreases accuracy while running This mod is aimed at the CQC marksmanship subset of weapons. Examples being M-1922 (tommygun), Manic, ATAC etc... and to a lesser extent ACES Rifle. It's pretty much just High-Magnification Scope with flipped zoom. These guns want to use Hunting Sight, but they are heavily penalized for using it. This mod fixes that.
  20. This solution isn't feasible, as it requires an extensive existing network infrastructure (which Little Orbit obviously doesn't have). To make it happen, it would require multiple billions in expensive infrastructure setup, and it's highly unlikely that Little Orbit would make such an investment for a game that's barely scraping by on pity handouts as it is.
  21. Why is there even discussion about how to fix the current overtuning of the shotguns? The solution is extremely simple. Reduce the effective range on the traditional shotguns (JG, CSG, Strife, NFAS, True Ogre) to 5m, with the dropoff bottoming out at 15m with a 0% minimum damage percentage (in other words, they can't do damage past 15m). This allows the current changes to keep them completely consistent within their intended use case (point blank CQC and corner popping), while also fixing the current range problem. Everything is solved, with no downside.
  22. Reiterating for the umpteenth time, these HVR changes do literally nothing to correct the actual issues the weapon brings to the game.
  23. Take a moment to realize what /dnd does, and then understand why it isn't a valid workaround to specifically denying trade requests.
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