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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. If they released that, every one of my cars would automatically use it by default.
  2. Considering damage decreases per pellet, yes.
  3. I'm laughing that people think this sniper rifle change will end HVR quickswitching. The good QS'ers don't hipfire...
  4. Constantly suggested every time these discussions come up, and always the best solution to the VIP mission type. Sadly, it'll likely never actually happen. But, just in case it can... @Majiik
  5. Ultimately, the maps and [vanilla] missions are designed and balanced around 4v4. This is all too apparent to anyone with basic observational skills who looks at the areas around objectives. The overwhelmingly vast majority of locations are setup in such a way that a group of four players would be perfectly suited to effectively defend it, without overpowering it.
  6. The potential for backup wars to happen is definitely a problem. However, I'd rather a mission turn into a pointless deathmatch than see one person have to give themselves an aneurysm just to maybe scrape a victory through because of how lopsided 2v1s are.
  7. That's the point. With what I proposed, 1v1s literally can't happen because the only remaining reason for them happening is blocked on the system level. The sole remaining player automatically abandons (no player input required, nor is the player allowed to decline it), and the mission is thus terminated before opposition can be assigned. Of course, none of this fixes the other completely broken mission type: 2v1 with no option for backup. This is also easily fixed by simply forcing a backup assignment to the solo player.
  8. Easy solution: If you are the only person in a mission, it is immediately abandoned. Issue resolved with only a minimal amount of dev.
  9. Gold and green districts, along with Open Conflict districts, are unused by the active population of the game. The only people you ever really see in them are ram raiders, and those looking to start a Witness mission with them. The way I see it, there's no reason for these districts to keep spinning up and draining the not insignificant resources it takes to maintain them. While it wouldn't fix the core issues, it would definitely help mitigate. Another thing that could be disabled with no real loss is the walking civilian NPCs. This would also disable the Mugging feature, but honestly who actually uses that other than for exploiting the Notoriety gain it gives. The immediate counter-argument is that this would make the districts seem less lively (and to an extent that's true), but how much do they really? I constantly will drive around and go blocks without seeing a civilian, only to get to one of those intersections (you know the ones) and see 20+ civilians just idle, their pathing AI broken. I wonder how much server resources are being hammered by those clumps... While you can't disable Fight Club (still an active mode, after all), you could put the maps on rotation, having only one of them active and switching to the next in sequential order after a set period of time (be it daily, weekly, etc... that's something to poll the Fight Club community about). This would focus the Fight Club population together, while also reducing server stress that extra little bit. There's probably other features that could also be looked at for this type of treatment, but I'll leave it at this for now.
  10. The concession we had to make to get G1 to implement the account-bound upgrade feature (it wasn't always an option) was that the upgrade would cost the difference plus a percentage fee on top of it (IIRC it's 20%, but it's been years since the discussions about this went down). Be glad that you even have the option for it at all... although it would be nice if LO could be the better company and remove that fee.
  11. Even after what is assumed to be a restart, server is still dying. It's actually much, much worse now.
  12. It's just a server restart, as that temporarily fixes the persistent lag issues.
  13. @MattScott @Lixil @Majiik Server-side lockups every few minutes, along with obvious network stutters at an ever-increasing frequency. Same old issue.
  14. It would require them to rebuild the game from the ground up, so it will never happen.
  15. Simply hop in one and hit the gas, after a couple gear shifts the engine breaks. Acceleration stops, and it starts losing speed until it bottoms out the current gear and restarts this broken cycle. This has been an issue for years, it's about time it gets fixed since this vehicle is being sold for real money on ARMAS.
  16. SWARM are basically just the NSSW but much, much worse. Mostly due to the extreme horizontal recoil that's part of the weapon's unique gimmick.
  17. Allow me to introduce you to this outlandish concept known as waiting.
  18. You do realize that 50% off combined with the increased G1C amounts is more than 50% off on its own, right?
  19. @MattScott @Majiik Tracers were removed a while ago under the pretense of "performance concerns" and then later stated to be "returning with the engine upgrade". Is this still the plan, or are they gone for good? If they're gone for good, can we see balance changes made to all the silenced weapons, since the silencer removing tracers was pretty much the core feature of them?
  20. It's a shame the G1C changes haven't gone through, can't justify spending money at the current higher prices. Mindboggling that so many people are willing to literally just throw their money away, rather than wait a week.
  21. https://support.gamersfirst.com/ Common sense is difficult, apparently.
  22. Whatever you're smoking, you'd best have enough to share cause that's some dank shit. Of course this would never happen, they'd outright kill the future of the game due to pissing away millions. I alone would get several hundred dollars worth of G1C at that 20% rate, and I'm not even the biggest whale in this community.
  23. It's a solid start. Especially since they're moving away from the predatory design (every purchase always leaves you with a little leftover, which preys upon that innate part of the human psyche). However, a simple increase of G1C per USD $1 isn't enough. They need to go through and normalize the price of every item across the entire store. Make everything purchasable with a division of 100 G1C, so that you never have leftover currency. They also need to bring the highest priced items down, it's absurd that the Valhalla's Chosen pack costs USD $70 when it's just a set of four variants of the same gun. Even after all that, there's still work to do to make ARMAS a consumer-friendly experience.
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