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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Thanks for the link. Would need to also find a different downside (the damage reduction kills the mod outside the one niche it's already used in), and the spread reduction percentage would need to be at least 25% to have any noticeable impact (the 35% DOW has barely changes it). I'd say bring the spread reduction at least to 20%/35%/50% (buffing DOW to 50% as well). If it turns out that shotguns are killing too far away, just lower their effective range and/or sharpen the falloff scale and/or reduce minimum damage percentage. For the downside, I'd say increasing recoil would be an effective substitute to the current damage reduction. A missed shot still reduces damage output, but recoil is something that skill can mitigate.
  2. Color me curious. Heavy Barrel is very useful in a certain niche, but it'd be nice to see it reworked to something useable across the board.
  3. Which is something that RIOT fails to be on any level.
  4. I selected Improved Rifling, but I don't necessarily want to see the existing mod changed since it already caused an uproar the first time around (people afraid of change, rip). I just wish that Little Orbit's variant of the mod they pushed as a rebalance were returned. The percentage range increase (with flat applied after to make the mod not completely useless on shotguns) at the cost of reduced fire rate was absolutely god tier for a few weapons, and made numerous others feel amazing. I miss it, so much...
  5. Not how that works anymore, though. The system is inflated to hell thanks to Gamersfirst/Reloaded changing the scale so that the upper like 40% of players are gold. Don't know the exact percentage they targeted (don't remember if it was even ever stated specifically), just know that the intent was to make gold piss-easy to get so that golds would have easier time finding opp. If Little Orbit were to revert Gamersfirst/Reloaded's stupidity so that the threat scale was in a functionally sound state again, I'd likely never breach gold again (unless I started taking the game seriously again, of course). Gold used to actually be something you could wear with some measure of pride (although it wasn't until they added revealed numbering that you could truly brag about it, assuming you were G5+). Miss those days...
  6. Taking the industry hostage is not competition.
  7. You clearly don't understand how the threat system in this game works if you actually believe that. In before you get piled on by the ravenous pack of idiots who can't understand that there's reasons other than exploiting for easy wins that someone might dethreat to play in bronze.
  8. A new map is the absolute last thing this game needs, there's not even remotely enough concurrent and active players to support even further splitting. Hell, for the sake of overall game health it would be better if they actually removed all of the side modes and associated maps (Fight Club, RIOT, etc), and focused their efforts on undoing the damage Gamersfirst/Reloaded caused to the core maps (Financial and Waterfront).
  9. Hexerin


    It boggles the mind that people still suggest IP, MAC, and/or HWID bans. All of these things are incredibly easy and simple to spoof, IP especially so.
  10. Considering that behavior is intended (for the sake of those with low-end hardware), it's unlikely that that'll change. Maybe with UE4, but highly unlikely for UE3.5.
  11. I mean, one of the first things @MattScott stated when Little Orbit took over the game (in explicitly clear terms directly at this specific issue) was that they have absolutely no intention whatsoever to do anything about this. He fully expects that once the whole district phasing for matchmaking thing is implemented (which won't be coming for several years at the rate they're taking with the engine upgrade), that this issue will magically fix itself and that everyone will just stop abusing the system.
  12. Who cares about the cheater, the more interesting part of this tale is that somehow your Mobile Radar Tower is actually functioning.
  13. Honestly, if there was a delay trigger on the detonation (also maybe not quite that high), that wouldn't be a terrible mod. Not sure which slot it'd fit though... Reminds me, friend always brings up having a dead man's switch mod. On death, simply drops a pair of Low-Yield Frags at your feet. Would give your killer a couple seconds to respond and evade, while still being moderately dangerous in heated firefights. That being said, the friendly fire would be unreal, so obviously would never be implemented.
  14. Could be pretty nifty, although I'd see this more as being a Vaquero kit. I see your Raptor and raise you a Hennessey.
  15. It objectively has no place in this game, and takes away devs that could instead be working on shit that actually matters for what little remains of the future of the game.
  16. Mirroring what a few others have said, there goes any remaining interest I had in the mode. Eh, why bother being coy. All interest I had in the mode died the moment June 28th rolled around.
  17. It's not a fear, it's an expected and inevitable reality. The length of time it's taken for it to come has done nothing but cause people to subconsciously expect more, and when it doesn't deliver (because that wasn't the point of it in the first place), their souls will be crushed. They'll then leave, because they no longer have the excuse/rationale to use to justify to their own minds to stay. At this point, the engine upgrade being released is most likely what will finish off what little remains of Jericho, and leave Citadel in a dangerous state like Jericho currently is. I don't think Citadel will die though, because at the very least the Russians will keep it alive (as they don't seem to care about the state of the game in the first place).
  18. Whatever you did to get this implemented has caused the servers to get loopy again. Hitreg is spotty and vehicles are floaty, not conditions even remotely fun to play under.
  19. Completely pointless event that will inevitably end poorly as the overwhelming majority of participants get nothing for their time, resulting in regret and frustration for bothering.
  20. So he has a number incremented X number of times. It doesn't do anything functional, and has no actual value. Wouldn't be surprised, it's a community pastime to spam downvotes on every post I make regardless of content.
  21. The four slot Fresno is only obtainable from Joker Mystery Boxes. It's an "epic" so low chance, but it's also on the lower end within the "epic" range on top of that. I've spent thousands on JMBs and have only ever seen it a few times. If you do get it as the prize, it gives a copy of the vehicle for a duration (365 days, IIRC) as well as unlocks it in the vehicle shop to purchase a permanent one.
  22. I never said they'd actually bother. I'm just pointing out how it works if it's actually done properly.
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