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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. This happens especially often when shooting people that are hidden behind corners. It really makes me wish this game had structural piercing as an innate feature, like Counterstrike.
  2. Would it not make sense to also merge this thread into that one?
  3. I see, good to know. Even 8 years later, still learning stuff about this game.
  4. I'm almost completely certain that crouching just shifts the existing hitbox down. There's a couple locations where you can be damaged by explosives through the ground you're crouched on. There's also the thing where crouching can let you access resupply points that are below you, that you can't access when you're standing. The easiest way to show this is pulling out an Espacio with Mobile Supply Unit, and then standing on it's roof at the tailgate with your weapon missing some ammo. Standing does nothing, but if you crouch you'll start resupplying. Another example of this is various locations where you can drop a Resupply Box (tested with large, not sure if medium has the same radius) and resupply from it on an upper level so long as you're crouched.
  5. Leaning shifts the hitbox slightly towards the leaning direction. It doesn't alter it however, it's still a solid rectangle. This is why leaning is almost useless, because anyone who understands the underlying mechanic knows that that "air" beneath your exposed head/arms is also targetable.
  6. It won't. Everyone's super excited for the grenade, but as it has been described it's basically useless.
  7. Kinda pointless to bring up since it's already been confirmed since years ago that they're coming back with the engine upgrade.
  8. I'm still waiting for them to unbundle things.
  9. @MattScott went on record literally when they took over the game over a year ago that they have no intention of pushing marketing until after the engine upgrade. This is a smart move, because any players brought in prior to that will just leave because the shit state the game is in.
  10. What universe is this guy living in that you get JT per match?
  11. I miss the days when contact bases were faction-specific. Couldn't use any of the amenities at one unless you belonged to the faction of the contact. I don't miss how that had so many imbalances that favored the Crim faction. Hell, the game still favors them now.
  12. Forums have been lagging harder and harder the past few days. It's taking several seconds to a minute or so to navigate pages sometimes now.
  13. Old reward messages, from systems long removed. One of the myriad of systems leftovers that Gamersfirst/Reloaded was too lazy to fix.
  14. Same here, but for me it's the entire less than lethal armory. However, I have the stipulation that they have to be open slot, along with the ingame adjustments needed to make that fair to sell on ARMAS. In other words, stripping the preset LTL weapons out of the role progression and putting them into contacts, then adding open slot LTL weapons to the role progression. Mirror every other weapon-based progression in the game, instead of being this really fucked and arbitrary wonky-ness.
  15. Oh god, I'd forgotten about him. Please no, never again... Also no, not who I'm talking about. The difference between xx60/xx70/xx80 is huge.
  16. They aren't cheating, they're griefing missions. Endless, consistent griefing... for years, long before Little Orbit took over and yet still continuing to this day. The sad part is that Little Orbit is well aware of what's going on, they just choose to ignore it and take no action.
  17. PR speak is worthless. I'll believe it when I actually see tangible evidence ingame, and a year later there is still none. Not a single person has been actioned, despite the complete blatancy of their actions. With a community this small, it's very easy to track these things. Not to mention that the absolute highest offender on Jericho is still running around freely, doing the same old shit with no repercussions.
  18. Blind Justice, No service? No store!, and R. O. A. R. among a handful of others, should also be removed. Half the mission can't even be interacted with by Enforcers, which defeats the entire point of it. Vandalize is auto-win for the Criminal side, yet Enforcers can be brought into the mission on those stages anyways. It's absurd. Then you have Eyewitness Testimony. Enforcers can't see the car they have to bring through the objectives. The car doesn't need to stop, it can just keep driving at full speed so long as it clips any part of the objective zone. It's a Fresno, the second tankiest car in the game (only beaten by Pioneer/Espacio, which both have 1,600 health compared to Fresno's 1,450 health). Enforcers basically can't do anything to stop the Criminals unless they get extremely lucky and the objective zone is somewhere where the Criminals can't just drive through (like a parking garage or something). There's a handful of others, but that's all I can be bothered to list offhand.
  19. Not in the new system, where each slot is individually labeled. That theoretical weapon with a silencer, premod, and open slot would be SD PR1 JT1 (replace JT1 with manufacturer label if not from the Joker Store, of course). Silencers are their own thing, which is why that weapon wouldn't just be PR2 JT1.
  20. In a perfect world, everyone would simply be handed a 2080ti for free so that fun could be had by all. See, I can be a petty little shit too.
  21. I mean, if your comp is that much of a toaster, you shouldn't be getting catered to. It isn't asking much to upgrade hardware that was outdated 10+ years ago.
  22. Yes, that is what is known as a sidegrade. It is the ideal balance state when comparing two items that fill the same role, in this case two red mods. That... has nothing to do with this discussion. Also yes, we should keep that. It gives the PMG some extra flavor in line with its niche (slower, but longer range than OCA).
  23. Please don't ruin my bastard child, I actually quite enjoy the unique design of the Curse. Is on a path filling a similar niche with the Manic. The Whisper is statistically identical to the OCA, except for having 20m increased effective range. That's beyond idiotic, and needs to be fixed.
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