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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. For those unaware of what this weapon is, here is the APB:Db for it. ACT 44 "Last Stand" This weapon was originally part of the APB Reloaded "retail pack" which is the physical game you purchased in game stores. You got several other perks for purchasing a retail pack as well. A kitted Cisco, depending on faction. Cisco Z180 "Ophelia" Cisco Z180 "New-Cross" A choice of a single primary weapon. Scoped NTEC-5 RT1 OCA 626 'Whisper' RT1 Colby CSG-20 RT1 N-HVR 243 Scout RT1 You also got some Premium time and G1C if memory serves. You could redeem any number of retail packs, allowing you to own all four primary weapons if you buy four retail packs. As can be seen if you view ARMAS currently, you can purchase any of the four primary weapons. Scoped NTEC-5 RT1 OCA 626 'Whisper' RT1 Colby CSG-20 RT1 N-HVR 243 Scout RT1 You can also currently purchase both versions of the Cisco. Cisco Z180 "Ophelia" Cisco Z180 "New-Cross" However, if you go to secondary weapons, the Last Stand is nowhere to be found. Retail packs are no longer available to be obtained. Even if you find someone selling an unopened retail box, when you go to enter the code ARMAS will throw an error and tell you the code is expired. This is because GamersFirst/Reloaded disabled all the codes years ago. This means that as things stand, you currently cannot obtain the Last Stand. Considering everything else from the now defunct retail packs are freely purchasable, I see no reason to not add the Last Stand to ARMAS so we can freely purchase it as well.
  2. Won't argue with you there. That being said, I feel like silencers across the board need to be normalized in functionality and design. For one thing, they should always take the barrel mod slot (red) instead of being a mix of barrel (red) and utility (purple) as they are currently. Also feel like they should have a set list of effects that is universal across the board: Remove tracers Prevent location appearing on radar Lower weapon report (fire sound) volume Reduce effective range by 10% This would fix some of the broken/bad sounds that a lot of the silenced weapons have. It would also remove that strange reduction to hard damage silencers currently have (that does nothing for most of the weapons involved since you aren't shooting cars with them anyways). It also removes the ammo reduction effect from the pistol silencer, which simply makes no logical sense. The biggest thing is the effective range effect. Instead of an outright damage reduction like the silencers currently have, they'll instead have reduced range (subsonic shots lose effectiveness faster, etc). However, this doesn't change the minimum damage range, which means that the weapon's total range is maintained. The falloff curve is simply extended, and made more gradual over that range.
  3. I would be incredibly surprised if Matt would to say that's coming before the engine upgrade. I'm more interested to know if the weapon balance pass will start soon, or if this entire blog is just "it'll happen, someday."
  4. WTB servers that doesn't go down if someone glares at them. EDIT: Seems to be back up again.
  5. Please, don't kill my Strife! The insanely high TTK and excessively extreme damage per shot is exactly what makes the gun so incredibly fun. It requires a completely different playstyle, and rewards skill the highest of any gun in the game. Most people may not like the gun's design, and that's perfectly okay, but don't kill one of the only unique guns in the game just to homogenize it for the masses that just want everything to be point and spam...
  6. That feel when the Koi skin preview image contains the ACT 44 Last Stand, even though that weapon is no longer available to be obtained. Please, add it into ARMAS like the rest of the retail pack weapons have been.
  7. I would also like to know if lightbars have been improved to any significant degree. It's one of the defining traits of the Enforcer faction, and a big draw for customization.
  8. It never ceases to amaze me how willfully ignorant people are.
  9. Considering I literally only play solo... you are probably just not using it correctly if you aren't getting good results with it.
  10. Definitely agree with that sentiment.
  11. https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Shotgun_DOW_Slot2_ArmasJB https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Shotgun_CSG_PR1_Armas Really not hard to find. He's correct, the Thumper has twice the effective range (stats-wise) of the CSG. Course, some of the CSGs have Improved Rifling which brings them up to just shy of the same effective range, but not all of them have that. Not sure why you'd bother with the ones that don't, of course...
  12. So true. It was such an incredibly fun game for the short time I got to play it before they started destroying it with those arse-backwards decisions.
  13. It was the code involved with the Condor's mod going haywire.
  14. Do we really need another reason? Fresno really could use some love in the kitting department...
  15. My Kickback would like a word with you. Applied with precision, it easily out-performs the other two in any situation except anti-vehicle (which only the Deep Impact is good at). Especially useful is the Kickback's ability to airburst from the closer end of mid range, which can save a mission in a whole myriad of rooftop locations that the OPGL simply can't effectively saturate (and where the Volcano can't get a good angle). The Hammer is hot garbage though, no argument there. Has all the weaker traits of the other two, with none of the benefits.
  16. Don't fall for the bait, don't get kicked. Not to say what the baiter is doing isn't bad, but it takes two wrongs to make this happen.
  17. I've actually been noticing a significant performance issue with the JG. Not sure if its hitreg is just fucked of late or what, but it's been fairly consistently failing at hugging distance. Meanwhile the CSG has been pulling some heavy weight, doing crazy good work...
  18. Fair enough. Would still be interested to see what would happen if it was nerfed to take another shot to kill but gained fire rate to maintain its TTK.
  19. When did they buff it? Almost completely positive it was a four shot last I checked its stats a year plus ago... Well regardless, all the more that it sounds like the perfect place to start with tweaking it.
  20. Honestly, I feel like the NFAS only really needs a bit of slight tweaking. I'd be interested to see what would happen if they lowered the damage enough to require an extra shot to kill (4->5), and then increased the fire rate to maintain its TTK. Kill just as fast, but have less room for aiming error.
  21. That was a bug, not intended behavior.
  22. They realized there's only a limited design space for linear (read: normal) gun design, but wanted to have far more guns than that limited space allowed. Technically speaking, they found the perfect way to accomplish this, as the curves system allows for a plentiful quantity of unique designs so long as the designers can keep thinking up new quirks. That being said, I'd still prefer that Little Orbit remove the weapon curves system and then rebalance the affected guns. Consistency is better than gimmicks, in my opinion.
  23. Had a whole response typed out and ready to go, but then thought to myself "why bother?" Needless to say, you're wrong on almost all of those.
  24. Don't believe I ever saw that mentioned in any of the blogs, but good to know regardless. That being said, there being load times is kinda bad. The whole reason that our current mission system feels as good as it does (let's just set the balance issues aside...) is because of the simple fact that when a mission pops, you just hit nitro and go. This new system is going to be a wait for load, wait to spawn in, run down to the garage to get your car, migrate your way out onto the street, and then finally hit nitro and go. Sure, maybe it'll eventually balance out and the system won't have to phase you over to another district instance every match, but the period before that is going to be brutal. Unless you've got a method by which the phasing will remember our position and state so that we load into the new district exactly where we were as if we never phased... in which case nevermind there's probably not much to be concerned about. Probably shouldn't have, but had to get it off my chest. Again.
  25. Moderation does not mean outright banning. Notification, warning, and suspension are all things that can be done before a ban. Most games give players multiple notifications. These are simply a GM/mod tossing a DM at the player to just tell them they've done something bad. Doesn't put a mark on their account, temporary/permanent or otherwise. It's like your boss calling you into the office to just have a quick chat about how you messed up, and giving pointers on how you can avoid in the future. Warnings are usually handled in a group of three, two normal warnings and then a more serious final warning. These generally put marks on your account, although the permanence (whether temporary or permanent) varies from game to game. Modern games usually are only temporary, falling off after a period of time ranging from a month to a year. Suspensions are essentially temporary bans. These generally give your account a permanent strike in most games. Accrue enough strikes, and then you get an actual permanent ban. So yea. There's plenty of options, just a matter of Little Orbit actually taking action for a change. The dethreater will dethreat way down, play against lower skill opp until they start seeing actual golds in their matches where the cycle of dethreating repeats. If you understand how the threat system works, dethreating is an extremely fast process (especially in the current environment, where you only need to go down one tier).
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