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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. It'll never happen though, because half the vets would have aneurysms if they tried adding it to ARMAS. It'd be the single highest selling item in ARMAS though, which makes one wonder why Little Orbit hasn't added it yet.
  2. You can easily stack the three potential grieftrucks that can spawn by using that one super high bridge section on the other end of the map. Once that's in place, you can theoretically stack as high as the skybox if you get skilled enough Vegas rampers.
  3. Not actually kidding. The reduced zoom helps with closer engagements, or I can just forego Hunting Sight altogether for better hipfire at only minor long range cost. The variety of gameplay potential keeps things engaging, and also makes it that little bit easier to adjust to the changing landscape of the match. I also roll into endless laughter when I get opp that uses Kevlar. Literally doesn't affect me at all, still kill in three shots... which are even easier to land because they're so slow.
  4. I spent several hundred U$D on JMBs to collect legendaries, which I then sold off or traded to get mine. It's worth every penny, best gun in the game. I also don't care that they added a leased version to those selectors. Let people have their fun, I say.
  5. How do you abuse that which doesn't actually do anything?
  6. This is an expected basic feature of modern forums.
  7. Let people just add reactions freely. It's not like we can add more than one per post, and it's not like reactions matter. In other words, just let people have fun...
  8. I will never understand why weapon role progression are disabled in events. It makes no sense, and there's no legitimate argument to defend it. As for the heat system, good fucking riddance. That system is objectively garbage, and I wish Little Orbit would have the balls to remove it and improve the overall game health. No other game has a system that actively punishes you for performing skillfully, and for good reason. With such a system in place, what's the point in improving oneself when it just results in getting punished for your trouble?
  9. I saw you in that hellhole, you were clearly barely invested as I had no trouble whatsoever wrecking you (compared to the usual where you're usually a fun opponent to fight).
  10. Yes, and? He's still an actual employee of Little Orbit and has direct contact with the relevant parties. Welcome to how real life business works.
  11. I'm still waiting for Little Orbit to cater to overwhelming community request and add a keybind for toggled sprint. EDIT: You know what, fuck it. @MattScott @Lixil @Selali It's not like they'll actually respond anyways, despite it requiring pretty much zero dev investment to add.
  12. Let's just not get into how many times I've killed myself on civilians with the OSMAW, k?
  13. Explosive radius is only selectively piercing. The actual Piercing mod can bypass many, many things that outright block explosive radius.
  14. The cold hard truth, not that Little Orbit will ever listen.
  15. Pretty sure Yood's been on the NA server(s) since before Nekrova existed, to be fair.
  16. Wouldn't be surprised if it's an idea that's been sitting on the office meeting table for a while though.
  17. That would be abysmally terrible for numerous reasons.
  18. Then it would literally just be the Ursus. 3-Post Dot Sight (the unique mod of Ursus) is just Hunting Sight 3 with a cosmetic change to the reticule. Hunting Sight 3 3-Post Dot Sight
  19. They definitely didn't, and it's definitely not.
  20. Imagine how many issues this game suffers would be solved if it was hosted on actual servers instead of a 1990s IBM laptop in the break room of the office.
  21. What makes you think they ever have? At least Little Orbit is actually present, for what little that matters.
  22. It's a pointless game mode that had no business being made. It's taken dev time away from more important things, like Engine Upgrade™ and content for the actual game. Same as Fight Club, which GamersFirst/Reloaded pushed out in a similarly broken state and then (mostly) fixed up over multiple years. Imagine where we'd be with this game if the devs would just prioritize the things that actually matter...
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