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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Shields are basically unchanged, the fuck are you on about? As for the ammo crate, this was a change long needed because of how overtuned the thing was since implementation. Almost nobody was against this, in fact most of the big names in the community have been openly in support of it for a very long time (even before Little Orbit entered the picture). The limitation of explosive resupply doesn't make the thing useless, it's still very powerful as a sustain tool when you can't readily access the nearest resupply point (which happens all the time).
  2. It being an ongoing and continually ignored issue doesn't excuse it.
  3. Pretty much this. Bring the rest of the RFPs down to 30m and it would've been fine. Tack on that damage nerf to 110 per bullet if you felt like taking it a step further, but would've ultimately not really been necessary. That being said, I would add swapping the Fang's mod from Improved Rifling 3 to Improved Rifling 1 to bring it in line with other secondaries. Yea no. Explosives spam has been an ongoing and rampant problem at all levels of play, and the limitation of explosives from the supply crates is one of the best changes to come out of this shitshow. If you need to clear out an entrenched target, you should need to bring out a weapon actually designed for that (such as OPGL).
  4. Quoting for emphasis. Anyone with an ounce of actual experience in this game (to say nothing of people like myself and many others who have tens of thousands of hours in it) can look at the stats on paper, and derive a fairly clear picture of what will pan out in actual gameplay. Now the shotgun overhaul on the other hand, that's something that might require some actual gameplay to really shake out as it's changing mechanics on how the guns function.
  5. Are you even capable of ever posting anything positive?
  6. They're kinda obligated (from an ethical standpoint, not necessarily legally) to provide a single name change free of charge for those from Nekrova who can't keep their name due to already existing on Citadel. Don't think I've ever heard of an online game that hasn't done so, for the obvious reason of the rightfully deserved backlash that would stir up.
  7. Honestly, I don't see that as a problem. Being able to resupply primary explosive weapon ammunition infinitely from it would defeat the point of course, but a limited supply greater than the grenade supply would be fitting of the fact that it's a primary weapon.
  8. Can you divulge any info on the timeframe for when we can expect to see the shotgun changes? It'd be nice to know how much longer I have to enjoy my Strife before it's homogenized into garbage.
  9. One of two things are happening: SPCT is being ignored by Little Orbit. SPCT isn't doing their job at all. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know which of these is happening if one pays even the slightest attention to goings-on.
  10. You would be correct on both. Not sure why these changes are surprising people, we've known for months that these things were going to happen.
  11. It's been long established that the SPCT is completely ignored by Little Orbit.
  12. No person who has even an ounce of actual experience with this game would've thought these changes had any business being pushed even just for testing, it's a complete waste of literally everyone's time. They're beyond absurd, no matter how you rationally look at them. Period.
  13. They broke something with this patch, and broke it hard.
  14. Several minutes to load into district select, now waiting several minutes to load into a district. These things normally take but a few seconds. The fuck did you break now?
  15. Those stats already exist on live. Neither of them have the accuracy to reliably hit their targets at that range, which makes it all the more of a joke.
  16. Jesus fuck. You were on the right track with the damage nerf, but then you went off the rails into complete fucking stupidity with that insane range buff. The actual fuck? Also, did you learn from the last time and disable all non-testing weapons in these districts? Cause if not, no actual testing is going to be getting done as the districts will be filled with premade groups trolling matches with meta guns like every other time.
  17. God that'd be fucking amazing if they ever did that. Although my wallet wouldn't thank them for it, cause I'd have a bunch of weapons I'd have to pick up account-bound.
  18. There's a few parts of that model I would have a gripe with, but yea I get where you're coming from on that one.
  19. Consumables should be converted to yellow mods, and rebalanced accordingly. Consumables as a mechanic is just so... bad.
  20. That linked post reminds me how much I miss the Improved Rifling rebalance they came up with. That particular design is meh, but the one that has the reduced fire rate for percentage plus flat increased range... Really a shame that all the meta tryhards whinging like children forced Little Orbit to revert the change, really hope they introduce that design as a separate mod later.
  21. I agree with the intent, but the suggestion is massively off. Putting grenades on a cooldown instead of ammo system would be a very solid way to make them more balanced. As you would no longer have access to multiple grenades at any one point, you can't spam them like we do now (especially Low Yields). That being said, a cooldown of 3-5 minutes would be absurd. Something like 15-30 seconds would be completely fair. They don't need to remove the Resupply Box. They need to just convert consumables to yellow mods and rebalance them accordingly. Also, give the deployables a duration in the world, them just sitting there indefinitely is kinda... dumb. For something like Mobile Cover, that duration would be long... but for Resupply Box, it would be very short (maybe 20 seconds, like the orange mod).
  22. They are, in some places. In others (especially the US, where anyone of relevance to the lawmaking can easily just be bribed), it's been a failing prospect.
  23. It had a different model? I only remember it being the NTEC Stock with a scope on it. Main reason I've never bought the gun, the only option is the Scepter and I really just don't like the VAS model. The horrendous bulky-ness of the forward grip, plus they all can't use skins for shit. The magazine isn't even a separate skinning channel ffs. Interesting to know. Normally I'd just drag my friend on and shoot him a bit to figure out the approximate ranges, but he refuses to reinstall the game (and I don't really blame him). I've been hoping that Little Orbit might just remove the Curves system entirely... but @MattScott hasn't said a word about the system at all, to my knowledge.
  24. It never has. However, the Ursus, which is pretty much the exact same weapon, does.
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