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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. If someone is walking up to you while you're taking shots at someone, you're dead regardless barring a fluke. Irrelevant. If someone is walking up to your team or the objective, that's on your team to take care of. Your purpose as a sniper is to zone control, not carry. Also, again, none of this is an issue if you're not sitting in continuous marksmanship mode.
  2. So what you're telling me is that you sit in continuous marksman mode while shooting at range, instead of only entering it when going for a kill. Gotcha.
  3. I regularly use it for anything 50m+ with no issues. You know, sniper ranges.
  4. Hunting Sight 2. Brings it to pixel perfect accuracy, and increases zoom for those render distance shots. Extended magazine only affects the weapon's anti-vehicle ability, which is already crazy good baseline so kinda overkill.
  5. Agreed. It can't directly compete with other assault rifles in a straight fight, but it makes up for it with exceptional utility.
  6. Don't underestimate the strength of higher zoom. When used on a sniper rifle, the downsides are basically irrelevant as well.
  7. I have backup names, so I'd ultimately just switch to one of them. It'd still suck to lose my current one though. Course, I'm also not worried. My name is unusual enough that it's highly unlikely someone else has it. There's also the part where my account is ancient, so would take priority over just about everyone else regardless. It's actually quite normal.
  8. Yea, no. I use HMS all the time when sniping, it's incredibly useful in many locations (and especially in Waterfront, in those rare times I'm forced out there).
  9. It'd be nice if he'd post info via primary and official channels, instead of keeping it all on an unofficial Discord that can only be accessed if you happen to know someone already on it because it isn't linked anywhere.
  10. Then you wait a month or longer, for something that takes a few seconds to check.
  11. Literally all they have to do is give both sides a VIP and lives.
  12. They won't give us numbers, because they expect us to figure it out ourselves and somehow test properly that way.
  13. Considering the FFA comes from the same JMB (more specifically, the Power JMB variant) as a drop even more rare than the Bullshark itself, it should have access to the legendary skin in its skin list.
  14. That because organizations like the ESRB and PEGI aren't actually government agencies. They're just corporate entities that were originally created by the publishers of the very games they put their ratings on to provide an excuse for the government to not have to regulate the industry. It's a long known fact that these ratings boards are on publisher payroll, and put whatever rating the publishers want them to put on the games they release. In most cases they don't bother, but in cases like NBA2k20 they very much flex that money to force a rating that won't get in the way of sales.
  15. Safe to assume these tweaks and additions would be retroactively distributed to those who already have purchased the bundle?
  16. It's almost like this type of feature is specifically designed for the free players. Those who are young and/or unemployed, who play free games because they can't afford to spend money on them but have plenty of time on their hands so can actually afford those grinds.
  17. Uh... no? Our current threat system was created during Reloaded. It's also the second overall system we've had in Reloaded. During beta we had a completely different system that didn't even have the underlying elo system and associated matchmaking algorithms. Was simply a threat rating of 1 to 15, and was based literally on nothing but whether your team won or lost the mission (regardless of your own contribution). The current system itself has had multiple variations, as well. Green threat didn't even exist at first, was added later for reasons unknown.
  18. The CCG is incredibly inaccurate, and is basically the only remaining gun that still suffers from ghost shots. It's got no ammo supply (both in clip and reserve... only 4 mags, really?), takes eight shots to stun, and has an insanely long base reload speed. It's preset "upgrades" are actually downgrades that get exponentially worse with each tier. Literally the only thing it has going for it is the ability to both marksman and hipfire effectively. The NL9 is incredibly accurate. Has insane ammo efficiency with a nearly endless supply (both magazine and reserve). Only takes three shots to stun, reloads per shell (this is huge). Its preset upgrades are insanely good, and get better with every tier. It not only can marksman and hipfire, it can also corner pop. The NL9 is literally just a directly better gun on every level. The main reason it isn't universally used is because it needs to be unlocked via the Cop role, so it can easily go completely unnoticed that it's even available. It also happens to require more skill to use since you can't just spray'n'pray, so that also turns people off of it.
  19. Wasn't aware of the previous promotion, and the community's reaction to it. The decision for this current promotion makes perfect sense now. Taking that into consideration, I would say that a good middle ground could be had. Let's use the current outfit design as a basis for example. It's pretty much exclusively various shades of blue. What if instead: Primarily black (not jet black though, as that looks terrible) background/base, possibly with gradient to dark grey at the extremities (ends of sleeves and legs). Secondary decals (the splashes and lines) in shades of green (references Razer). Primary decals (dino dude) using a subtle color rainbow palette (references Razer Chroma). A splash of red and blue on an accessory, such as a hip scarf (references APB). Just to give a moderately thought out example. Your artists would obviously have a much better idea of where and how to apply these, of course. All this being said though, I want to say I dig the spraypaint artist aesthetic of the set in general. If it wasn't the reward for the promotion, but rather just a set standing on its own, I'd definitely have reacted to it more positively initially. Ramirez's Teknique outfit from Fortnite's Battle Royale was basically the only outfit I would run that wasn't Wildcat-based, entirely because this aesthetic has always been a draw for me.
  20. Any insight as to why the outfit isn't themed as you'd expect a promotional item to be? When the announcement about this promotion was first made, I was expecting that it'd be some kind of Razer-themed outfit (blacks and greens, with Razer's logo on prominent display and APB's logo in a more subtle spot). This outfit on the other hand, has nothing to do with either party... which is kinda counter to what a promotion is.
  21. The fuck does that design have to do with APB or Razer?
  22. Nothing will be done, because Little Orbit's stance on dethreating is that it's perfectly acceptable currently.
  23. Oh wow. Woooooow. Not only is the reward a random mess, it's also distributed through the consumable reward slot. This means if you get JT, you don't get consumables. This is absolute garbage. What even the fuck.
  24. The consistently odd wording regarding the JT reward has me more concerned about the system's design the more I think about it. The odd wording you keep using is implying that there's a dice roll to even get a JT reward in the first place, and then that reward could then roll a zero so you still get nothing even though you successfully rolled for a reward. In other words, which way is the system working? Upon mission completion, there is a 100% chance to receive a JT reward. This reward can be anything from 0 to 10 JT. Upon mission completion, there is a 50% chance to receive a JT reward. This reward can be anything from 0 to 10 JT. Upon mission completion, there is a 50% chance to receive a JT reward. This reward can be anything from 1 to 10 JT. Can we please get direct confirmation about this? I originally thought it was just odd wording, but that it worked logically (option #1 above). I was telling other concerned players that this was the case. However, the continued usage of the odd wording has me thinking that I should've been concerned along with them. While on the topic of concerns, the random nature of the reward in general is just nagging at me. I share other's view that it should be more consistent. Assuming absolute best case scenario (100% of missions give the full 10 JT reward), you have to complete 20 missions in a day as a gold threat player. That equates on average to about 6 hours of play on any given day to cap... and that's best case. If you average at 5 JT per mission, you would need to play for 12 hours to reach the cap as a gold threat player. If the system works like option #2 (absolutely terrible design), you aren't going to be averaging 5 JT per mission. You'll be lucky to average 3-4 JT per mission on a good day.
  25. Considering the promotion hasn't even started yet, as literally stated in the quoted text...
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