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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Nothing new on the weapon balance front, welp.
  2. They're never going to tell us, it's just going to start with zero warning and leave seemingly randomly. Welcome to Little Orbit's way of doing things, I guess.
  3. As someone who sees the issue first-hand, I can tell you unequivocally that it is in fact a very serious issue. Both in occurrence and scope. When you've got a few years under your belt in the thick of it, then come back and say something.
  4. What you fail to realize, is that by making an example or two of the most serious offenders, most of the rest will just stop of their own volition. Most dethreaters are only dethreating because they know they'll suffer no repercussions for it. This was made very apparent by the sudden and extreme dropoff of dethreating when Little Orbit originally took over the game. They were erring on the side of caution, not sure whether or not Little Orbit would take action. After a year of Little Orbit proving that they don't care, dethreating is now at an all-time peak.
  5. Yes, they have several tools that can allow them to monitor player activity. Their strongest tool is Devlar. They also have the typical things like invisibility toggle, follow cam, etc. If they actually cared, there's nothing stopping them from very easily tracking these issues.
  6. This should never happen. Full premade gold groups should never be seen in bronze, period. It's a flagrant example of cheating, period. This only happens because Little Orbit refuses to do their job. The ingame report feature doesn't actually go anywhere, and never has (including back in FairFight days). Trying to contact Little Orbit via support desk or DMs to staff also does nothing, they'll claim "we'll look into it" but ultimately they just toss the reports in a bin. This is blatantly obvious to anyone who pays even the slightest attention. The same people are still doing this shit, a year and a half later despite numerous reports. It's absolutely disgusting. Even to this day you still see legitimately new players join, but then immediately leave because of this. Unless Little Orbit starts moderating ingame behaviour, this game will never succeed. The engine upgrade (lol) isn't a magic bullet that'll fix all problems like you people keep thinking. The issues of this game run far deeper, the engine is a laughable surface issue. For those that might be wondering. They were running NTEC, Carbine, SHAW, and a Volcano. All with the meta mods etc. From past matches, I know they also run Ogres and the like as well.
  7. Imagine being this naive and gullible...
  8. Unlike you, I actually pay attention to what goes on and I can tell you unequivocally that they don't issue account actions period. With a playerbase this tiny, it's extremely easy to track these things and extremely obvious when things happen.
  9. Considering they don't ban exploit abusers currently, what makes you think they'll ban them here?
  10. *Big 4, you forgot the heavy Vegas. It's up there for the same reason that Espacio is up there, it's got unique quirks that make it worth taking instead of the 4x4.
  11. Continues the same issue of having no shoes. Wonder if the symbol cuts off like the previous set?
  12. Temp agencies exist for this purpose. There's also the option to reach out to contractors, although that can get very expensive depending on various factors.
  13. Welcome to capitalism. You are garbage worth nothing more than the amount of money that can be milked out of you.
  14. "Sockpuppet" Go look it up. It's common practice, because it works so well on people like you.
  15. Oh how adorable you are that you think /report does anything.
  16. This is why there can never be a civil discussion on the issue, you people escalate it far too much. The world isn't black and white.
  17. A shame you didn't play prior to Little Orbit taking over, there used to be a redeem code to unlock them on each character it was applied to.
  18. That's why smart support desks have filter systems in place. Someone putting dozens of tickets in would simply have all of their tickets filtered to a low priority queue, which is usually manned by only one or two CS agents (if not just outright relegated to interns).
  19. Not really. There's a difference between playing in bronze, and farming bronze. Helping newbies (and smashing on the farmers) is generally a good way to tell that difference. By having a thorough understanding of how the threat system works. It's actually very easy to lower your average threat level organically and healthily, it just takes significantly longer than the brute force method employed by most.
  20. Anything's viable if you add teammates to cover any weaknesses, and thus makes that line of discussion pointless.
  21. Implying anyone of this generation lifts a finger for anything themselves.
  22. Gave you the stats, and even explained in detail how it pans out. If you're unwilling to accept the facts that's on you.
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