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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Just another week, but damn if the wait isn't full of suck.
  2. Hiding the colors won't have that effect. Instead of just giving up instantly, the player will instead give up after going in 2-3 times. Which is worse, because it has a significantly higher "I wasted my time" impact on the psyche, which will result in faster burnout on the game. It's pretty much a no-win situation. Could've been avoided if the game wasn't mismanaged so hideously badly over the years though.
  3. Hexerin

    An Error

    Without context, that literally means nothing.
  4. I mean, literally all they have to do is actually increase JT gains like they state they do. Changing the rate from 0-10 to 1-10 is not actually an increase, especially when the RNG curve is artificially skewed to the point of giving 1-2 JT 99% of the time.
  5. That's not how it works, you little s***. . /meme Time played doesn't necessarily equate to skill level. Sure, everyone will inevitably become better over time, but everyone also has an upper limit on potential.
  6. I took his statement to be along the lines of he doesn't want vehicles being reworked like some of the weapons have in their balance passes. Which is an opinion I would share. All that vehicles need is to have their health values and speeds normalized, as these two things are what determine whether or not a vehicle is usable in actual gameplay.
  7. Can you clarify if threated districts are returning with this maint, or the one after the other servers arrive? Just trying to get a general timetable on when I should get around to downloading the game to play again.
  8. No mention of it whatsoever in the blog post, nor has it been mentioned at all period since it was originally stated to be a change that would be made alongside the rayscaling reversion. Shotguns are my secondary weapon class of choice (precision rifles being my primary). I have a vested interest in them being viable, and their horrid inconsistency prior to the rayscaling implementation is not something that is desirable to see return. The concept of reduced pellets per shot was an intriguing one that, if successful in practice, would still see shotguns in a more consistently performing state compared to how they were originally.
  9. How about we don't fuck over those that actually like the Strife? Not every gun needs to accommodate the gameplay of every player. Get that through your heads. Some of us actually enjoy these guns.
  10. The game even has a flag system that would allow this trade eligibility to be validated. Every item in the game (from weapons to clothing to cars etc) has an associated "Unlock" item, that simply tells the game that they have the thing unlocked and should be able to purchase it. Unfortunately, ARMAS purchases on weapons don't currently grant this Unlock for some reason (which is why you can't repurchase the weapon from contacts), but clothing and vehicles both do. It occurred to me that most people probably aren't even aware of this. Here's an example: This is the NTEC-7c 'New Glory' weapon that you receive from the JMB. This is the associated Unlock, that you don't receive. If you did, you could then repurchase the weapon from contacts.
  11. We're still using that system, just with two differences: The ten levels are now hidden, you only see what bracket you're in. They added green as a fourth bracket, intended as a safety cushion for fresh players. What we really need: Green threat removed. It doesn't serve its intended purpose, and never has. The scale shifted back down so that gold threat doesn't take up like 50% of the curve. Gold should ideally only be the top 15-20% of players. Threat levels globally reset across all accounts on a set schedule. To go even further, three threated instances of both districts: Gold, available to golds and silvers. Gold threat players get unique/special rewards here. Incentivizes all players to rank up. All players have significantly increased chance for end-of-mission rewards, and get increased quantities on ones that grant a quantity. Silver, available to all. Golds get penalized with halved cash/standing gains, as well as significantly reduced chance to obtain end-of-mission rewards and significantly reduced quantity for ones that grant a quantity. This is to incentivize golds to stay out. Bronze, available only to bronzes. Just a normal district for bronzes to escape to and play normally. No modifiers or whatever.
  12. It has relatively tight groupings, and also reduced pellets besides. Can't get much more accurate without simply changing it to slugs (at which point it's just a more extreme variant on the Misery or ISSR).
  13. Please don't fuck over my Shredder. I'd be willing to accept lower damage in exchange for higher rate of fire, though. Make it a 4 STK that borders on 5 STK, might be interesting to test out.
  14. Now that the EU datacenter is up and running (per the locked pinned thread), how much longer until we get a playable game environment? The itch for APB's gameplay is getting pretty intense lately, and other games I play are having content lulls...
  15. Heavy Barrel reduces the NSSW's damage (and thus range) for no gain, as the gun doesn't bloom. Cooling Jacket is nice for CQC, but severely impairs it's ranged ability (at which point, just use an NTEC).
  16. The only things about NSSW that beat NTEC are the range potential and anti-vehicle capability. NSSW has ~50% higher effective range and nearly double the vehicle damage. The actual reason NSSW is so strong is because it can pose NTEC-level threat to a significantly larger area, not because it's stronger than NTEC (it isn't).
  17. That would make shotguns 3 STK. Something you people keep ignoring is that shotguns have a spread, and in 99% of situations in actual gameplay you won't hit every pellet. Every missed pellet is a substantial amount of damage that adds up very quickly. There's a very good reason shotguns were basically non-existent prior to rayscaling, they were insanely inconsistent at the best of times. Little Orbit's idea to revert the rayscaling and instead go the path of less pellet quantity is intriguing, and could help the problem in the same way. However, we still aren't seeing that in the current test environment, which leads me to believe that they scrapped the idea for reasons left unstated.
  18. Neat. They went the better path with this. Yet you never saw them ingame prior to the introduction of rayscaling allowing for even the slightest bit of performance consistency. Yes, shotguns were overtuned... but that's why you have this little thing called "balance adjustment". Rather than completely reverting (the sledgehammer approach), they should've adjusted the stats to tone them down a bit.
  19. For clarification, are the shotgun damage values still processing through rayscaling? Or is the rayscaling stat on those two pages just there because the live stat pages still need to show rayscaling (since live shotguns still use the function)? Or are you even able to see one way or the other with the data you have access to? They stated they intended to revert (remove) rayscaling. That could be done by simply setting rayscaling to 100% across the board and then adjusting the base damage back to how it used to be. Effectively same result, but keeps the mechanical functionality there in the off chance it's used in the future.
  20. Honestly, they should just remove High Burn Fuel (and a few of the other r195 mods G1/RG added) from the game. Completely altered the entire balance scale of the game, and I'd argue not for the better. It'll never happen though, because the "terrified of change clique" would lose their collective minds and rage across the forum to force Little Orbit to revert it.
  21. I know it's absurd, but I still swear that Ursus has better hitreg than the NTEC.
  22. Why am I not surprised that people are starting to bitch and whinge about the CR762 now that the NTEC got nerfed? It's almost like we all called it...
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