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Everything posted by _chain

  1. i'd get the yakuza skin. IF PEOPLE WERE PLAYING Oh, also, can anyone explain why the riot npc over at social exists? It's just a few lore sprinkles?
  2. this is amazing what's up with the 2008 emo girl profile pic. i thought we were already over that phase.
  3. I mean, if you've been waiting for more than 10min why not just give up and do something else with that time lmao. seems counter intuitive but trust me
  4. _chain

    Please get rid of this

    Hello, i'm trying to become a profesional necromancer. Enjoy Back on topic, that piece of text really is annoying. But you can probably say that about the entire UI at this point
  5. Tbh they should buff the JT rewards by a bit. Instead of 5-15 jt per quest make it 20 or something actually noticeable. Idk about fc actually, anyone can make like 400jt a week. But right now, with these rewards it takes around 20-25 weeks of FC to make enough tickets (if you only get bronze and silver rewards) for a perm or a 4slot 4x4. By buffing JT the worst that could happen is that we'll get to see around one or two more 4x4s in districts (not like they're a rare sight right now), and maybe a couple more atacs. that's about it.
  6. parents need to teach their kids when to shut up and how to stop posting stupid shit online. good luck learnin bub
  7. Everyone uses the bob cut on female characters for a reason lmao. It's about time they fixed stuff like this, it's probably been a problem since the beginning of the game
  8. Aye i'll tell ya how to win m8. It's ez. Even more if you can get your team to group up for longer than one minute. You do need to have a bit of luck with weapon drops, or just buy your primary once you have money. Anything mid-range or quick ttk will work wonders. Everything you'll be doing is going to be camping closed zones and scraping off some kills in the form of guys with reduced visibility. Sometimes you'll even get very lucky and you'll find a nice camping spot where you'll be completely hidden while also being able to sniff the little cheese cubes naively approaching from the fog. thats about it. enjoy.
  9. Tried playing earlier. I was the only one in the server. Cool i guess, feelin like fuckin... home, lmao
  10. Roll back to the last update, disable windows updates.
  11. I've had a lot of fun in games that are now dead. But honestly i just like the nice people i meet there, and as long as I keep in touch or, you know, know that they're fine, i'm fine as well. this one time i met a girl and we started, em, ''dating''. We played microvolts (that game was the shit imo). then we stopped talking, her facebook profile disappeared, and i haven't found out about it yet. welp.
  12. Ayy, that's pretty cool. Especially the cosmetics.
  13. Wait, you came back? Do you hate yourself?
  14. Haven't read shit but ITT: WoWWWwWWwW ''mR MaTt ScOtT'' wHAT a SUrpRiSE!!
  15. Got one for 100 euro, seems it went up a bit. It's good for fingertipping like the g203/g30whateverthefuck and that's what i use. But yeah, just don't.
  16. who spends 80-100 on a mouse to play apb? For 100 euro you can buy around 4 g203s. I'm not into wireless, i think it's a$$ too (never had a trouble with the cable + now I use a thingy on my desk to place the cable and it just hangs there). but if you really want to go wireless just grab the G305 (i think this is the wireless g203?) or the G Pro
  17. Boo fucking hoo. Who cares, really. People still can't learn to play the game. I personally haven't got much of a problem with macro users. There's not really much we can do about it either, see. EAC is both a client and serverside solution, I'm pretty sure. doubt it can't pick up the macros on the shitty software Logitech or razer has. Btw the 502 is a$$. Why would anyone knowing what they're doing even want that. Do yourself a favor and return that shit, then get a 203 ffs.
  18. Thats your issue? Lack of english? Just be friendly and make a statement by teabagging the tryhards. They only speak their language when they want to. When it's time to hatemail thru whispers everyone knows how to speak english lol. Idk how you really play and communicate but I always managed to find at least a new friend to play with every 1-2 days of gameplay. This was 2 months ago when I still played every couple of days
  19. A leather jacket for female characters that's not awkwardly zipped 1/3 of the way. If you can't gather yourself to zip it all the way or unzip it I guess 2/3 is enough zipper used.
  20. playing apb for that long is a loss in itself what a trooper, good job crow.
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