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Everything posted by _chain

  1. True, but it's a late unlock and by the time he gets to birth he should already be at least average at the game. I think the sr15 also has a 0.1 faster ttk but don't quote me on this one. Anyways, grab the normal sr15 and mess around with it cause thats some elite shit right there. Try getting percs too just for finishing off. Keep in mind you'll get a free bucket of salt when properly using an sr15 in a match though. Also, you won't get more kills than with the nfas, but at least you won't look as desperate and sad.
  2. Joker sr15 carbine. No upgrades needed really, maybe some extra capacity.
  3. Good for you. Glad to make another person happy. Enjoy
  4. It's just like every single day of my life, don't feel special for pointing that out, little girl.
  5. They deleted my post? Ahh burn in a cherokee
  6. The ''git gud'' can be interpreted in many ways. Mostly it's just becoming adaptable and finding fun in what you're currently doing what prevents bitching. Or, you know, maybe you have to find something else to do, a breath of fresh air, a change of pace. This case just means the game is simply annoying, just play another one for a few days before coming back. Moving on can be a solid option too, but maybe too straight forward for some people.
  7. git gud. also don't rage on whisper that's sad and annoying
  8. _chain


    That's mean. Are you ok @NotZombieBiscuit?
  9. Dizziness is loss of the sense of balance. The organ in charge of this, erm, ''sense'', is the inner ear. Dizziness can be caused manually if we make the liquid inside our inner ear shake and activate the receptors in charge of providing balance. This also applies to any animal able to hear. Clams don't have ears (or an organ of balance, based on a half assed 30 second google search), they're basically a big pile of delicious meat in a sturdy container, they don't get dizzy. They do feel pain though. btw i hope scientists come up with a FulLy hUmAnE anD vEgAN way of killing clams and oysters so that they don't have to suffer :^) fuckin pussies.
  10. If you don't have anything to do but also can't find any other game you like, it usually happens. Every mmo has an active global chat at all times, and this is just more of the same. Edit: just checked the numbers. Seems no one is on at that time. Welcome to 60% of the day in apb!
  11. Dunno. Doubt Speaking of that game, seems the new update with the dx11 or whatever and the robotic operators brought a couple of new players. That didn't last though. I played again for about 2 weeks and helped out a couple of beginners, none of them seem to be playing now. Oh well. I wonder how are Combat Arms' numbers. That game was the absolute shit back in my day
  12. Close to 2k players on right now. I think there's a lot more people playing battlefield though.
  13. Mate, play minecraft, stop complainin. You'll have a load of fun at the very least.
  14. Can't say I like explosives/launchers because it has always been the "low silver r255 pick" for when they've raged you enough on whispers about using rifle and being trash, but they are still losing miserably. I've struggled with those tiny and invisible grenades for way longer than i'm proud off, until i learned proper zoning. The atac is also pretty easy. But, eh, there's not much we can do about that without making it useless. About hvr and the rfp... The only struggle for me has been related to hvrs and corner huggers. The rfp doesn't seem to be used much lately? I've barely seen more than 5 rfp lately, and I've been grinding ranks on a new char for a couple of days. (speaking of grinding levels, they should really consider making the exp gain equal with and without premium, and leave premium exclusively for cosmetics and earning cash in games)
  15. _chain

    Mute themes

    adding small quality of life things like these will probably do more good to the game than just telling everyone to fill their ignore list lmao.
  16. Don't keep the new song, remaster the old menu theme, do something about the new title screen that people dont seem to like for some reason.
  17. First off, you need the better ping. You'll just keep struggling with that when facing decent players. Apart from that, i've noticed that a lot of people don't really flank, they also don't move in units most of the time. This is probably due to lack of communication, since most of the time I use the team chat this problem gets sorted out. The thing that helps me win most of the times is enemy and environment awareness. Basically knowing where to go, from where to attack and who to attack first. So yeah. Awareness, communication, using a rifle, moving in units... these things really help. btw you can shoot people through most fences/safety bars and under cars but some players still don't know so shhhh
  18. my piece of input: remove players that have been afk for a minute because when everyone except the afk dies you have to sit there and watch him do absolutely nothing until he dies or whatever.
  19. What an absolute waste of time and effort! Thanks, I hate it!
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