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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. Meh for the Riot however this was less dissapointing than BHVR stream. I'm happy to hear about Joker store getting some love. New things to grind for are always welcomed.
  2. 2013 is great why you rush to see 2014? It will be meh of a year.
  3. That's right. There's no perfect anticheat and I'm not stating that EAC is worse than BE but imo after few months APB will be same old once the cheats get updated. Not sure if it's wise to put more resources into this but it's not my money.
  4. LMAO. Met a guy who had hacked legacy skin in DBD for months till he got banned. I doubt EAC will be any different in APB.
  5. In the past it was possible to spam the chat to leave missions and get back into district fast. Now when I have to wait 30s with net cable unplugged I simply press escape->exit APB, launch another game and come back to APB weeks later. So gg with this one very healthy solution indeed.
  6. Be happy that you don't travel much because then they would tell you that your acc is "world traveller", you bought it and won't receive any support (that was the case with the old Tiggs support)
  7. That's stupid but I feel sad that so many years got buried.
  8. Battlepass would be much better than garbage boxes. At least it gives you some objectives to grind and rewards are gurantee.
  9. Uplug the net cable and wait or kill someone and hope for being kicked. Spamming in private clan was the good way to do it but it is what it is now.
  10. Wow SWF balance finally? Oops wrong forums again.
  11. Download UE 4.22 and enable it yourself.
  12. Remember that pic? I don't recall any outlet making news about it and that's exactly what we would want to see even if it's worse.
  13. At this point sharing anything wouldn't even be hype it would be about keeping the lights on
  14. how many FPS do you get with it?
  15. Let's give this game to BHVR and see everyone missing LO
  16. APB is pretty calm and civilized compared to DBD post game chat.
  17. Toxic refugees from Innova. I stopped playing because I couldn't even do an obj without getting TK and getting flooded by shit in cyrylic.
  18. I don't think that even on EU there's more than 1 or 2 people spamming the join during prime time.
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