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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Didn't need touched/reworked/adjusted the billion times over the past decade.
  2. People still wondering why the HVR is broken as they scramble to think of surrounding mechanical changes without realising that the core issue is getting banged for 850 damage in the first place that is the largest single crowd control effect in the entire game that can sometimes be worse than just straight up dying. Not sure how most of yall haven't realised that after a decade. Hell, even the devs don't realise it.
  3. Why are you trying to conceal your face? What are you hiding?
  4. No no. Like stocks, or foreign currency, or estates.
  5. If we are talking about alternative flipping, we should mention flipping for economic profit is probably the peak.
  6. Or maybe just turn back on all the /who functions. Because it is still pretty easy to maliciously hunt down players without it and the change only punished legitimate uses.
  7. Don't worry. The Engine Update will finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back and APB can finally rest for good.
  8. Why is it always those that have hardly played the game that always think they know the most.
  9. Did similar 3 weeks ago. Crim alt account I was leveling. Played some with N-tec. Played some with Ursus. Did worse with Ursus. They are also in such high demand cause they are one of the only worthwhile legendaries. Most legendaries are a waste of money unless you have money to sink.
  10. Ursus isn't p2w. It's a pretty decently balanced weapon. Medusa is not p2w. Dog ears are more cheesey feeling than actual p2w.
  11. What. No. That is completely wrong. Also what is even p2w in APB? Cause an ursus certainly isn't.
  12. Everyone finds out we are back on BattleEye the second that update hits. You only miss it if you play with Audio only.
  13. The time it takes for the average person without premium to hit 255 is about the same time it takes the average person to hit prestige 10 in the older CoD games. That seems like a pretty nice spot to me. Premium just speeds that up. What? You get all the best weapons within 5-20 hours of playing. APB doesn't have any pay2win. If it did I would have 100% win rate with how much I've spent.
  14. Make guns more accurate. Add more recoil. Allow more movement.
  15. Don't worry guys. We can try VAC next. Then maybe after that we can go back to Punkbuster. Then after that Vanguard.
  16. Be new player/low skill See headshots in killfeed Think headshots do more damage Aim for head Miss more shots and do no extra damage Play even worse than before fuzzy bunny and quit game
  17. This is a terrible way to promote improper gameplay to those that don't understand APB's hitbox.
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