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Everything posted by vsb

  1. iirc the last time this was brought up mattscott said they had contacted amazon about it several times and hadn't received a response edit:
  2. a mechanic that encourages factionkilling and teamkilling has been changed to no longer do so while the devs work on more important items - i doubt this is a permanent change nor is it a complete removal of the system changes to the notoriety/prestige system were voted for by roughly 80% of active forums users, perhaps a small group but nonetheless the only ones who bother to provide interactive feedback please stop writing dissertations
  3. explosives already don't have infinite ammo from suppliers - its been restricted (annoyingly inconsistently) from ammo boxes, field supplier requires you to stop shooting, mobile supply isn't worth using, and both ammo boxes and field supplier are time gated maybe this analogy would make sense if every other gun was also broken by improved rifling, but if you make a change across the board and there's only one outlier that outlier is the problem your "mere existence" is anecdotal at best, and making dethreating golds silvers rage in the bronze district does not mean explosives are super effective vs skilled players
  4. seeing as its not removed and in fact just changed, that 49% isn't really in your corner
  5. reducing a weapon's effectiveness would be considered a nerf, and you've asked for a direct nerf here the volcano isn't really unbalanced just nonsensical, and there's an easy fix for that i dont understand why a weapon that you apparently think has no balance problems needs to be changed in any way, positive or negative also you've listed a problem with explosive balance only a sentence after saying you had no problems with explosive balance
  6. i think orbit is plenty aware of how poorly implemented the bolt timer is, which is why its remained in test districts for months now - there are better ways to limit obir qs (which doesn't even need to be limited imo) than a clunky mechanic
  7. we’re 3(?) months on from the initial server transfer date and the game still isn’t able to function correctly if the intent was to fuck up so badly that at any point in the future you could point back to this and say “it could be worse”, then little orbit is doing a bang up job
  8. given that explosives already have a pretty low skill ceiling, i’m curious as to why you think they should receive further nerfs
  9. no weapon should ever be rendered “useless” as that’s not the point of balancing, so this whole discussion might be moot
  10. imo the way to balance apb and the way it was balanced originally was to give each weapon an area it excels at, a niche, then as a result of that niche each weapon would have areas that it does not excel at most problems occur when weapons either don’t have their own niche or that niche is so small/situational that it doesn’t make up for shortcomings in other areas to use your examples, the issra’s niche is unique among other ARs but completely swallowed by the issrb while the rabid’s “lmg from vehicle windows” is not enough to make up for its terrible accuracy or unpredictable recoil mechanics imo it’s not a matter of simply buffing the nonmeta or nerfing the meta, it’s a matter of pushing each weapon towards its own niche, which will naturally develop a system of hard counters for each gun i can’t say that i’ve ever seen anyone express a desire to delete every g1 weapon (although i have seen people wish to go back to cbt/obt stats and start balancing from there), but i can at least understand why - the original weapons covered basically every range and situation there were certainly balance problems back then as well, things were by no means perfect, but the original weapons were far more of the defined rock-paper-scissors gameplay that apb was designed around
  11. i play with apb muted a lot, and even when its not i feel like apb's directional sound is pretty bad
  12. i don't really understand the need tbh, but i always relied more on the giant red damage indicators than tracers anyway
  13. definitely a step in the right visual direction but imo the real issue was how long tracers hung around, hard to see that in a picture not like im going to stop playing apb depending on tracers anyway
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracer_ammunition basically all guns (except ones with a silencer) used to have visible bullet trajectories, but they were accidentally broken in a patch years ago and have yet to return - silencer mods list this as an advantage because it removes a way for opponents to receive a visual indication of your shooting location/direction personally i think they always looked pretty cartoonish, more like a matrix bullet trail or a laser pointer than an irl tracer round, but we've been informed that apb tracers are returning with the engine upgrade iirc
  15. depends on how they implemented it i assume if it's a complete block on reaching n5/p5 during a mission then a player who only does missions will probably just never go n5/p5
  16. hexerin isn't really bringing any hard data to the table either, he's just repeatedly claiming that "no one used shotguns" despite them being nerfed several times for being too strong
  17. a “true player” should seek to help better the game, like for instance asking to change a system that has more negative than positive effects on gameplay
  18. lots of things were part of the gameplay and sucked balls, thats a shitty reason for leaving in frustrating rng mechanics
  19. so this will be affecting the ntec7 'ursus' ?
  20. are there any actual shotgun changes or is the test district itself swapping to asylum the only difference? the inventory access is good, but can we stop with the weapon specific balance changes? just make it so that large ammo boxes only resupply 50% of max ammo (for primary, secondary, and grenades) per box - this allows everyone to still get some use out of ammo boxes without negating field supplier or allowing explosive spam edit: oh and make consumables normal modifications
  21. i can’t tell if you’re insinuating that mattscott has repeatedly lied to the community about these issues or if you’ve managed to miss the multiple threads (including this one) where mattscott details how the provider has fucked up basically since they started please clarify
  22. under g1 jt weapons weren’t permanent, or even a good lease option tbh, and the selection was incredibly limited that said, i have no idea why the joker store was brought up in response to orbit ruining the game since it’s one of the few things they’ve done (mostly) right
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