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Everything posted by vsb

  1. it's not really limited to guys calling each other wh*res, but yeah your own first link shows multiple definitions for the word, some of which are clearly gender neutral i just don't understand why this instance of potentially offensive language specifically is a problem, especially when equipping the title itself is completely voluntary
  2. i couldn't resist sorry but seriously "horrendously broken"? the gun struggles to land consistent shots within its own effective range and it has an abysmally low skill ceiling, there's a reason its the "go-to gun for every noob" (not that i even see many noobs using it) and not "for everyone"
  3. the forums have a 13+ rating because there is no age gate to access it afaik, as opposed to the game which is rated M (or whatever the equivalent is outside the US) and requires an account to play perhaps my experience is because i live in the US but nice lady is definitely used towards both genders and given that little orbit is a US based company its likely they share the same experience that aside, the game has much more explicit language used so i'm not sure why this specific instance is more important?
  4. nice lady is the censor for wh*re, which is slightly ironic because wh*re itself is not specifically geared towards a gender
  5. isnt nice lady just another word for prostitute? it might have a negative connotation because prostitution is frowned upon in a large portion of the world but idk if the word itself is really that bad
  6. i honestly can't tell if you're trolling at this point or not
  7. the raptors are all solid alternatives to the atac and occupy the exact same niche the huntress, carbine, oscar, and even pmg to a certain extent all play within the same range as the atac but the ntec and jg literally just got nerfed, so which "veterans" are you talking about? i honestly can't tell if you're trolling at this point or not
  8. everyone has free premium (and thus a discount) already, ur getting a little greedy
  9. i haven’t logged in for a bit so i can’t really comment on any potential “accidental” changes, but the atac being able to out ttk a tapfiring ntec or star is nothing new
  10. more likely because if enemies spawned within radius of your mobile radar they were marked on your (and your teammates') radar permanently tagger isn't really comparable to the other three, since it doesn't show through walls
  11. the highest rank requirement should be r85 imo unlocking absolutely everything within a dozen hours of playtime is as bad for the game as keeping stuff locked for 500 hours my personal suggestion is to move as many unlocks behind role progression (maybe even create some new roles) as possible, that’s a better mix between a time gate and a skill gate imo
  12. i think it’s pretty well known that 0-255 is about 300 to 500 hours i don’t know if i would shorten the actual progression time, but where and when items that affect gameplay are unlocked definitely needs a thorough revamp
  13. i imagine the point of this naming/visual icon change is an attempt at curbing the rampant p2w perception that apb has racked up over the years - if armas weapons are called the same thing as jt weapons and if armas weapons look the same as jt weapons, then the hope is that more people believe they are the same weapons i also imagine it wasn't specifically mentioned because seriously, who the hell cares about such a minor cosmetic change like this?
  14. i've always wondered why roles even have a cap to begin with, its just a lot of wasted kills if any more roles are added in the future
  15. iirc this was one of the old fc weekly rewards, so no it's not possible to get anymore not sure why anyone would want a silenced scout at all tbh
  16. you wouldn't actually be losing anything, how is that unfair?
  17. apb has one face, pvp the mmo aspect exists to make pvp transitions seamless, the cops and robbers aspect exists to give pvp a reason, the open world aspect exists to funnel players into pvp, contacts and leaderboards exist to give players tangible rewards for participating in pvp everything in apb is oriented around pvp: players compete to unlock better gear to compete against better players to unlock better gear etc, etc, etc there seems to be a disconnect in this thread and the community at large, where competitive means catering to esport players who steamroll everyone and at the same time catering to players who want the easiest wins and will do anything to achieve them (including cheat), when in reality these are almost completely opposite groups
  18. why not just make all skins better?
  19. TIL that the game that had leaderboards on day 1 of rtw isn’t meant to be competitive who knew?
  20. in the time it takes for an opgl to launch and detonate one grenade the alig puts out enough hard damage to destroy any player vehicle in the game, it’s almost a 4:1 ratio a single opgl grenade isn’t enough to destroy any player vehicles and the opgl is way harder to use effectively, especially against moving targets the only place the alig “argument” falters (not fails) is when permanent weapons are brought up because most new players won’t know enough to choose it as their tutorial reward, the best fix for that would be proper ingame stats
  21. can’t be done without risking a ban a very small risk, but there is a chance
  22. it was very briefly touched on in the second q&a, referring to the aussie team working on the transfer to ue4
  23. radar tower has been broken and exploitable for years now but it’s only a problem once they temp disable it????????????? im very happy to see little orbit has taken steps to fix the joker ticket/consumable conflict
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