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Everything posted by vsb

  1. should just be able to purchase the "criminal exclusive" kits, the ingame mail will unlock the parts regardless of faction afaik might have to contact support if you want the default mikro parts unlocked for enforcer, unless that oversight was fixed
  2. cooldown has already been standardized
  3. at one point orbit was going to add another "voluntary subscription" system with riot, so i have to assume premium is relatively lucrative its probably not going anywhere
  4. if matchmaking is optimal then the issue of a high skill team guarding items vs a low skill team ceases to exist, and the tactic is perfectly valid with even teams if you're going to win anyway, then what exactly is the difference what objective the mission ends on?
  5. ok cool i'll pull back then, best of luck getting the ntec unnerfed
  6. are you so heated you can’t even step back and consider that your posts in this thread are probably more harmful to your own argument than anything noob_guardian says?
  7. sorry, which part of falling back to insults and then trying to goad a response to those insults when people didn’t fall for the bait fast enough isn’t being a toxic Insult removed. - Azukii? i had no issue with the prenerf ntec but i honestly don’t even want to join in the discussion tbh when little orbit looks at this argument do you think they’re going to take you seriously when you’re slinging shit and might be condoning/justifying tos violations or do you think they’ll see someone “salty because his crutch got nerfed” ?
  8. new players facing veterans due to poor matchmaking is an entirely different issue from guarding items
  9. i personally don't think vehicle objectives should have hud markers after they've been broken into but before they've been delivered at that point the defending team is free to damage them whenever they please and because these objectives generally only cycle between two locations (iirc only 1 vehicle mission has more locations than that) it's too easy for them to just ping pong between and continually blow them up
  10. going by that logic, we’re only supposed to guard vehicle objectives on certain missions and on other missions we’re not allowed to? how about vip missions - if the blurb specifically states only “kill the enemy leader”, should we just let the rest of the opp go and hope they don’t kill us because they don’t have hud markers? obviously you feel differently, but i think walking away from enemies just because the blue hud marker moved is way more against “the spirit of the game” than following the instructions of the mission blurb
  11. i don't really think anything he said is wrong, are we suddenly concerned that spct members are swearing now?
  12. are we really at the point where guarding items is now some unfair strat lmao
  13. the transition from ue3.5 to ue4 has already been stated to be exponentially more difficult than the transition from current ue3 to ue3.5, imo its likely we'll never see apb on ue4 unless the game gets a massive population (and therefore financial) boost
  14. i believe this was outright stated by mattscott at one point, i'll try to find the quote edit: from the first q&a, altho there's no mention of financials
  15. knowing exactly where your enemies are is easily the strongest advantage anyone can have imo - no need to worry about aim when you can always get the jump on opp, no need to worry about your positioning when you know where everyone is at all times
  16. i don't know much about anticheats but i assume there's no a whole lot of adjusting that can be done, other than tacking on the anticheat in the first place if an anticheat doesnt work well with the game or if it has significant breaches that either can't or won't be fixed (like punkbuster) then companies will switch products afaik anticheats also cost a good chunk of money, probably via recurring licensing, so a company is not going to want to continue to pay for what they see as a subpar product i've seen the least amount of cheaters under easy anticheat so far in apb, but that could also be due to the lack of interest "public" cheat companies currently have in the game nothing with eac specifically, but i believe a competent client side anticheat like eac should be paired with a competent server side anticheat (something like fairfight, altho obviously fairfight didn't work well for apb) for maximum effectiveness at the end of the day its a matter of money, if i continue to see little to no cheaters with just eac then i'm not going to insist little orbit takes on the additional cost of another anticheat license this is kind of a vague question in regards to cheating if apb does have a population resurgence then its likely that the number of cheaters will increase, a sizable increase in player count would likely make it profitable for public cheat companies to dust off their discontinued apb cheat offers if eac can hold up to the increased "strain" then that would be great, if not then perhaps other options need to be explored this is basically the same question i think just the update to 2.1 should knock most current cheats offline for a bit all on its own, and the switch to 64 bit will probably close some security holes (maybe, hopefully?) most eac updates are probably out of little orbit's hands, but iirc i think mattscott has mentioned some sort of inhouse anticheat a few times
  17. this wasn't said in any of the q&a's as far as i can find
  18. any damage modifiers, especially headshots, would be affected by customization - everyone forced to use the shortest characters possible or risk getting headshot more is the opposite of apb’s customization concept damage modifiers like headshots will require pretty extensive work to the hitbox system - we’re talking probably months before we see any progress on this compared to high priority fixes like the engine upgrade, matchmaking, threat, etc the game does not need more unique/random weapon mechanics - this recent(ish) pattern of balancing things by ignoring or circumventing the few simple rules apb was designed around needs to stop imo, it’s only bad for the game lol you haven’t given any potential damage numbers and i’m assuming you don’t intend for headshots to be one hit kills so it’s a little difficult to discuss anything beyond this also this isn’t the suggestion subforum
  19. even with a macro it’s not all that reliable, it’s just a meme loadout
  20. i think i'd prefer new players get one of the raptors as a starter weapon, as they aren't quite as reliant on mods as the atac to be serviceable
  21. i would think this is the base problem which we should be trying to solve is this a visual freeze only, to prevent people from punching down into lower threat districts? if this actually affects MMR then it will only lead to massive threat inflation - it might only last for a season (however long that is) but i very much don't think that's any healthier for the game than the current situation
  22. g1c is permanently cheaper, and everyone currently still has free premium (another 20% off) i think
  23. at the risk of being a flamer, i've been playing fairly regularly for weeks now and have yet to see anyone i would even call suspicious i am on NA for whatever that's worth
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