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Everything posted by vsb

  1. so whose going to start a "nerf orbit news updates" thread? rof way too high
  2. well you obviously enjoy the challenge, but not everyone is like that? some people dont play videogames to prove something or to push themselves, in fact im pretty sure the large majority of gamers could be defined as casual you post a long winded thread about an issue that has been repeatedly exhausted for years and expect no one to meme it up? lol
  3. its really the only solution imo, aside from having actual paid employees make up the entirety of the program
  4. theres an admin tracker built into the forums
  5. apb is def not hard core lmao and while winning might not be a casual player's #1 concern its also not really fun to just get stomped into the ground every mission not saying its okay to turn around and do the same thing to bronze players, but its understandable
  6. i mean it doesnt bother me as someone who has spent 5 figures on the game lol
  7. wouldnt bother me a bit im not saying orbit should hand out permanent weapons to f2players, but adding unlockable leases available ingame would be an easy way to refresh stale combat for a majority of players
  8. opgl cant be cooked it replaces primary weapon 5s fuse time 1.75s rof shows up on scoreboard shows up on character
  9. have you tried turning it off and on again?
  10. not everyone is you tho while i have similar difficulty not really understanding high rank silvers (or lower even), its pretty obvious that if you dont care much about the game/combat then you also wont retain much knowledge about it
  11. sure new items would be great but current weapons could be added immediately, whereas new content is relatively low on the list of priorities atm
  12. im pretty neutral about this tbh, id rather there just be more content available for f2p players
  13. the grenade launcher cant be spammed like low yields
  14. hes saying the silvers are doing the same thing to bronzes that they complain the golds do to them i know his grasp on human communication is tenuous at best but its still pretty easy to wade through here
  15. all unmerged characters will still prevent you from using the name, i assume he tried to make a new character with the same name
  16. it wont be gone if no one else was awarded the name
  17. i think you answered your own question homie
  18. current golds will have no choice, because half of them will go silver which will force the other half to do the same thing just to get populated districts idk how i can make this any clearer lol
  19. pretty sure they werent cheating or they wouldnt need to go to bronze to stomp people
  20. why shouldnt more options be added for f2p players?
  21. of course they would, all the current dethreaters would choose silver, or bronze if they could and since silver district would be where the population would be, anyone who wanted gold would have to go there anyway just to get opp especially since being silver would no longer be a reflection of your skill
  22. youre attempting to eliminate dethreating by removing the dethreating part, not the end results 1) a majority of people will not choose to play in gold, which will then cause anyone who does to not play there either and to follow them to populated districts 2) you’ll very likely still find people who simply wont participate against any opp they perceive as difficult, since they’re only in the district for easy opp 3)tbh this is the only part i’m kind of ok with, but it also punishes anyone who is bad at the game and high rank, as they’ll be forced to play with silvers and golds
  23. short version, volunteers were given a tag and the ability to enter any district regardless of threat level so as to better help new players they were instead used to easily stomp new players and pretend to be official staff
  24. if it’s not important then why do u want the option to choose it
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