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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i have a hard time imagining apb with these gfx but maybe im just too used to the old ps2 gfx we have now lol
  2. i dont think there are that many people who have bought the 150 dollar kttw pack lol
  3. iirc they had player volunteers for translating as well, although corralling a bunch of different translations for each line of text would probably take as much time as a professional translation would take money lol
  4. idk when you started but back in 2011-2012 the game was so much worse cheater-wise than its ever been since if you feel like youve hit your personal skill cap id suggest finding a dedicated group of people to play with, a huge part of apb is solid teamwork and it also makes the game a lot more enjoyable
  5. 7.5 / 10 oldies are the goldies
  6. lets be real they've been getting those from day 1 lmao
  7. i dont care where you play or what you do, as long as you dont purposely dethreat tbh i literally just had this discussion in this thread but not everyone cares enough to "tryhard" like that
  8. ok ill give you that one lol but if they were matched up evenly with other bronzes i doubt the match would be an insurmountable challenge not everyone cares to remember the stats on every gun or every map shortcut or every spawn location
  9. you say youve played in bronze districts, would you honestly say the game is pushing them to the limits of their hand eye coordination?
  10. im still lost, what makes this different from just snapping a regular screenshot if the difference is going to get hella technical dont bother, im a moron at heart
  11. so whose going to start a "nerf orbit news updates" thread? rof way too high
  12. well you obviously enjoy the challenge, but not everyone is like that? some people dont play videogames to prove something or to push themselves, in fact im pretty sure the large majority of gamers could be defined as casual you post a long winded thread about an issue that has been repeatedly exhausted for years and expect no one to meme it up? lol
  13. its really the only solution imo, aside from having actual paid employees make up the entirety of the program
  14. theres an admin tracker built into the forums
  15. apb is def not hard core lmao and while winning might not be a casual player's #1 concern its also not really fun to just get stomped into the ground every mission not saying its okay to turn around and do the same thing to bronze players, but its understandable
  16. i mean it doesnt bother me as someone who has spent 5 figures on the game lol
  17. wouldnt bother me a bit im not saying orbit should hand out permanent weapons to f2players, but adding unlockable leases available ingame would be an easy way to refresh stale combat for a majority of players
  18. opgl cant be cooked it replaces primary weapon 5s fuse time 1.75s rof shows up on scoreboard shows up on character
  19. have you tried turning it off and on again?
  20. not everyone is you tho while i have similar difficulty not really understanding high rank silvers (or lower even), its pretty obvious that if you dont care much about the game/combat then you also wont retain much knowledge about it
  21. sure new items would be great but current weapons could be added immediately, whereas new content is relatively low on the list of priorities atm
  22. im pretty neutral about this tbh, id rather there just be more content available for f2p players
  23. the grenade launcher cant be spammed like low yields
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