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Everything posted by vsb

  1. have you tried turning it off and on again
  2. idk what that means but yeah the tommy gun just needs you to drag down to counter recoil regardless of how bad it is its still an armas weapon that was added to f2p progression
  3. what exactly is the issue with this screenshot? 3 high rank silvers and some other silvers vs 3 other high rank silvers and some other other silvers seems fair to me
  4. upping the design limits and then changing something else for premium is only going to shift the whining to that something else tho
  5. thats gonna be a no from me dawg
  6. have you tried taking it off and putting it back on?
  7. it should just be an option like team alliance is, where unopposed teamkills of group members do not result in a lobby kick
  8. i need a dub version so bad / 10 insane genre fusion
  9. i mean, you do unlock a 2slot tommy gun and a 2slot oscar from g1-added contacts any more armas weapons than that and all the morons who’ve spent more money than they have brain cells will start whining
  10. when you beat a dead horse other people will come around and make fun of you for it
  11. i mean all open conflict really needs is a tweak so that missions start with even numbers on each side
  12. they don’t give specific dates for a reason mr q1 2014
  13. if you gift something and then chargeback whoever you gifted it to gets banned if they don’t do it like that, then everyone would just make throwaway accounts to gift free stuff to their mains catch 22
  14. pretty sure there’s a fairfight ban for a Mr. MackxBolan, if you’re going to claim it was a false ban then why can’t everyone else?
  15. /report is and always has been for cheaters exclusively afaik sry bruv, there will always be cheaters
  16. i go in and put stuff in the clearance section and then come back later and demand they sell it to me for clearance price
  17. it’s the exact thing that happened when districts were threat locked, half the gold pop dethreated and the gold districts emptied out within weeks
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