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Everything posted by vsb

  1. both stats should probably go imo, but i guess it would be fine if the crouch modifier was normalized across all oca variants
  2. and here we see why otw is not and should not be available 24/7
  3. i have no issue with joker boxes tbh i’d like an option to not receive anything but an empty box or a legendary, tired of having to redeem and delete weapon leases to keep my mailbox manageable joker ticket option would be cool too
  4. idk if those were supposed to be links or not the thumper mod only affects rof when in marksmanship mode, and it doesnt provide a range increase tbh i'd argue that the thunder mod doesnt make the showstopper a legendary so much as it just makes it a new gun entirely
  5. im partial to shoulder switching spamming myself do it while leaning for extra points
  6. this i havent actually played with them yet, and i realize its just the first round of what looks to be a long test run, but the obeya/obir getting a combined 17m of range is pretty insane imo - even with the rof drawback
  7. i think a cross-server marketplace would be cool, but also probably impossible due to how the servers themselves are set up cross platform seems a little much to me tbh, especially since at this point the pc and console arent even the same version of apb
  8. since this seems to be a bragging thread sold the first one i won, bought 3 more boxes, and won another
  9. would be nice but probably something minor for after the engine upgrade personally i’d like a whole bunch of different selectable animations for running, walking, reloading, etc. orbit could even monetize animation packs for extra income
  10. would be nice but probably something minor for after the engine upgrade personally i’d like a whole bunch of different selectable animations for running, walking, reloading, etc. orbit could even monetize animation packs for extra income
  11. this suggestion deserves a facepalm reaction
  12. if anything it would make mp prices lower since there’s would be a guaranteed way to attain the gun
  13. afaik that’s the loophole that allows a lot of these lootbox type items to be sold
  14. bought 9 JB21 and then got a thunder from the gold loyalty box instead someone buy it for exorbitant amounts of apb money please
  15. joker tickets would be a great addition now that nearly all the armas weapons are available from the joker store perhaps change rewards -every green reward is a 3 day weapon lease or 50-100 JT -every blue reward is a 10-15 day weapon lease or 100-200 JT -every purple reward is a vehicle lease/permanent weapon or 500JT
  16. judging by the new otw testing, the ntec is getting some changes
  17. the thunder joker box is now available on armas, for anyone interested in wasting money
  18. you have to get permission first
  19. vsb


    but if you can just tap fire with every weapon in order to shoot slower, theres no point in putting heavy barrel on your weapon - you get the same effects from manually shooting slower, and if you need to you can still full auto for a faster ttk not sure what that first one means reducing movement speed in marksmanship mode wouldnt have much of an effect, since most long range guns need to move less anyway i kind of like the idea of increasing all recoil (vertical and horizontal), but it would allow the mod to be nearly a straight upgrade on quite a few guns that have little to no recoil in the first place
  20. agreed, seems like a separate suggestion thread tho
  21. welcome back to the meatgrinder, whoever you are
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