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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i’d say the nfas is definitely the best shotgun right now, and by a pretty large margin i also prefer the showstopper to the thunder despite its limited range and it would be pretty stupid for orbit to put in all this work reassuring us that they’re not reloaded/old g1, and then turn around and ruin it by trying the same super obvious business practices
  2. holy fuck well i guess its way more understandable why things are kind of all over the place at least we know reloaded was consistent, making a mess of the game and a mess of armas lmao
  3. i can only wonder if the armas people actually read this thread thoroughly lol
  4. this had been suggested to g1 for several years as far as orbit goes this phase 2 armas revamp seems to be focused entirely on pricing and not actual content, hopefully cross-faction wargear packs (and many other qol armas improvements) will show up in phase 3
  5. some of those are the preset vehicles that you unlock via contacts iirc, that might be why you’ve seen them ingame
  6. blowing up vehicles is not conducive to a safer environment
  7. i agree, and if there was a reward for that it should stay exclusive
  8. it’s not people on your team leaving, it’s people on the other team leaving imagine waiting 20 minutes for opp and then the entire enemy team quits after your team wins one stage
  9. dear lord please no no semi-decent players will ever finish a mission again
  10. i’m fine with having exclusive items that are rare because they required actual effort to acquire logging in on one particular day, or just happening to have an item equipped when rtw shut down is not effort
  11. seems like both account bound packs have been returned to "normal" price, and numerous other items have had price changes/equalizations
  12. vsb


  13. vsb

    Melee Weapons?

    i’m not a fan of adding melee to cover for poor gameplay mistakes (using the wrong weapon for engagement range, getting caught reloading, etc) is your proposed melee mechanic a one hit kill?
  14. vsb


    estoy poopin
  15. man it must suck to pay tax on products that don’t even really exist lol
  16. pretty sure you’re right, g1 changed it so that neither the valentines star or snub were permanent the next year
  17. vsb

    Melee Weapons?

    why bother using a melee weapon when a player can unload a shotgun into his opponents face?
  18. ironic af maybe i would believe you if you hadn’t been typing like an idiot for the entire thread you’re posting on a public message board dumbass, that means the public can also post on the message board i appreciate it bro but i’m pretty sure you’re the joke here first off, not everyone speaks your spaghetti language mr linguine second, telling someone they need manners is a bit hypocritical seeing as you burst into the thread with excessively large formatting and a whole lot of condescension
  19. imagine getting gratification from an item solely because no one else has it nerd
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