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Everything posted by vsb

  1. halve range, double spread/bloom, double reload time, disable marksmanship mode there'd be some annoyingly low TTKs but you'd have to give up so much for it that its a genuine risk
  2. vsb

    Show us your setup!

    spooked i have the same wallpaper except on my phone lol
  3. it’s a windup timer for each shot, that was a pretty brief issue
  4. financial u gotta stop remaking these threads bro
  5. bolt timer, i’m just autistic its more a case case of the issrb being so much better than the oblivion being so much worse, it’s honestly not a bad gun
  6. the strife was always decent the curse had a minor balance change from orbit iirc, still not that great oblivion was pretty drastically changed by orbit (boot timer removed, accuracy improved, etc) still remains a less versatile issrb misery had some orbit balance changes, remains subpar edit: i forgot about the harbinger, which says everything you need to know about it
  7. my bad, they seem to be submissions to a really old customization contest g1 held knew i'd seen them before just derped on where the original thread no longer exists, but heres the contest details http://apbdb.com/track/285493/ and some of the contest winners, which are shown on armas as promo shots http://apbdb.com/track/287906/
  8. i’d say the nfas is definitely the best shotgun right now, and by a pretty large margin i also prefer the showstopper to the thunder despite its limited range and it would be pretty stupid for orbit to put in all this work reassuring us that they’re not reloaded/old g1, and then turn around and ruin it by trying the same super obvious business practices
  9. holy fuck well i guess its way more understandable why things are kind of all over the place at least we know reloaded was consistent, making a mess of the game and a mess of armas lmao
  10. i can only wonder if the armas people actually read this thread thoroughly lol
  11. this had been suggested to g1 for several years as far as orbit goes this phase 2 armas revamp seems to be focused entirely on pricing and not actual content, hopefully cross-faction wargear packs (and many other qol armas improvements) will show up in phase 3
  12. some of those are the preset vehicles that you unlock via contacts iirc, that might be why you’ve seen them ingame
  13. blowing up vehicles is not conducive to a safer environment
  14. i agree, and if there was a reward for that it should stay exclusive
  15. it’s not people on your team leaving, it’s people on the other team leaving imagine waiting 20 minutes for opp and then the entire enemy team quits after your team wins one stage
  16. dear lord please no no semi-decent players will ever finish a mission again
  17. i’m fine with having exclusive items that are rare because they required actual effort to acquire logging in on one particular day, or just happening to have an item equipped when rtw shut down is not effort
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