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Everything posted by vsb

  1. so we should just throw a one shot kill hvr variant on armas for the next loyalty reward right? im thinking $1000 USD should be fine right? after all if you want to be on an even playing field just "cough up" some cash right? weird flex but im pretty sure i have more active premium than you, ive definitely spent more money on apb than you, and i think this should be fixed - where does that factor on your scale of "penniless kid" to "big banana spender" ?
  2. as far as i know innova was not a subsidiary of gamersfirst, they were a completely separate company they paid a licensing fee to host and distribute innova to a specific region (russia) but were in no way owned by g1
  3. this has come up several times over the years and there’s always a split of “yeah ur probably right” and “lol who even cares such a small issue” how strange that this thread is basically the same
  4. little orbit did not take over from innova, nor did they handle the innova merge to nekrova it’s entirely possible that g1 didn’t save an old list of inventory from a long past server merge
  5. agreed, even tho even more people using low yields isnt exactly appealing, they shouldnt be a rank based unlock ideally low yields could also be properly balanced at the same time, but thats another discussion
  6. 7 / 10 synthy possible repost?
  7. it does have an ammo count, but as far as i’m aware it’s impossible to run dry it it likely caused conflicts in the code when the devs tried to make a modification resupply, not to mention it would take forever, i think ammo starts at 1000
  8. it’s not a huge problem, but that also means it shouldn’t be that hard to fix the main thing i dislike is that it just further buffs mods like spotter and blowtorch, both of which have/can have a huge effect on gameplay
  9. tbh it’s still pretty insane even when you know you’re spotted, it’s a free wallhack without having to lose out on a secondary (flaregun) ammo box consumables have negated the penalty of using different orange mods anyway, so there’s really no downside to spotter other than its sometimes wonky performance
  10. it’s a direct advantage over free players that’s not available without paying money that aside, i don’t think i’ve ever heard of anyone buying premium just for the cooldowns, so why not change it
  11. i like to assume that mods will be balanced eventually
  12. just make the premium cooldown times standard, no reason to slow the game down even more
  13. it would certainly be interesting, but idk if having essentially improved rifling x would be all that “legendary” (then again we already have a hunting sight, multiple variations of tagger, and a straight up subpar preset reskin) perhaps a barrel modification that allows for +10m of range (45m) in exchange for -x% rof (aiming for .7s - .75s ttk), might as well get some use out of orbits scrapped improved rifling changes
  14. didn’t it have mob sling too? just an amazing trifecta
  15. i think most of us play in the silver district, so opp isn’t just randomly shooting and walking into radar tower (when the stupid mod decides to work, fix that shit already orbit)
  16. then just don’t? it baffles me that there are so many people who are seemingly incapable of just not paying attention to text that they can’t read
  17. vsb


    all the really good players i can think of dont abuse mechanics because they dont have to, because they're good the type of person you seem to be referring to is not a good player, and thus has to resort to abusing mechanics in an attempt to make up for lack of skill regardless, it would be difficult to determine who exactly to listen to since most of the really good players dont seem to post/visit the forums and when they do they arent the loud whiny types
  18. there are contacts planned to be released after the engine upgrade that will equalize the progression/unlock rewards between console and pc make of that what you will
  19. orbit has confirmed fairfight is disabled and they aren’t going to be using it moving forward
  20. are you purposely being obtuse? there’s a pretty wide spectrum between “innocent” and “burned alive” - how about getting kicked from a clan or losing some online friends? or if this game ever gets back on its feet, how about not being allowed to join a new clan down the road because some rando uploaded a slowmo video of you doing some suspicious play? look at how many dweebs still think wasp/sov/mbah/etc are cheat clans
  21. why are you acting like g1 didn’t have a strict forum policy against name and shame? they wouldnt even even allow the “name and shame” of people who had been banned by fairfight
  22. mattscott has stated that eventually he wants most of the functionality of the advanced launcher to be in the ingame options, so it’s not like much will change
  23. vsb


    no one is going to play a shooter with no recoil in 2019 its painfully obvious you dont understand anything at all about game development - even a complete layperson like me knows why the engine upgrade is necessary (hint: its because the devs cant "just add new maps") Merged. swarm and oblivion off the top of my head
  24. discussion privileges revoked
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