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Everything posted by vsb

  1. accidents happen this is the biggest reason i’d like a “repurchase” feature tbh it makes less sense for armas weapons not to come with an unlock when clothes/symbols/vehicles all do, why should weapons be different
  2. premium itself is going to be cheaper, and there will be a 2 month deal/package/thing
  3. can we get fixed prices on themes, i'm tired of paying millions for glorified midi files :^)
  4. whether jericho is dead or not has zero relevance to my posts in this thread, perhaps take your own advice and "get a clue" ?
  5. the title had issrb, and the og post mentioned both the issrb and the sbsr, i can only assume that socks’ brain couldn’t handle all the letters and had to reformat
  6. better nerf the fbw too then, i bet more cheaters have been banned with an fbw equipped than any other gun balancing your game around cheaters is flat out stupid, you’ll only end up putting your legit player base at even more of a disadvantage because (pro tip) cheaters don’t care how weak a gun is when they can land every shot and outmaneuver their opp
  7. 2FA was supposed to prevent your account from needing to use the tradelock system, afaik we haven’t had any significant updates on that in a while
  8. could just go with the lazy approach and give both weapons full mobility, making them more like an automatic anubis - and get rid of the ridiculous increasing recoil over time, thats a garbage mechanic give it perfect accuracy when jumpshooting so it has its own gimmick, even it it wouldnt be super useful on a 3stk weapon perhaps only the coroner could get these changes, and the irs would remain a heavy weapon (with an appropriate hard damage buff to make it "competitive")
  9. since this seems to be a cyclical season pass thing, will there be an automatic subscription for this or a way to purchase multiple season passes at once?
  10. because our dear friend socks managed to put “issr-b” in both the title and the op, even though he apparently meant the sbsr
  11. any sneak peaks/hints on what these exclusive season items will be (cosmetics/mods/weapons/vehicles/etc) ? will contact prestige eventually make its way into the regular mission-based apb districts, as a way to keep the feeling of progression for r255 (or whatever max rank becomes) players?
  12. the guy who made 10 separate threads in one day is going to ride me about post count lmao the issrb is a sniper rifle that can still compete in mid range and cqc, it has a massive amount of hard damage, it has no mobility restrictions, it can be fired out of a vehicle, it can be used similarly to a burst fire weapon for cheese plays, it does respectable stamina damage, and it currently has the best accuracy while jumpshooting of any weapon for whatever that’s worth on a 4stk weapon the only real real downside it has is the preset silencer, it’s lack of uber long range capabilities (altho it only ever becomes a 7stk), and the $20 usd price tag none of these things make it op (except possibly the excessive hard damage) because it’s not the best at anything, imo that changes as soon as it excels at one thing and is decent at everything else the issrb actually does more hard damage per magazine than a dmr av does under 88m
  13. uh the issrb is insanely versatile, i’m pretty sure any buff at all would push it into op territory
  14. yup, it was exactly as stupid as i thought thanks hoss
  15. you’re gonna have to explain this one i really hope it’s not as stupid as i think it is
  16. we are still talking about the apb community, right?
  17. i find it hard to take someone seriously when #bringbacktiggs is right under their name
  18. tfw the company that owns apb is actually listening to its player testers this is both concerning and reassuring as a stable game experience is arguably the biggest draw of the engine upgrade, but at least you guys are aware of this before testing/launching
  19. yes? its not like cheats are heroin or something, you just stop whenever you want lol the "best" apb closets over the years have all been decent to good players that only sparingly used cheats for that extra little boost, thats arguably the biggest reason (besides downright trash anticheats) for the crazy cheater paranoia over the years - its a lot harder to spot someone cheating when they really understand the game
  20. the obeya has a very forgiving damage dropoff, even at 100m its only an 8stk but thats why i specifically said
  21. i thought you quit because you didnt like free market economies
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