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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i think the game was down for up to 36 hours when g1 was first implementing mitigation
  2. while both the obeya and the obir technically occupy the same ranges, they each have their own well developed niches the obeya excels at longer ranges due to its accuracy and incredibly forgiving damage dropoff the obir excels at closer ranges (including cqc) due to its very high burst damage and overdamage both guns are versatile and both guns are strong options but neither is out of line imo - if you really want to change something, the obir has a ridiculously high reserve ammo count
  3. what can i say i’m a very vocal person
  4. aside from the obvious potential bias, i find this hard to believe would you care to provide a link to this study? i’m genuinely interested in reading it
  5. i’m flattered that you’re thinking about me, but i’m already in a relationship this damn game won’t let me go :^)
  6. as cool as that is not everyone has potentially hours to sit in an empty district before they even start actually playing
  7. i like the map, i hate the gameplay wf is much more aesthetically interesting than financial imo
  8. even going back to the 2018 recap blog post mattscott is talking about updating console 3.5 builds, not updating consoles to 3.5 consoles have been on 3.5 since their release, the community has long assumed that g1 made a bad deal that resulted in another studio botching the engine upgrade release
  9. the engine upgrade was required for regular content updates, or at least that’s what we were told by g1
  10. it’s difficult for anyone to understand your thought process
  11. i fail to see the scam were you charged for more than 1199 g1c? did you not receive a name change upon purchase?
  12. you've decided to ignore (or just aren't smart enough to understand) the actual point of my post - that your perceived minimal personal impact does not absolve/justify your actions we have no idea if the game would truly be in same place it is today, because we have no idea how many people you affected are how much you affected them there aren't two sides to this argument unless you truly think that someone who has quit the game because of cheaters has the same thoughts/opinions as someone who still plays, similarly i know for a fact your opinions on cheating arent shared by all cheaters (hint: i disagree) there are numerous stances on cheating all fueled by different perspectives, if everyone understood everything there would be no point in debating i think there's a logical fallacy here as (for example) you don't need to murder someone to understand the effects murder has on other people, thats a ridiculous statement this analogy sucks the community is the industry, let's not pretend that companies would invest hundreds of millions of dollars into digital products if no one was buying them source - https://resources.irdeto.com/irdeto-global-gaming-survey more than 50% doesn't seem small or "minimal" are you implying that you would know that information? i hope not because while its doubtful that there's anyone with complete knowledge of financial damage caused by cheaters, only someone with access to an actual company's metrics would be able to give any concrete info on this topic and even then likely only for that specific company being a cheater doesnt magically give you knowledge of the effects your actions have any more than being legit magically gives you knowledge of why cheaters cheat in the first place you seem to think that your opinion is fact despite admitting to not experiencing all perspectives related to cheating and its effects
  13. if natural skill is inherently unbalanced then how do you propose to make the game equal? forget the fbw rate of fire, this imbalance goes all the way down to basic shooter foundations - how would you change apb to equalize all players’ different reaction times? different hand eye coordination? different situational awareness? different multitasking abilities? if there somehow is a way to remove natural skill, a way to “balance” apb, don’t you think that would also remove the fun of playing? after all a perfectly balanced game should theoretically have no winners and no losers, the outcome of every mission would be determined as a tie before the mission even started and if no one wins and no one loses, what exactly is the point of apb? i look forward to your (laughable) answers for a perfectly balanced video game
  14. 2 yoods? for gods sake who let this happen rip apb
  15. extended magazine makes my threat level hurt
  16. but literally anything is minimal in the "grand scheme"
  17. no no, i was diagnosed with a severe lack of brain cells years ago i fear it may be terminal tbh
  18. "skill based team shooter should remove skill based advantages" did you actually think about this thread or did you get rolled by a team of "pros" and come to whine on the forums? big fucking edit: i REALLY hope you're joking, because every semi-automatic weapon has a set fire rate that cannot be exceeded ("rhythm") if you don't even understand the basics of an entire weapon category you don't deserve to have an opinion on how that category is balanced
  19. what else will i use as an excuse when i lose a fight and my inflated sense of skill can’t handle it?
  20. who knew we had so many accomplished psychologists within the apb community :^)
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